"The layout is not good? Decoration?"

"Why does it sound familiar?......"

Lu Ling felt strange after listening to the current president's words.

Isn't this the routine of some Feng Shui masters in China?

He did not expose it immediately, but continued to listen to the current president continue to say

"After the renovation, the company's condition has indeed improved a lot, and the employees are working harder than before."

"Even my father's condition has improved and he can go back to work."

"But one day, an accident happened."

"First, employees on the 35th floor began to report seeing something strange, and then the jump occurred."

"I didn't take it seriously at first."

Mr. Okita's face showed some bitterness, and it felt like he was very regretful now.

But it's no wonder.

The number of abnormal deaths and disappearances in Japan is more than 10,000 per year on average, and it is known as a country of suicide.

They are used to suicides.

Non-magicians don't know the existence of curse spirits, and just regard this phenomenon as a manifestation of people's excessive stress.

But Lu Ling, Zhu Ye and other professional magicians found something wrong as soon as they heard it.

"Until one day, my father also passed away. I realized"

"After that, I started to explore above the 35th floor myself."

"Sure enough, I saw many supernatural phenomena, such as blood flowing out of the faucet in the toilet, the movements of the person in the mirror were different from those in reality, and there were some strange names in the employee list for no apparent reason......Wait."

Lu Ling felt her scalp tingling just by listening to him.

Good man, no wonder your employees committed suicide.

Working in such an environment, it would be strange if they didn't have psychological problems!

"I also tried to handle this matter through public forces, but no matter how many police came"

"All these supernatural phenomena were unsuccessful."

"As these phenomena began to become more frequent and more serious"

"Finally, the police didn't want to deal with this mess anymore, so they gave up."

At this point, the current president's face was gloomy again, as if he had returned to the desperate situation when his father was seriously ill and the company was on the verge of bankruptcy.

"After a few more suicides, I finally started looking for help from the mysterious forces again."

"This time, I found the one who is Mr. Ino, a sorcerer."

The current president couldn’t control his body trembling and asked excitedly:

"How was it? Was it successful this time?"

"Those ghosts have been eliminated, right?!"

With Ino nodding,

Okita finally breathed a sigh of relief, as if a burden had been lifted from him!

"Thank you very much!!"

"If you need any help from me, just let me know!"

The current president came close to them, and his excessive enthusiasm made everyone feel uncomfortable.

"Um, Mr. Okita"

"If possible, can you show us the design that the wizard gave you before?"

Lu Ling said so.

According to the conversation just said by the current president, he felt that the reason why this building had such a change was most likely due to the so-called"changing pattern".

"Oh, oh. Of course there is no problem."

The current president is not a fool, and he immediately knew the key to the problem.

He also suspected this, but he never had the opportunity to verify it.

He took out his mobile phone and made a call.

After a while, a piece of white paper was delivered to Lu Ling.

Zhuye and Yizhidi also gathered around, they were also curious about what was written on it.

Lu Ling spread out the drawing.

Dense lines and various professional terms immediately appeared in front of him.

"Ah, this."

The three of them were confused at the same time. After all, they were sorcerers, not architects, so naturally they couldn't see any clues.

"It seems that there is nothing unusual to find now."

Lu Ling turned to look at the current president and asked

"What are the distinctive features of the wizard you are talking about? What does he look like? Does he have a noticeable seam on the top of his head?"


Hearing Lu Ling's words, the current president was also stunned, and then nodded quickly.

"Ah, yes. Sir, do you know him too?"

Lu Ling wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Damn, I just guessed it casually, but I didn't expect to guess it right.

With such obvious features, it would be hard for him not to recognize it.

Isn't this Nose?!

And from the information obtained from Mr. Okita, this should be a trap set before it was caught by Gojo Satoru.

Something completely different from the original happened, but Lu Ling was not surprised.

After all, due to his interference, the plot had already begun to change.

In the original work, Geto Suguru had never joined forces with Nose, and Fushiguro Miki had not been abducted by the Zenin family.......

""Sir, is there anything wrong?"

Having been in the business world for many years, Okita has developed the ability to read people's expressions. Seeing Lu Ling's face change slightly, he also became nervous and quickly began to ask Lu Ling

"Yes, and it’s a big problem."

"If you don't want these weird things to happen every now and then"

"It would be best to change the original layout to the same one."

Lu Ling stared at the current president seriously and said.

His attitude was very serious, although he didn't know what means the sorcerer used to turn this building into such a devil's cave.

But for a sorcerer with thousands of years of experience, it would not be surprising no matter what kind of tricks he mastered!!

"Yes Yes!"

"I will definitely change it back later."

Hearing the seriousness in Lu Ling's tone, Okita naturally realized the seriousness of the matter.

So he nodded and agreed

"Well, it's really over now."

Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not enough to just solve the curse spirit in the building!

If the root problem - the building layout - is not solved, then it will only be a temporary solution.

What happened today will happen again in the future.

And not all the time, Lu Ling will come to save them.

Then there will definitely be a large-scale bloodshed!

"Mr. Yidizhi, can you leave this blueprint with me first?"

Lu Ling asked Yidizhi.

"Of course."

Although as an assistant supervisor, he had the obligation and responsibility to send this blueprint back to the high school.

But the achievements of the young man in front of him had fully proved that he was an extremely good sorcerer.

So there was absolutely no problem with this thing staying in his hands!

"By the way, do you want me to take you back to the college?"

"At this time, there are probably no cars."


Lu Ling was also shocked when he heard what Yi Zhidi said. He quickly took out his cell phone and checked the time.

It showed 22:00.

""It's been so long?"

Lu Ling couldn't help but sigh. He originally wanted to go to the Zen Temple private hospital after dealing with the matter of this building.

But it was so late, so he gave up the idea.

Although not having a car was a reason.

But with the strengthening of the spell power, Lu Ling could still rush there immediately, and now there were not many people and he didn't have to worry about being exposed.

The real main reason was: he was indeed a little tired.

And compared with physical fatigue, his mental fatigue was more serious!

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