On the hill outside Xiuyu Valley, after Hua Wuque exposed Su Chen's identity.

Everyone here looked at Su Chen in shock.

Even Xiao Yuer forgot to save Hua Wuque who was kicked out by Su Chen. They were all shocked when they looked at Su Chen.

The emperor of the Xuantian Empire actually appeared here, which was beyond their imagination.

After knowing that the Xuantian Empire had only been established for a few months, wouldn't the emperor of the Xuantian Empire handle state affairs?

Su Ying opened her little cherry mouth and looked at Su Chen in surprise and asked,"Are you actually Su Chen, the emperor of the Xuantian Empire?"

Su Ying had guessed Su Chen's identity before, but the identity of this bastard was really scary..

This bastard turned out to be the emperor of the Xuantian Empire.

The Xuantian Empire was the most powerful empire in the Tianxuan Continent. Su Chen was the most powerful emperor and the youngest and most powerful emperor.

Su Chen was thinking about how to deal with Su Ying and Tie Xinlan. After hearing Su Ying's words, he thought about it and smiled,"I am Su Chen, Su Ying, don't you think our names match well? Su Chen? Su Ying? People who don’t know think we are brother and sister"

"Nonsense, I don’t have brothers and sisters like you."

"Tsk, I am the emperor of the empire. Do you think you are worthy of being my sister?"

"You are so shameless!"

"Shameless? Maybe!"

Su Ying thinks that Su Chen, the emperor of the empire, is quite good. At least he is not as superior to others as the previous emperors, nor does he look down on them. It's just that he is too shameless. However!

Su Ying suddenly thought that these people knew about Su Chen. identity, and it seemed that Su Chen didn't want to reveal his identity, otherwise Su Chen wouldn't have kicked Hua Wuque away after he revealed his identity.

Su Ying didn't know that Su Chen concealed his identity and came to the Western Continent this time. What to do, but now that they know Su Chen's identity, I'm afraid they will be imprisoned if they are not killed by Su Chen.

Su Ying looked at Su Chen and said coldly and expressionlessly,"Your Majesty the Emperor, what are you going to do? Deal with us?"

"What do you think?"Su Chen said to Su Ying with a malicious smile, and then looked at the pale Xiao Yu'er.

Su Chen also felt strange that since Xiao Yu'er was a member of the Anti-Soviet Alliance, he didn't even know what he looked like. ? Is there no portrait of himself in the anti-Soviet alliance? Bai Yifei can't be so stupid that he doesn't have a portrait of himself, right?

Xiao Yu'er is frightened now.

If he had known that the emperor of the Xuantian Empire was here, he would have escaped long ago , and he didn’t even read the message Duan Yu and the others gave him about Su Chen, which made Xiao Yuer regret it very much now. He now wanted to die.

Su Chen suddenly shouted to the people around him,

"You Ruo!"

The shadow assassin Youruo suddenly appeared next to Su Chen and saluted,


"Capture Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque back to Yihua Palace and hand them over to Yao Yue"

"Yes, master!"

Youruo waved after answering Su Chen, and more than a dozen shadow assassins appeared around them. After these shadow assassins appeared, they immediately controlled Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque.

After Xiao Yu'er was caught by the shadow assassins , He screamed in horror,"No, let me go, His Majesty the Emperor, I was forced by Bai Yifei and Xie Xiaofeng. I am not strong enough to resist them.""

Hua Wuque lowered his head and did not resist at all.

He knew that even resisting would be useless.

He could not match the power of the Shadow Assassin. He was no match for any of the Shadow Assassins here. Moreover, there is also the leader of the Shadow Assassins, Youruo. Now, if You Ruo wanted to kill him, it would probably only happen in an instant.

Su Chen ignored Xiao Yu'er's cry. He waved his hand and asked the shadow assassin to escort Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque back to Yihua Palace.

Su Chen She looked at Ming Yue Xin, who was watching the show next to her, and shouted,"Ming Yue Xin, take Su Ying and Tie Xinlan back to Yihua Palace.""


Ming Yuexin nodded and replied after hearing Su Chen's words.

She also knew that Su Ying and Tie Xinlan knew Su Chen's identity. Su Chen, a shameless bastard, could not let them go.

Ming Yuexin is now But like Su Ying and Tie Xinlan, they share the same destiny.

After learning the identity of this bastard, it is impossible for them to escape from this bastard's control.

Ming Yuexin regretted not revealing Su Chen's identity to Bai Yunxuan today. If Bai Yunxuan Knowing Su Chen's identity, I'm afraid this bastard wouldn't be able to just teach Bai Yunxuan a lesson and let her escape on purpose.

Su Ying took Tie Xinlan's hand and looked at Su Chen without resisting. She had already guessed that this bastard was not He might have asked them to leave, but it seemed like this bastard was pretty good and didn't want to kill them to silence them.

Ten days later, in Yihua Palace,

Su Chen was preparing to leave with Ming Yue Xin.

The matter in Yihua Palace had been resolved, and he accompanied him. Yaoyue and Lianxing have been in the sky for ten days, and Yang Dingtian of the Mingjiao has appeared in Guangmingding, and the old members of the Mingjiao have also returned to Guangmingding. Su Chen also wants to know why Yang Dingtian faked his death? What is the intention of the Mingjiao



You must know that the Ming Cult has hundreds of thousands of believers in the northwest of the Western Continent. This huge force poses a huge threat to the northwest of the Western Continent.

Bai Feifei, Su Ying, and Tie Xinlan were left in Yihua Palace by Su Chen, and Ning Yuxi and An Biru returned to the Southern Continent together.

Su Chen had promised An Biru not to do anything to the Miao people in the Miao border, but the Miao people must surrender to the Xuantian Empire, and the Miao people in the southwest of the Southern Continent must also cooperate with the west in fighting. The legion under the legion, the South Vietnam Mountain Jungle Legion conquered all the foreign races in the southwest.

Moreover, An Biru's White Lotus Sect must also be wiped out, and

An Biru also agreed to Su Chen.


Su Chen also asked Ning Yuxi to supervise An Biru,

It's not that Su Chen is afraid that An Biru will go back on his word, but that Ning Yuxi can't arrange it well.

The Yang Dingtian he has to deal with this time is a land god in the heavenly realm. Ning YuxiXi couldn't help much even by following him, so Su Chen simply arranged something for Ning Yuxi that she was very willing to do.

He hasn't appreciated the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss yet, and

Su Chen doesn't intend to let Ning Yuxi go like this.

As for the brothers Xiao Yu'er and Hua Wuque, after the shadow assassin escorted them to Yihua Palace,

Yao Yue directly executed Xiao Yu'er, and Hua Wuque was also imprisoned by Yao Yue after her cultivation level was abolished. Yao Yue misses Hua Wuque's old love, and Lianxing doesn't want Yao Yue to kill Hua Wuque.

Hua Wuque might also have been directly executed by Yao Yue.

On the road leading to the northwest,

Su Chen and Ming Yuexin were riding horses on the official road.

They were now rushing to Guangmingding in the northwest. The Ming Cult had gathered more than 100,000 followers in Guangmingding. Li Xiuning's Dongfang Although the combat corps had been paying attention to the situation of the Ming Cult, Su Chen wanted to know what confidence Yang Dingtian had to launch a rebellion.

Ming Yuexin couldn't bear it anymore.

She looked at Su Chen and said,"Bastard Su, we don't need to be in such a hurry. Isn't your confidante Zhao Min ready to go?" To deal with the Mingjiao? Li Xiuning of the Eastern Combat Corps also secretly deployed troops. I think you are just worrying about it."

"You know nothing, just teach those peasant soldiers that they dare to rebel? I'm a little worried that other forces or alien races will join forces with the Mingjiao, otherwise they won't dare to rebel even if I give the Mingjiao a hundred courages."

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