Tokyo, downtown, a building

"【Isn't that a technique used specifically for hiding?"

"Can this thing block special grade curse spirits?"

Lu Ling couldn't help but ask curiously.

In response, Zhu Ye showed a proud look on his face.

"Don't underestimate the account."

"It is essentially a kind of barrier technique. As long as the conditions are met, it will exert unimaginable power."


After hearing what Zhuye said, Lu Ling seemed to remember it.

【The [Tension] can also be set up like a restraint.

When the cursed spirits attacked the high school, they set up a [Tension] specifically to stop Gojo Satoru.

Its strength was so high that Gojo Satoru even spent some effort to break it.

Since it can affect the strongest sorcerer in modern times, it is indeed not difficult to trap a mere special-grade cursed spirit.

"It seems that the world of magic is not as simple as I thought."

"Even without special grade sorcerers, we can guarantee the minimum stability of society."

Lu Ling said with a little surprise.

He thought that the current high school would basically be unable to deal with special grade sorcerers without the help of Gojo Satoru and Kujuku Yuki.

He didn't expect that there was such a trick.

Zhu Ye shook his head, showing a completely different opinion.

"That's not the case, Lu Ling"

"When the decision to seal it was made, it meant that this special grade cursed spirit had already caused quite a lot of casualties."

"This is just a last resort"

"Instantly suppress the special-grade cursed spirits to minimize their casualties"

"This is one of the reasons why special grade sorcerers are so important."

To put it bluntly, the stability of today's society is basically due to Gojo Satoru alone.

It is because of his strongest military force in modern times that curse spirits and curse masters dare not act recklessly.

Therefore, Gojo Satoru is so busy.

"That's true."

Lu Ling nodded.

But then again, as a sorcerer, he seemed to have never used [Tension] once.

It's not that he didn't do it on purpose.

It's just that Lu Ling doesn't know this trick.

It seems that if a large-scale melee occurs later, [Tension] must be mastered.

Lu Ling thought so in his heart.

Later, he planned to make up for some basic skills of sorcerers.

"Now that the matter is settled, let's go back quickly."

Zhu Ye said to Lu Ling.

He was really tired that night.

He climbed dozens of floors and killed many cursed spirits with Lu Ling!

During the period, he was almost shot in the head by a special cursed spirit, and was thrown out from a height of about 50 floors.

This series of experiences made him feel exhausted both physically and mentally.

Zhu Ye urgently needed to rest.


Lu Ling nodded. He had originally planned to leave here.......

""Lu Ling. Why are you here?"

Just as Lu Ling and Zhu Ye were about to leave the building, they heard a very familiar voice.

The person who came was Ichi Chieko, the assistant supervisor of the Tokyo Metropolitan College of Jujutsu.

Unlike freelance sorcerers who accept missions, members of the college usually arrange assistant supervisors to carry out logistics work when accepting and executing missions.

Because assistant supervisors basically have no combat capabilities, they are prohibited from participating in combat. The person who came to assist Zhu Ye Taku this time was Lu Ling's old acquaintance, Ichi Chieko.

"Damn, this sense of presence......"

Lu Ling was also shocked when he saw him again.

Logically, Yi Dizhi should have been near this building just now.

But he didn't find him!

If Lu Ling didn't know his background, he would have thought that Yi Dizhi was also a master who could use [Absolute]

"I feel like you're thinking about something rude."

As if he had seen through Lu Ling's thoughts, Yidizhi touched his glasses and said.

Then he turned his head to Zhuye.

"The seal application of the college has been approved."

"After that, we will assist the supervisors. You can retreat first."

"Now I will go and discuss the issue of evacuation with the current president......."

"Wait, why are you looking at me like that?......"

Yizhidi Gaojie looked at Lu Ling and Zhuye with complicated expressions and felt puzzled.

"Here's what's going on......"

At this time, Lu Ling jumped out and explained the whole story to him.


"This kind of thing actually happened....."

"You are worthy of it. Lu Ling."

Ijichi looked calm, as if he had expected it.

But Zhuye's face changed.

Damn, this is a special grade.

This guy defeated the special grade single-handedly.

Why do you have such a reaction?! You make me a little embarrassed.

In fact, Zhuye didn't know that Ijichi had taken Lu Ling to participate in two missions.

The first time was Lu Ling's internship mission. That time Lu Ling met the special grade curse master Xia Youjie and successfully survived under his hands!

The second time was Yuta Otsutsuki's internship mission. At that time, Yuta Otsutsuki and Lu Ling were trapped in the field!

Two special grade cursed spirits were eyeing them, but in the end Lu Ling solved them all!

Including this time, Lu Ling has faced a special grade crisis for the third time.

To be honest, Ijichi has a certain resistance to this.

"But, after hearing what you said, there is something fishy going on."

"Let's call the current president out and ask him about it."

"After all, it is basically impossible for a special-grade curse spirit to be born in this place!"

He said so.

Lu Ling and Zhu Ye looked at each other and nodded.......

Half an hour later, a middle-aged man with a mustache arrived.

He looked haggard, and it seemed that the appearance of the cursed spirit in the building was a very difficult matter for him.

"Mr. Okita, have you been doing anything related to the occult recently?"

"Or did your father have any contact with any suspicious people before his death?"

Ichichi asked.

The previous president who died mysteriously was the father of the current president. As the closest person, the current president should know some inside information.


The man called Mr. Okita also sighed and then told the whole story.

"One day when my father was in office, he suddenly gave all the company's profits to a cult."

"Such stupid behavior will naturally push the company to a dead end."

"After that, he was bedridden."

"I went to all the major hospitals and spent a lot of money on examinations."

"But in the end, all the doctors gave the same answer, that is, there is nothing serious."

At this point, Mr. Okita seemed to think of something sad, and wiped his tears with a handkerchief.

"Under the pressure of company bankruptcy and father's serious illness"

"Although I was not a superstitious person before"

"But now I have to seek help from God......."

"Just when I was most desperate, a foreign wizard came to my door."

"He gave me a blueprint and told me that the layout of my company was not very good. If I renovated it according to the design on the blueprint, my luck would turn around."

"So, I......"

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