In the square of the Hengshan Sect, as the army advanced, the remaining disciples of the Siyue Sword Sect were surrounded and killed by the army.

The disciples of the Siyue Sword Sect in the square were not surrounded by military shields and stabbed to death by Chang Ge. He was directly shot to death by the crossbow archers, while the masters of the Six Gates began to surround and kill the masters of the Hengshan Sect, Huashan Sect, and Taishan Sect.

The masters of the Emei Sect were also sent out by Master Jiejie.

They, the masters of the Emei Sect, cooperated with the army and the Six Gates to massacre other disciples of the Siyue Sword Sect.

Ji Xiaofu and Ding Minjun faced Hengshan respectively. Mr. Mo Da and the head of the Taishan sect, Ji Xiaofu and the others are both powerful masters. It would only take a matter of minutes to kill Mr. Mo Da and the head of the Taishan sect who are at the master level.

Mei Sanniang even ran rampant in the square with a huge scythe.

The disciples of the Siyue Sword Sect she killed were more cruel than those killed by the army.

Every disciple of the Siyue Sword Sect was either cut in half or cut off by her. Split in half by her, even the black-armored army stayed away from this cruel and crazy woman when they saw Mei Sanniang's killing methods.

"I want to escape, I can't die here."Yue Buqun panicked when he saw the disciples of the Siyue Sword Sect being killed one after another. The court was determined to destroy the Siyue Sword Sect this time, but he didn't want to die here.

"Yue Buqun, die!"

Just when Yue Buqun was about to fight out, Dongfang Bubai flew up and waved his hand, shooting countless embroidery needles at Yue Buqun, whoosh whoosh whoosh....... clang clang clang clang......


"Who are you?"

Yue Buqun was hit by several embroidery needles and looked at the beautiful woman in horror. This beautiful woman's cultivation level was actually stronger than him. He didn't even dodge these hidden weapons of embroidery needles.

"I, the East is undefeated!"

"Leader of the Sun Moon God Cult? Why are you colluding with the imperial court? Dongfang Bubai, you defected to the imperial court?"

"Die, you will understand when you go to hell."


When Yue Buqun saw Dongfang Bubai attacking with his palm, he quickly blocked it. Although the attack of the evil sword technique was also very fast, it was still far behind Dongfang Bubai's Sunflower Book.

Yue Buqun was attacked by Dongfang Bubai. Bubai flew away with a palm. This time Dongfang Bubai used all his strength to kill Yue Buqun. The anger Su Chen brought to him was now vented towards Yue Buqun.


Yue Buqun was killed After being blasted away, he vomited blood and coughed hurriedly. He also felt the murderous intention of Dongfang Bubai. If he didn't want to die, he had to escape from here, otherwise Dongfang Bubai would definitely not let him go.

"Damn it, why is Dongfang Invincible so powerful? Why are all women so powerful?"

"Want to escape? No one can escape from me."




Dongfang Bubai appeared in the air in a flash and kicked Yue Buqun who was about to escape. She would not let Yue Buqun escape. For the sake of her sister Dongfang Lin, Dongfang Bubai must kill Yue Buqun this time.

"Damn it, evil-proofing swordsmanship!"


Dongfang Bubai was surprised when he saw Yue Buqun's sword attack.

It's interesting, evil-proofing swordsmanship?

This should be the martial arts swordsmanship in the Sunflower Book. No wonder Yue Buqun is very feminine no matter how you look at it. It seems that Yue Buqun is very feminine. Buqun actually became a eunuch


"Really looking for death!"


Yue Buqun was blown away by Dongfang Bubai's palm again.

But this time Yue Buqun saw Dongfang Bubai flying towards him and quickly stepped on his head. This made Yue Buqun He was so panicked that he didn't dare to make any move. He knew that if he struggled even slightly, Dongfang Bubai would probably crush his head immediately.

Yue Buqun looked at Dongfang Bubai in horror and begged for mercy,"I am the leader of the Five Mountains Sword Sect. You can't kill me! I can take refuge in you, Dongfang Bubai, I can be your dog from now on, please let me go"

"Dry tongue!"

Pfft! Hit!

Dongfang Bubai stepped on Yue Buqun's head with an expressionless kick.

Yue Buqun, who had been so high-spirited just now, was killed by Dongfang Bubai. From the beginning to the end, Yue Buqun never gave Dongfang Buqun any trouble. Defeat poses too great a threat, and he is even an insignificant enemy to Dongfang Bubai.

At this moment,

Qingqing has come to Su Chen.

When she looks at Su Chen, she feels very unbelievable. What is the identity of this playboy? ?

She thought about it and felt that the Six Gates and the army here would not obey the orders of a playboy.

Even if this playboy had a prominent family background, why would the people of the Six Gates be so respectful to this bastard? Six Gates The masters of the door were respectful to this bastard from the bottom of their hearts, which made Qing Qing very confused.

Su Chen discovered Qing Qing's arrival while chatting with Master Jue.

Su Chen also couldn't understand Qing Qing's arrival. , he just gave this beautiful beauty a chance to escape.

But why didn't she escape?

After Ding Peng left,

Su Chen planned to let this beautiful beauty leave. As long as Qingqing was not with Ding Peng, she would not have any accidents. With Qingqing's level of cultivation, she will live well as long as she doesn't cause trouble.

"Little beauty? Why didn't you take the opportunity to escape?"

"I......I don't know where to go."Qing Qing lowered her head and whispered, not daring to look at Su Chen.

Su Chen shook his head speechlessly.

This Qing Qing is really honest and gentle.

Isn't Qing Qing afraid that he is really a shameless pervert?

Su Chen took it from the system space. He handed some money to Qingqing and said,"Here, here is a hundred taels of gold. As long as you don't look for Ding Peng in the future, you can go anywhere in the world. Okay, you can leave.""

"You don't want me to be your maid?"Qingqing took the gold from Su Chen and asked in surprise.

She didn't expect that this bastard would let her go?

Could this bastard be testing herself?

"Can you be a maid?"


"Leave, you'd better not look for Ding Peng again. Ding Peng's enemy is a sinister and cunning person. You may die if you are with Ding Peng."Su Chen looked at Qing Qing and said speechlessly.

Master Jue never thought that Su Chen would let a beautiful woman go.

However, she understood after hearing Su Chen's words that

Ding Peng's enemy was definitely not an ordinary person.

Su Chen also wanted to save her. This beautiful beauty forced her to leave Ding Peng, otherwise I am afraid that this beautiful beauty will be killed by Ding Peng's enemies, or caught and tortured to death.

Qingqing was very surprised when she heard Su Chen's words.

Is this bastard forcing herself? Do you really want to save yourself?

She also knows about Ding Peng’s enemy. She also told her about Ding Peng’s full-moon scimitar being cheated away. She also knows that Ding Peng’s enemy must be a sinister and cunning person.

Qingqing sees Xiang Suchen thought for a while and said,"I.....I have nowhere to go. I came from overseas. I have no relatives or friends in China."

"Your name is Qingqing, right?"

Master Miejie's eyes lit up when she heard Qingqing's words.

This gentle and elegant beautiful woman did not have any ulterior motives. Moreover, this woman was in the advanced stage of innate cultivation, which made Master Miejie have the intention of accepting a disciple.

Master Miejie didn’t want this bastard Su Chen to harm this beautiful woman again, so she decided to take away this beautiful and gentle Qingqing first.

"Yes, Master!"

"Qingqing, are you willing to be my disciple? I am the master of the Emei sect, the exterminator."

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