Now that only the last special-grade cursed spirit is left, Lu Ling can use Moxu Luo with confidence!

"""Burube Yura Yura."

As he chanted the prayer, the ritual of subduing Moxu Luo was completed, and a pale white cocoon appeared on Lu Ling's back.

"Okay, follow the original plan."

With a"bang", Lu Ling used the power of the curse to kick open the door on the 48th floor.

Because he was serious this time, the iron door was carried directly into the floor by this huge force!

Because the [Shura] mode corresponds to the initial copy, and Lu Ling's action speed is very fast.

So at this time, Baikou is still in the cursed fetus state, and there is no way to avoid this attack

"With a"pop" sound, the door was deeply embedded in the bloated body of the cursed spirit!

"I'm sorry to bother you with your molting."

"I hope you will like the gift I brought you."

Lu Ling stepped into the 48th floor and said in a mocking tone.


The special grade cursed spirit, still in the cursed fetus state, let out a low roar. If it hadn't been concentrating on shedding its skin, it would have rushed forward and chopped the damned human in front of it into pieces!!

"Wait, I don't want you to misunderstand"

"The gift I'm talking about is not the door just now, but this......"

Lu Ling raised his thumb and pointed back


At this time, Baikou, who was still in the state of curse, discovered that there was something behind this human, and that thing was constantly growing.

The threat it brought to the curse spirit made the curse spirit very uneasy.

"Well, then, you have to work hard."

""I'll go first."

After saying that, Lu Ling gave it a pitying smile. Then he activated the advanced invisibility technique and left here silently.

The Curse Spirit was left unable to move, looking confused.

What on earth was this human doing?

"Well, let's see how long the Curse Spirit can hold out."

Lu Ling, who was in stealth mode, quietly retreated to a safe corner.

This time he chose a good position, and he would not be affected by the wide-area attack of Qiankou as before.

Moreover, the reason why Qiankou could have such great destructive power was entirely the result of the system's strengthening!

Now that Baikou's strength has been greatly reduced, he definitely does not have the strength of the last game!

"I hope I can see [The Slash That Cuts the World】"

Lu Ling's encouragement was sincere. After all, [Slashing the World] was the product of Moxu Luo's deep adaptation!

In other words, if Baikou had been defeated before Moxu Luo had deep adaptation, then Lu Ling would not have been able to observe [Slashing the World].

And this is very likely to happen!!

"Let's observe first. If it doesn't work, I will use the spell to adjust the strength."

With the two spells of [Become Stronger] and [Become Weaker] in hand, he can change the fighting power of others in a great way.

If the battle situation becomes one-sided, then Lu Ling will take action to balance the fighting power of both sides!!


Lu Ling had just left.

A thunderous roar was heard!

The strongest shikigami, Moxu Luo, was completely formed. The pale shikigami came to Baikou with heavy steps.

At the same time, under the dual pressure of Lu Ling and Moxu Luo,

Baikou also accelerated the speed of molting!

"With a"puff" sound, a green-skinned humanoid cursed spirit appeared in front of the pale shikigami, accompanied by the expansion and explosion of the huge cursed spirit.

However, Baikou's face was not good at the moment, and there was no joy of rebirth at all.

It could see from the size of Moxu Luo and the sword of exorcism in his hand that radiated positive energy that this guy was definitely not an opponent to be trifled with!

A birthday might turn into a death anniversary!

"Cut it off!"

The special-grade curse spirit immediately cast a spell on Moxu Luo!

At the same time, Moxu Luo's sword of exorcism also slashed at it!



Two voices came, Moxu Luo and Baikou hit each other at the same time, and were attacked by each other at the same time!

Although both were injured, the impacts on the two were very different!!

A thin red line appeared on Moxu Luo's chest, and then it recovered in the blink of an eye with the wriggling of flesh and blood.

Baikou fell to the floor and twitched wildly. Countless cracks began to spread from the opponent's chest that was hit by the sword of exorcism!

The positive energy brought a devastating blow to its negative energy body, and the severe pain deep into the soul made Baikou lose his ability to fight for a while.

The victory and defeat were decided in an instant.

"Damn, the gap is really big!"

Lu Ling, who was watching the whole duel, felt helpless.

There was no way, Moxu Luo, who possessed the sword of exorcism, was the nemesis of all cursed spirits.

Except for the"Curse Queen" Rika, Lu Ling had not seen another special cursed spirit favored by the exorcists who could stand up!

"In this case, it seems that we need to intervene manually."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to see [The Slash That Cuts the World]."

He quietly sneaked between Moxu Luo and Qiankou, and then suddenly lifted the advanced invisibility technique.

After all, in the state of advanced invisibility, he couldn't use the magic power and the technique.


Lu Ling's sudden appearance startled Moxu Luo. He was about to finish off the enemy with a blow, but his movements slowed down slightly.

"Become stronger!"

""Become weaker!"

Taking advantage of this gap, Lu Ling seized the opportunity and quickly cast two spells!

The Baikou lying on the ground seemed to be injected with some kind of stimulant, and its body began to swell rapidly. It stood up despite the positive energy corrosion on the chest wound!

"Cut it off."

It cast a spell on itself, directly cutting off the wound that Moxu Luo had just cut with the Demon Sword. Then it used the spell power to recover.


After doing these steps, the special grade curse spirit finally got rid of the shadow of death.

On the other hand, the muscles of Moxu Luo began to shrink after Lu Ling cast a curse, and its originally strong body suddenly became thin.

The strengthening and weakening of curses depend on the level of Lu Ling's curse.

At present, Lu Ling's curse level is level 10, which means that the amplification effect of the strengthening of the curse and the weakening effect of the weakening of the curse can affect the value by a full double!

Now Baikou's strength is twice as strong as before! But Moxu Luo's strength is only half of the original!

As one grows stronger, the other loses, and the gap between them is shortened a lot!

"Okay, round two begins."

"You guys continue, I'll go first."

After doing all this, Lu Ling once again used the advanced invisibility technique to disappear into the air.

At the same time

"With a"click" sound, accompanied by the sound of gears turning, the magic circle above Moxu Luo's head turned a circle!

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