On the official road leading to Yihua Palace in Xiuyu Valley,

Su Chen was riding a horse in boredom. This time, Su Chen did not take anyone with him to Yihua Palace. After all, there will be battles in the heaven and human realm in the future. Gongsun Liji He and Mei Sanniang couldn't help even if they went there.

Mei Sanniang and Gongsun Liji, Su Chen also asked Master Miejie to take them back to Gusu City in the southern continent. Qingqing originally wanted to come to Yihua Palace with him, but Su Chen disliked Qingqing's low strength, so he Send her, Gongsun Liji and the others to the Black Bird Palace in Gusu City.


Su Chen was blackmailed by Master Jue for three elementary spirit stones. However, Su Chen thought that those beautiful nuns from the Emei sect would also be his own in the future, so he did not argue too much with Master Jue.

As for Dongfang Bubai,

Su Chen had nothing to do with her.

Although Dongfang Bubai promised to help Liumen destroy her Sun and Moon Sect, Su Chen did not take advantage of Dongfang Bubai.

The arrogant and domineering Dongfang Bubai is a bit difficult to deal with.

It seems that it will be very difficult to win over the Dongfang girl in the future.

In the early spring of the Western Continent, the scenery was still very pleasant.

The ancient vegetation and trees were very lush. Su Chen also enjoyed the scenery of the revival of everything.

"I have a little donkey that I never ride. One day I rode it on a whim......I'll do it!"

Su Chen was bored and singing on the road.

"Struggle and follow quickly, don't let her escape."

Suddenly a person leaped over his head, and behind him there were more than ten men in black on horseback chasing the fleeing person in front.

Su Chen looked at the people who were coming and leaving in a hurry and guessed,"These are all Who is he? A master's late-stage cultivation realm, and the people he was chasing were all at the master's cultivation realm. Could it be that something big happened in the world?"

Su Chen thought about it and didn't meddle in other people's business. There were a lot of fighting and killings in the world, and he couldn't handle it, so he just let nature take its course.

Su Chen had been on the road for a few more hours. Not meeting the same people again, Su Chen also dismounted from his horse in a tea shop next to the official road and wanted to take a rest and drink some tea. As soon as

Su Chen came to the tea shop and sat down, a waiter from the tea shop ran over. He wiped the table and asked,"Sir, would you like some tea?"

"Well, bring me a nice pot of tea."Su Chen looked at the dozen or so tea guests around him and nodded.

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

Su Chen frowned after the waiter left.

The dozen or so people in the tea shop were all together, and they were all Jianghu people. However, the strength of these people was not very good. The most talented people were innate and late-stage cultivation. Realm.

Who was in that luxurious carriage?

These people seemed to be very concerned about the safety of the people in the carriage.

Su Chen was too lazy to use his mental power to detect who was in the carriage.

He drank the tea after it was delivered. As long as these don't offend him, there is no need for him to interact with these people.

"Have you heard about it? The Eastern Legion of the Xuantian Empire is going to attack Japan. This time, the Eastern Combat Legion has dispatched 200,000 troops and more than 300 warships. The Xuantian Empire is going to conquer the Japanese country on the sea."

"Those Japanese people should have destroyed them long ago. During the Ming Empire, the Japanese people often harassed the coastal areas. Now that the powerful Xuantian Empire has replaced the Ming Empire, those Japanese countries will be in trouble."

"Ha ha! That's right. The Eastern Combat Army under Commander Li is second only to the Southern Combat Army under Huang Rong. It will be difficult for Japan to survive this time."

"I hope that the Eastern Combat Corps commanded by Li Xiuning can massacre those pirates, just like the Southern Combat Corps commanded by Huang Rong massacred the grassland aliens. Now we Central Plains people are supreme on the grassland, and no grassland aliens dare to attack us Central Plains people."

"Yes, that's right. The more powerful the Xuantian Empire becomes, the more our merchants will no longer be afraid of encountering robberies and assassinations from foreign races when doing business everywhere."

The Jianghu people in the tea shop were drinking tea and talking one after another. They are now very proud to have a powerful empire to protect them.

Su Chen smiled when he heard these people talking, being able to do this for the people of the Central Plains of China Things, he did not come to this world of comprehensive martial arts in vain. It was very difficult for the people of the Central Plains in ancient times to live. Natural disasters, plagues, internal wars, and invasions of alien races all caused great harm to the civilization of the Central Plains.

At this time,

A little girl came to the tea shop and said to a rough man,"Guard Li, the lady wants you to come over!"

"Oh, I know, Miss Xiaoya."After hearing this, the rough man quickly stood up and saluted,"


A little girl has the cultivation level of a master.

It seems that the lady in the carriage is not an ordinary person.

Su Chen was very excited when he saw the little girl coming. Curious, although this little girl is very beautiful and beautiful, she is too young and has not grown up at all. However, this little girl is a master at such a young age, which makes Su Chen very surprised.

At this time,

Cha Many armed Jianghu people came to the shop. The arrival of these Jianghu people made the guards guarding the carriage nervous.

These people did not care about drinking tea and resting.

They all hurriedly guarded the carriage.

It seems that these Jianghu people who arrived are all vicious people.

And this time the Jianghu people who came looked at the guards guarding the carriage, and they did not pay attention to the guards who were afraid of them. These Jianghu people sat down one by one and drank tea. started talking to each other

"Did you hear that? The best swordsman in the world, Yan Nantian, is going to Yihua Palace. This time I heard that Yan Nantian went to Yihua Palace to avenge Yulang Jiang Feng."

"Wasn't Yulang Jiang Feng killed by the Twelve Constellations? How could the hero Yan Nantian seek revenge from Yihua Palace and Yao Yue?"

"Who knows, maybe Yulang Jiang Feng’s death may have something to do with Yihua Palace"

"Do we want to go and see? The battle between the best swordsman in the world and Yao Yue, the master of Yihua Palace, must be watched by many people in the world. Do we want to go and see the world?"

"Well, yes, although we are all ordinary Jianghu people, we cannot miss the battle between Yihua Palace Yaoyue and Yan Nantian. This battle may let us know how powerful the powerful masters in the Jianghu are."

At this moment, a very beautiful beauty came out of the carriage. After this beautiful beauty came out of the carriage, she took the little maid just now to the tea shop.

She looked at the people here and asked curiously. He said,"Everyone, can you tell me the time when Yihua Palace invited the Lord of Moon Palace to fight Yan Nantian, the best swordsman in the world?"

A young Jianghu man saw this beautiful lady arriving, and he stood up quickly and replied,"Miss, we all heard this from hearsay, but the specific time should be in half a month, you rush over now to move the flowers. The palace time is more than enough"

"Thank you all, I will pay for the tea this time."

"Ha ha! Thank you very much, Miss."

Su Chen was confused at this time.

He didn't expect to meet this little witch here. How could the lady in the carriage be her? How could this little witch be here? I'm afraid this witch also saw him.

Su Chen left Taking one look at this little witch, he felt that his luck was really bad.

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