In the square of the Hengshan Sect,

Tie Shou and the others directly commanded the army to surround and kill everyone in the Wuyue Sword Sect after receiving Su Chen's order. They also discovered Dongfang Bubai next to Su Chen. This time they did not suspect that Dongfang Bubai was a fake. The people of the imperial concubine, with Su Chen by Dongfang Bubai's side, did not think that Dongfang Bubai would pretend to be the imperial concubine.

Duan Tianya looked at the many people watching the excitement around him and shouted loudly,"People in the Jianghu on Hengshan Mountain, please pay attention. Everyone who is not a member of the Five Mountains Sword Sect should leave here quickly, otherwise they will be killed without mercy."

The Jianghu people on the Hengshan Sect Square After hearing Duan Tianya's words, they all quickly left the Hengshan faction.

They did not want to be accidentally killed by the imperial army.

It seems that this time the imperial court is going to destroy the Five Mountains Sword Sect that caused the dispute. However, I am afraid that the Sun and Moon God Sect will also be destroyed. The Sun and Moon God Sect is even more disobedient to the court's laws than the Five Mountains Sword Sect.

When Duan Tianya saw the Jianghu people leaving one after another, he ordered a general next to him,"General Duan, order the army to prepare. All the Wuyue Sword Sects, except the Hengshan Sect, will be killed without mercy.""


"Crossbows and archers are ready!"

The rest of the Wuyue Sword Sect except the Hengshan Sect were panicked, especially when they saw the army preparing to shoot them. This made the people of the Wuyue Sword Sect feel even worse. The leader of the Hengshan Sect, Mr. Mo Da, is now very He was so frightened that he regretted taking refuge in Yue Buqun as soon as the Emei sect's Miejie Shitai arrived. If he had known about the arrival of the Emei sect's Miejie Shitai, how could he have taken refuge in that hypocrite Yue Buqun?

But this time the imperial army arrived. He wanted to destroy his Hengshan Sect and the other Three Swordsmen Sect.

Mr. Mo Da didn’t want the Hengshan Sect to be destroyed in his hands.

"Sir, our Five Mountains Sword Sect has always respected the imperial court, why do we do this?"

Duan Tianya shook his head when he heard the words of Mr. Mo Da, the head of the Hengshan Sect.

They had already investigated what the Wuyue Sword Sect was doing when they came to the Hengshan Sect. It can be said that the Wuyue Sword Sect, except for the pure-minded Hengshan Sect, There can be one good person among the other Siyue Sword Sects.

The Jianghu Sect not only occupies fertile land, but even kills people with violence at every turn.

This is against the laws of the Xuantian Empire.

"Respect the court? Why don't I see you respecting the imperial court? Your Hengshan sect not only occupies the fields around Hengshan, but you have also been killing people and committing crimes for many years in Hengshan City. Who of the people in Hengshan City don’t hate you, the Hengshan sect?"

Mr. Mo Da's face changed drastically when he heard Duan Tianya's words.

Jianghu sects kill people at every turn and even occupy fertile land.

This had already started when the Ming Empire ruled the Western Continent. The court did not care about Jianghu people, and Jianghu people did not interfere with the court's affairs. , this is already a tacit understanding formed between the court and the Jianghu people.

And the Xuantian Empire is not only powerful, but also very powerful.

It seems that the Xuantian Empire is going to break the tacit understanding formed by the Jianghu people and the court.

Mr. Mo Da said to Duan Tianya with a pale face They hurriedly saluted and said,"Sir, I will control the disciples of the Hengshan Sect from now on, and please give the Hengshan Sect a chance.""


Duan Tianya refused expressionlessly.

This is an order from His Majesty the Emperor. This is not something he can decide privately. Besides, the other members of the Siyue Sword Sect have all died innocently. Duan Tianya will not let these Jianghu people continue to do evil.

"Master, if we fight with the imperial army, we will all die anyway, and we cannot make it easier for the imperial army."

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die!"

"Sir, don’t kill me. I’m quitting the Hengshan sect. I’m quitting the Hengshan sect now."

"I also quit the Hengshan Sect. The Hengshan Sect violated the laws of the imperial court for some reason or another. I will no longer be a disciple of the Hengshan Sect."

"I also quit the Taishan sect and beg you to be kind and let us go."

"Sir, I was forced by Yue Buqun. I also quit the Huashan sect. Please let me live."

"Yes, we were all forced by Yue Buqun, please have mercy."..........

The disciples of the Siyue Sword Sect in the Hengshan Sect Square are now anxious to distance themselves from their relationship with their sect. Some of them even give up their face and dignity in order to survive.

"Crossbow archers are ready, let go!"

Swish swish swish"........


"I don't want to die! help me!"

"Pfft, save.....I!"

"ah! What a ruthless court! I......"

"Go up and fight with the imperial army.....ah!"

After a round of shooting by military crossbows and archers, the entire Hengshan Sect Square was filled with shot and injured Jianghu people.

Thousands of disciples of the Siyue Sword Sect suffered heavy casualties, but this It was just the beginning. The army's crossbows and archers had no intention of stopping. Round after round of crossbows and archers continued to kill the disciples of the Siyue Sword Sect of the Hengshan Sect.

Various people in the square The masters of the Sword Sect tried to avoid being shot by crossbows and archers, and even used other disciples of the Siyue Sword Sect as shields to resist the shooting of archers.

"Military shield prepared, kill!"

Dong dong dong......

Huge military shields were erected in front of the army and they began to advance neatly towards the square. Behind the military shields, the troops holding Changge were ready to kill the besieged disciples of the Siyue Sword Sect.

"Get everyone from the six doors to me!"Tie Shou saw the army begin to advance towards the square, and he ordered to hundreds of masters with six doors.

"Yes, my lord!"

When Tie Shou and the others rushed into the square with six masters,

Dongfang Bubai was furious now.

She was about to be driven crazy by that bastard Su Chen.

This bastard not only threatened to take back the Blue Bird Jade Pendant, but even He threatened her that if she disobeyed, she would not be able to see her sister for the rest of her life. This made Dongfang Bubai want to tear this bastard into pieces.

Su Chen saw Dongfang Bubai's angry chest rising and falling, so he smiled and said," Xiaobai, I'm just Yue Buqun. This is just a piece of cake for you."

"Don't call me Xiaobai, you damn shameless bastard!"Dongfang Bubai's face turned blue and he cursed at Su Chen,

"cough! So do you like me to call you Dabai? Or do you like me to call you Xiaobaibai?"


Dongfang Bubai stared at Su Chen with a cold look.

She knew she had to listen to this bastard this time.

Otherwise, even if she had the Blue Bird Jade Pendant, this bastard might make the Xuantian Empire officials and the army disobey her with just one word. Order, she might even never see her sister Dongfang Lin in the future.

Su Chen looked at Dongfang Bubai's angry and helpless look and laughed,"Hahaha! Xiaobai, go and kill that disgusting bastard Yue Buqun. From now on, we will travel around the world and fly together."

"Shameless pervert."

Dongfang Bubai didn't want to listen to this bastard's nonsense anymore.

She jumped and quickly attacked Yue Buqun.

The bastard Su Chen's nonsense was so disgusting to her that it even gave her goosebumps. Come out.

Why are you wandering around the world with him?

What kind of two nights and two nights?

That bastard is a shameless pervert.

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