[Slashing the World] can be learned?!

Then why hesitate?

Such a magical skill, it would be a waste to spend more time thinking about it!

Lu Ling thought so in his heart, and the whole person fell into ecstasy.

But it's no wonder, that's [Slashing the World]!

The strongest skill that can ignore all defenses!

Even Sukuna relied on it to defeat Gojo Satoru!

It can be said that it is the strongest magical skill in the world of Jukai!

"calm down"

"Is it so easy to learn [Slashing the World]? This is obviously unreasonable........"

"According to the characteristics of the system, the more powerful the skills, the more conditions they should require!"

After a moment of joy, Lu Ling also came back to his senses.

In order to get the efficiency of using mana (intermediate), the system required him to increase the level of the total amount of mana to level 40. In terms of enhancement points, that is 637,000 enhancement points!

And [Slashing the World] is obviously much more difficult than the efficiency of using mana (intermediate)!

So Lu Ling speculated that if he could learn it with enhancement points, it would probably take a million points.

As the saying goes, the greater the benefit, the greater the price.

This is the bondage.

The system has always adhered to this rule.

He can't just see the power of [Slashing the World] and ignore the cost of learning it.

"System, learn."

Lu Ling confirmed with the system.

No matter what, he should learn first.

As for what other conditions are required later, Lu Ling plans to take it one step at a time.

【Successfully obtained. Currently learning"The Slash That Cuts the World", current progress 12%】


This was a rather new word. It was the first time that Lu Ling heard the system say this.

Usually, when he learned skills, he either put in points directly or met certain conditions.

But without exception, he mastered 100% of the progress in an instant! But this time, it started from 12%, which Lu Ling was quite curious about.

"Why is it 12% instead of 5% or 25%?%?"

He was surprised by the number 12%. Lu Ling wanted to know how the system came up with this number.

So he clicked on [Severing World Slash (12%)】Skills

【"The slash that cuts off the world. Full learning condition: Watch this move 25 times at close range. Current number of observations: 3】


So that's how it is.

Lu Ling was silent for a moment, then shook his head helplessly.

Sure enough, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Now there are two good news and one bad news.

The good news is that learning [Severing the World] does not require any reinforcement points, and you can learn it directly after meeting the conditions! It saves him perhaps millions of reinforcement points!

The bad news is that this condition is much more difficult than simply getting reinforcement points!!

"How can I watch the remaining 22 times?"

Lu Ling couldn't help but ask, thinking in his mind.

You know, it was a great coincidence that he could see [Severing the World] this time.


"I also have achievement mode available"

"Since the number of observations in the achievement mode counts as progress"

"Then I just need to find the right achievement, and I can quickly learn it!"

Lu Ling, who has a series of understandings of the system, immediately began to think about how to use it to quickly learn [Slashing the World].

He believes that the key to learning lies in the achievement mode!

If he can make good use of the achievement mode, then learning [Slashing the World] should not be a difficult task.

"I just happen to have one last achievement mode left!"

"You can try to summon Moxu Luo again to make some progress."

Lu Ling clenched his fists.

Now he has completed two of the three achievements, leaving only the last one [Ashura] to challenge.

Lu Ling also planned to use this challenge to prove whether his study plan is feasible.

"With a"pop", he jumped high, then touched the transparent crack in the air with his palm, and began the final achievement challenge in this building.

【Do you want to challenge the achievement mode?】


With Lu Ling's confirmation, he returned to the 35th floor of the building where he met Zhu Ye.

As soon as he arrived at the battlefield, the cursed spirits on the 35th floor rushed towards him, and Lu Ling did not tolerate them.

""Curse Spirit Capture."

A strong suction force burst out from his hand.

Although Lu Ling's current level was weakened by half due to the influence of Shura Mode, the suppression power of Curse Spirit Capture on those low-level curse spirits was absolute!

Countless curse spirits were twisted and deformed under the pull of the suction force, and were rolled into black balls by Lu Ling.

In just a moment, except for a second-level curse spirit in the whole room, all other low-level curse spirits were killed by Lu Ling instantly.


The second-level cursed spirit that saw this scene immediately lost its will to fight, and began to curl up in the corner and kept making pitiful cries.

But Lu Ling would not show mercy, and deep blue energy emerged.

He quickly approached, and then used the power of the curse to condense his palm and slapped the cursed spirit a few times, and it was completely shattered.

Even if Lu Ling's strength was reduced to half of the original, he would have no problem dealing with the second-level cursed spirit.

"not now"

"It's not time to summon Moxu Luo yet."

After all, this is a one-on-many achievement.

If Lu Ling summons Moxu Luo now, killing even one curse spirit may cause his mission to fail.

So before reaching the door of the 48th floor, that is, before there is only one special curse spirit left.

Lu Ling will not summon Moxu Luo.

After checking whether there are any remaining curse spirits on this floor, he will start to head to the next floor.

"Curse Spirit Capture"

"Curse Spirit Capture"......

The process was very smooth. After all, Lu Ling had fought many special-level battles recently.

Now he came to a battlefield with only level 2 to 4. It was like bombing a fish pond. It didn't take him much time between the 36th and 47th floors.

Basically, he just captured the curse spirit, killed the level 2 curse spirit instantly, checked the room, and went to the next floor.......These four actions were repeated continuously.

Lu Ling did not even stop to rest.

"I didn't expect that I could complete the task faster than Mr. Zhuye and I."

Although they are both second-level sorcerers, there is a big gap between Zhuye and Lu Ling.

Zhuye's strength and experience are excellent. There is no doubt about that.

But his physical fitness is still far behind Lu Ling, who has the Heaven and Curse Binding. He can't maintain high-intensity exercise for a long time like Lu Ling.

Zhuye needs time to rest, so it will take some time.

Lu Ling doesn't need

"Well, I wonder how many times I can watch it this time?"

"【The Slash That Cuts the World】"

Lu Ling walked slowly to the door of the 48th floor and raised his fists to his chest one after another.

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