Yang Xiao doesn't care now.

He doesn't bother to talk to these people from the Persian Ming Cult.

He doesn't know whether he can survive this war. He doesn't care about the threat from the Persian Ming Cult now.

The Twelve Treasure Tree King didn't say much when he saw Yang Xiao's appearance, and they had no hope for these people from the Central Plains Ming Cult. It would be a miracle if these people could survive this war. At this time, outside Qilian City On the edge of the mountain, a man in black robe appeared here. He saw that the Xuantian Empire's army was about to attack the city. His hands under the black robe were tightly held together.

"It’s over. Mingjiao is over in my generation."

This man in black robe is Yang Dingtian.

This time he came from Guangmingding just to know if the Mingjiao can still be saved. Yesterday, 300,000 Mingjiao troops were destroyed, and he didn't rest all night.

Three hundred thousand troops!

The 300,000 Mingjiao army didn't even hold on for a day, and was destroyed by the Xuantian Empire's army at the cost of 20,000 to 30,000 troops. This made Yang Dingtian very angry and helpless. No! I can't die in this Here,

Yang Dingtian received a flying pigeon message from the Persians last night. The Supreme Elder of the Persian Ming Cult went to assassinate the general of the Black Armored Army last night, but he never returned, and there was not even a trace of news.

The Xuantian Empire’s army There must be powerful masters here. The Supreme Elders who were more powerful than him all died in the hands of the Xuantian Empire. He was no match for the masters of the Xuantian Empire.

Yang Dingtian was about to leave the northwest region when he suddenly thought of returning. Liu Xinru in Guangmingding was the woman he had endured for decades.

Yang Dingtian would not let her live anymore. Anyway, the Mingjiao was almost over, and he didn't care about Liu Xinru's actions and threats.

His thoughts Liu Xinru said to herself with a gloomy look,

"Liu Xinru, this woman can't be let go. Before she leaves, she must kill that slut who can do anything for her. I have tolerated that damn woman for decades, so let's do it today."

Yang Dingtian didn't care what the outcome of the war in Qilian City would be. He jumped up and flew towards Guangmingding.

In the Heijia Military Camp,

Su Chen was sending Mingyue Xin and Bai Yunxuan to capture Empress Yang Dingtian. , he prepared for the army to attack Qilian City. He had been delayed for more than half an hour, but the army waited for him at the foot of Qilian City for more than half an hour.

"Master Miejie, Lin Chaoying, you and the Emei sect masters are preparing to deal with the Mingjiao masters. Once Qilian City is broken, you will lead the Emei masters to take action. This time there will be shadow assassins to cooperate with you."

"We know that with the shadow assassins cooperating with us, we will definitely stay all those Ming Cult masters."

"Don't worry, leave it to us."

Master Miejie and Lin Chaoying both nodded to Su Chen with long swords in their hands.

They had also heard about the assassins last night. The land gods of the Celestial Realm of the Persian Ming Cult had been killed, and the remaining ten There are many great masters with shadow assassins cooperating, so they don't have anything to worry about.

Su Chen looked at Hui Yue Envoy who was doing nothing and thought for a while and asked,"Hui Yue Envoy, where are the remaining Persian Holy Envoys?"

"At the bright summit of Mingjiao. Huiyue envoy came to Su Chen with a veil and replied.

Su Chen did not expect that the remaining two holy envoys were not in Qilian City,"Why didn't they come to Qilian City?""

Huiyue Shi said without thinking,

"Those two holy envoys are practicing the Mingjiao Great Shifting Technique. They have only reached the fourth level and can no longer practice. They should still be studying how to successfully practice the Great Shifting Technique at Guangmingding."

"Well, Huiyue Envoy, I’ll give you a task, kill the remaining two holy envoys, and then bring back the Great Shifting Technique of the Universe."

"Do you want me to die? I am equally powerful as those two holy envoys. How could I kill them?"

"Someone will help you. The two women who left today both went to Guangmingding. Let them help you when the time comes."


Huiyue Shi's eyes lit up when she heard Su Chen's words.

She knew the two powerful women she met in the morning.

She could feel the powerful aura just standing next to those two women. She will break through the heavenly beings in the future. Jing wanted to ask those two powerful women for advice. This was an opportunity to get acquainted with them.

Su Chen nodded and confirmed,"Of course, as long as you mention my name, they will definitely help you.""

"I agreed!"

"Then go quickly, otherwise Ming Yuexin and the others will catch Yang Dingtian, and the two great sage envoys will probably escape."

"I'll go now."

On the Qilian City Wall, more than 50,000 Mingjiao troops were already nervously waiting for the Xuantian Empire's army to attack.

However, almost an hour later, the Xuantian Empire's black-armored army still stood neatly under the city and did not attack. This made Qi The Mingjiao troops on Liancheng were nervous and frightened. The feeling of being threatened with death at all times made them very uncomfortable.


At this time, the Xuantian Empire's horn sounded again, and the sound of horse hooves came from a distance.

Su Chen and Master Jue, protected by thousands of black-armored cavalry, arrived quickly on horseback. Under Qilian City

"The Thirteenth Legion of Xuantian Empire’s Eastern Combat Legion, Legion Commander Wu Tao meets the Young Master!"

"See Young Master!"

Below the Qilian City, the 50,000-member Black Armored Army and 50,000 soldiers saw Su Chen arriving. They all knelt down and saluted Su Chen.

Su Chen waved to the Black-armored Army and then said to the Black-armored Army Commander. The order said,"Commander Wu Army, order the catapults to start attacking."

"Yes, sir"

"Catapult ready, attack!"

Swish swish swish.......

Catapult after catapult threw huge stones towards Qilian City, boom boom boom.........

Dozens of huge stones smashed into Qilian City from the air.

For a while,

Qilian City was smashed with rubble flying everywhere. Some of the soldiers on the city wall were smashed into meat paste, and some corners of the city wall were smashed. It collapsed.

"Get out of the way, the rocks are coming again"

"Help me, I'm trapped"

"Help me, I'm going to fall off the wall"

"Be careful, the catapult is attacking again"

"Get away, get away."

The city of Qilian is now in chaos, with chaotic shouts, the sound of huge rocks hitting the city, and the commands of the top management of the Mingjiao. The voices of the Mingjiao believers crying for their fathers and mothers can be heard everywhere in Qilian City.

"God's Arm Bow is ready!"

In the fifty thousand black-armored army, the five thousand archers of the black-armored army walked out of the military formation neatly after hearing the order. Each of these archers took huge bows and arrows and aimed at Qilian City. As long as the order is given, they will Do not hesitate to shoot the Mingjiao troops on Qilian City Wall

"Target the Mingjiao army on the Qilian City Wall, release!"

Swish swish swish"......

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