Qingqing was dumbfounded when she heard what Master Jue said. She didn't expect that Master Jue of the Emei sect would accept her as his disciple, but she didn't want to be a nun! She couldn't stand the nun's strict rules and regulations.

Su Chen didn't expect Master Miejie to take Qingqing as her disciple, but that was fine.

Qingqing would have the care of Master Miejie in the future, so she wouldn't have any accidents.

But why did Su Chen feel that Master Jue was trying to steal a woman from her?

Qingqing was a little embarrassed and refused Master Miejie,"That....Master, I have no intention of becoming a nun. Thank you very much for your kindness. Master

Miejie didn't expect that Qingqing would refuse. She explained to Qingqing with a kind face,"Qingqing, the nuns of the Emei sect are practicing monks and don't have so many rules and regulations. Do you really not want to be my disciple?""

"Master, forget it, I have no intention of becoming a disciple. Qingqing shook her head at Master Jue.

Qingqing thought it would be better to follow Su Chen.

She now knew that Su Chen was not trying to trick her. He asked her to leave Ding Peng for her safety, and even to protect her. She will not be harmed.

Now she is given money to leave on her own.

Qingqing feels that Su Chen is pretty good.

"No matter what, it was me who was forcing it too much."

"Sorry, Master"

"Haha, I have nothing to apologize for. If you are willing to be my disciple in the future, you can always find a poor nun."

"Thank you, Master!"

Qingqing bowed down and saluted Master Jue in gratitude.

She had never expected that Master Jue would be so kind to her. Although she rejected Master Jue this time, she was not angry at all. Even the gate of the Emei Sect would not be angry at all in the future. She opened up, which made Qingqing respect Master Miejie even more.

Su Chen saw Qingqing standing next to him and said nothing.

Qingqing didn't want to leave so he let her go, but Ding Peng wanted to deal with him.

Although Ding Peng and himself There is no grudge, but after what happened today, Ding Peng will definitely hate himself in the future.

People can't help themselves in the world, this is a true portrayal.

In order not to cause trouble in the future, Ding Peng must kill him, but Ding Peng's He is also very interested in the Full Moon Scimitar. I don’t know if Ding Peng has engraved this sentence on the Full Moon Scimitar. I don’t know if Ding Peng has engraved this sentence on the Full Moon Scimitar. It is better to wait for Ding Peng to get the Full Moon Scimitar before killing him. Right.

They are either friends or enemies.

Once you enter the rivers and lakes, you are as deep as the sea.

Once you step into the rivers and lakes, you can't help yourself. Life and death should be taken lightly. Although he is not a rivers and lakes person, he is still half a rivers and lakes person. Ding Peng wants to It's just his bad luck.

Why does Su Chen think he is becoming more and more like a villain?

Most of the protagonists in the mixed martial arts world were either killed by him, or they hid themselves to kill themselves. It seems that he has become a villain. Potential.

At this time, the disciples and leaders of the Siyue Sword Sect in the square of Hengshan Sect were all killed one after another. Corpses were left on the square. There were six sects and masters of the Emei Sect to help. Black-armored There were not many casualties in the army.

Su Chen stood up and walked to the square.

He wanted to explain to Tie Shou and the others before leaving. The Sun Moon God Sect and the Five Mountains Sword Sect were just having a small fight here. Yihua Palace and Xia Ke The real battle is on the island, and there will probably not only be one or two strong men in the Heavenly Realm.

Su Chen came to the square and looked at the troops cleaning the battlefield and nodded. Although these troops are not as powerful as the combat legions, But as a city guard, it is more than enough.

"Young Master!"

When Tie Shou and the others saw Su Chen's arrival, they all saluted.

Su Chen waved his hands and ordered Tie Shou and the others,"Tie Shou, Huashan Sect, Hengshan Sect, Taishan Sect, Songshan Sect, no disciples of these sects are left behind. , all the property owned by the sect will be confiscated, and it will be left to you, the Six Sects, to do this."

"Yes, sir!"

"Also, the Sun Moon God Sect has also been destroyed, and Dongfang Invincible will stay to help you."

"Yes, sir. Dongfang Bubai , who was next to him, heard Su Chen's words and cursed angrily,"Su Chen, you bastard, when did I say I would help you?""

She doesn't care whether this bastard is the emperor or not.

Ever since she met this bastard, she has become very angry.

This bastard is simply her nemesis.

This time, this bastard arranged for her to do things for him without notifying her. This makes Dongfang even more unhappy. very angry

"cough! Isn't helping me just helping you?"Su Chen looked at Dongfang Bubai's beautiful face with an angry expression and smiled and said.

Dongfang Bubai clenched his fist and roared angrily at Su Chen,"You shameless bastard!"

Tie Shou and the others beside them listened awkwardly to the conversation between Su Chen and Dongfang Bubai. They looked at each other and hurried away from here. They didn't want Dongfang Bubai to wear small shoes for them in the future.

Su Chen came to Dongfang Bubai. He said with a smile,"Xiao Bai, as long as your Sun and Moon God Sect is solved this time, I will reunite your sisters, and I will also be able to promote you to the land immortal in the heavenly realm."

Dongfang Bubai glanced at Su Chen coldly and arrogantly and said disdainfully,"I don't believe what you say, you bastard. I've seen how shameless you are."

"this is for you."Su Chen thought about it after hearing Dongfang Bubai's words. He took out a jade box from the system space and handed it to Dongfang Bubai.

There were five primary spirit stones in it.

Su Chen was now very wealthy. He had There are hundreds of primary spirit stones and dozens of intermediate spirit stones.

Dongfang Bubai will always be his woman no matter what. Sooner or later, these spirit stones will be used for Dongfang Bubai’s cultivation. This time Su Chen will treat them as Invested in advance.

Dongfang Bubai took the jade box handed to her by Su Chen and asked doubtfully,

"What's this?"

"A token of love!"Su Chen teased Dongfang Bubai with a smile.

When Dongfang Bubai heard Su Chen's teasing words, she glared at Su Chen in shame and anger and threatened,"Do you want to die?"

Su Chen looked at Dongfang Bubai who was blushing and even wanted to beat himself in shame. He hurriedly pretended to cough and said,"Cough! This is a spiritual stone. The spiritual energy inside is crucial to your future cultivation realm."

"Spiritual stone? Reiki?"

Dongfang Bubai was very surprised when he heard Su Chen's words.

After she reached the peak of Grand Master cultivation, she felt that it would be very difficult to practice in the future. It turned out that future cultivation requires spiritual energy to advance to the heavenly realm.

She looked at her hand The jade box inside had a complicated expression. These spiritual stones were probably very precious. This bastard Su Chen was willing to give her such precious spiritual stones. This bastard didn't really want to do anything against her, right?

"By the way, there are also these spiritual teas that you can drink before practicing. These spiritual teas are also crucial to your future cultivation."Su Chen took out another jade box and handed it to Dongfang Bubai.

These are spiritual teas that can increase cultivation talents, expand meridians, and even deepen the understanding of skills. Su Chen also gave some to Dongfang Bubai. After all, his woman cannot Favoring one over the other.

Dongfang Bubai took the spirit tea generously and said proudly,"I won't be your woman. No matter how much you pay for me, it's useless.""

"Then you give it back to me, and I’m going to give it to my other women"

"Dream on you."

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