Su Chen didn't want to rush off in such a hurry, but in the past few days, he had received news that the Ming Cult was becoming more and more active, and had even formed an army of 100,000 people.

Although the combat effectiveness of those peasant armies is insignificant, there are more than 100,000 Mingjiao followers. If hundreds of thousands of Mingjiao followers gather, there will probably be hundreds of thousands of troops.

But where did the peasant army get their weapons, equipment, and food?

Su Chen was puzzled by this.

Could it be that Yang Dingtian had secretly prepared these for decades?

Su Chen didn't believe this.

He didn't believe that Yang Dingtian had the ability to secretly collect weapons and food for hundreds of thousands of people after pretending to be dead for more than ten years.

When Ming Yuexin heard Su Chen's words, she glared at him and cursed,"You bastard, can't you speak in a more civilized manner?"

"Don't ogle me, I don't do that."Su Chen saw Ming Yuexin staring at him and smiled and teased,


Ming Yuexin didn't expect Su Chen to say this, what about ogling?

Even if she died, she couldn't wink at this shameless bastard.

Damn bastard!

Ming Yuexin still looked very beautiful when she was angry, but she was just a tigress.

Su Chen didn't want to provoke this tigress now. He still had to use Ming Yue Xin to deal with Yang Dingtian. After all, he didn't use a master in the heaven and human realm in vain.

"Ha ha! Speed ​​up, Xikang City is ahead, we can have a good night's rest in Xikang City"

"good!" In the evening, in an inn room in

Xikang City , Bai Yunxuan stood expressionlessly by the window and looked at the people coming and going on the street. Since she escaped from that bastard Su Chen, Bai Yunxuan has been sending People were monitoring Yihua Palace. After Su Chen and Ming Yue Xin came out of Yi Hua Palace, Bai Yunxuan had been keeping track of their whereabouts. This time she came to Xikang City in advance to wait for Su Chen and Ming Yue Xin to arrive. She was She must secretly assassinate that bastard. She has not forgotten what Su Chen did to her. That bastard actually got down on her skirt and beat her. Damn bastard, if you don’t kill that shameless pervert, she will never have a face in the future. Goodbye Gong Ziyu. Bai Yunxuan can't sleep when she thinks of these things every night. Even after falling asleep, she will be awakened by nightmares. Su Chen has become her inner demon. If she doesn't kill Su Chen, Bai Yunxuan will live in this world for the rest of her life. In the nightmare. At the same time, in this inn, some Jianghu people also came in one after another today. In the lobby of the inn, the Jianghu people here were chatting about what happened in Mingjiao while eating their meals.

"Have you heard that the Mingjiao has gathered more than 100,000 troops? This is obviously a rebellion. How can the Mingjiao have the courage to fight against the Xuantian Empire?"

"No one in the northwest knows what happened to the Ming Cult. It’s strange to say that the former leader of the Ming Cult, Yang Dingtian, faked his death. What is Yang Dingtian’s conspiracy?"

"What's there to guess? There are hundreds of thousands of Mingjiao followers, and Yang Dingtian may have been planning to rebel."

"Yes, if it were still the Ming Empire, Yang Dingtian might really succeed in his rebellion. However, now that the Xuantian Empire has replaced the Ming Empire, Yang Dingtian's rebellion is unlikely to succeed."

"Yes, the Xuantian Empire is too powerful. The Mingjiao may be wiped out by the Xuantian Empire this time."

"You think, if the current leader Wuji meets the former leader Yang Dingtian, who will the Mingjiao listen to?"

"Needless to say, he must be obeying Yang Dingtian. Yang Dingtian is probably already a land god in the heavenly realm. Zhang Wuji is just a great master, and he was beaten by Princess Zhao Min of Dayuan to hide everywhere. Zhang Wuji, the leader of the Ming Cult, is not a big deal. The prestige is gone."

At this time,

Su Chen and Ming Yuexin also came to the inn. Su Chen looked at the more than ten Jianghu people in the inn and was very depressed. Why did he feel that he would meet so many Jianghu people wherever he went?

Su Chen After sitting down at a table with Ming Yuexin,

Su Chen called to the waiter,"Waiter, open two rooms and prepare some good wine and food for us.""

"Sir, we only have one upper room left in our inn. I'm so sorry."

"Just one room, let's serve some good wine and food first"

"OK, guest!"

Ming Yuexin heard that Su Chen made the decision in just a few seconds without even asking her, which made her very dissatisfied with Su Chen's decision.

Moreover, there was only one upper room left and this bastard decided to stay. How will the two of them stay at night? Is this shameless pervert going to attack her?

"What are you looking at? I'm not food, aren't you hungry?"Su Chen said curiously when he saw Ming Yue Xin staring at him.

Ming Yue Xin hurriedly said after hearing Su Chen's words,"I want to sleep in the room tonight, you bastard, find a place to sleep by yourself."


"Because I am a woman!"

"Yes, you are a woman, an old woman of several decades!"

"Bastard Su, how old am I? I'm so beautiful, are you blind, you bastard?"Ming Yuexin yelled at Su Chen with anger on her face.

She didn't expect that this bastard would actually say that she was an old woman.

Did she look older?

This damn bastard.

Su Chen took a sip. Jiu smiled and said,"Are you beautiful? If you didn't notice it, you just look average."

"You are really blind, and your blindness is not light."Ming Yuexin glanced at Su Chen and shouted softly.

Ming Yuexin also noticed that the people around her were looking here. She didn't want to be stared at by the people in the inn, and she was a woman. She was in the inn. Even yelling is very unladylike.

"Say whatever you want!"Su Chen shook his head and ignored Ming Yuexin. He observed the Jianghu people here and wanted to know why so many Jianghu people appeared in Xikang City?

There are no Jianghu sects around Xikang City.

Why? There were Jianghu people everywhere on the way here and in Xikang City.

Did something happen in Xikang City?

"What are you looking at?"

Ming Yue Xin saw that Su Chen didn't eat vegetables.

He was looking around and didn't know what he was trying to find out.

If it weren't for the fact that there were no beautiful beauties here,

Ming Yue Xin must have suspected that this bastard was looking at beautiful women.

Su Chen turned around and was confused about Ming Yue Xin. Said,"Mingyue Xin, Xikang City is just a small town, don't you find it strange why there are so many Jianghu people here?"

Ming Yuexin laughed when she heard Su Chen's words.

She thought Su Chen had discovered something. It turned out that she just saw that there were so many people in the arena and thought something big had happened. This bastard was making too much of a fuss.

"laugh! What's so strange about this? These Jianghu people must also be going to the Mingjiao. The Mingjiao is so arrogant and ruthless now. Isn't Qilian City occupied by the Mingjiao? These quacks are definitely trying to fish in troubled waters. It is not surprising that quacks exist wherever there are fights."

At this moment, a Jianghu man suddenly ran into the inn and shouted to the Jianghu people at a table,"Something has happened. There is internal strife among the Emei faction, and a fight is about to start now."

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