On the Qilian City Wall, the black-armored army's trebuchets continued to attack.

Under the bombardment of huge rocks, Qilian City had been severely shattered, and it would not take long for the city wall to completely collapse.

After all, Qilian City is just a small city, and the city wall is less than twenty meters high.

Moreover, it was destroyed by the Mingjiao army half a month ago. Although the Qilian City Wall has been repaired, it cannot withstand the bombardment of dozens of huge stones every round. Smash.

At this time, the archers of the black-armored army also began to shoot at the Mingjiao army on Qilian City. The divine arm bow has a maximum range of more than 400 meters, and shooting enemies within 300 meters can directly penetrate the armor.

Five thousand black-armored god-armed bows were shooting at the Qilian city wall one after another.

On the chaotic city wall, the Mingjiao army had no time to avoid the archers' shooting. The catapult attack had left the city wall in a state of chaos. There was chaos, and the shooting of the divine arm bow caused heavy casualties to the Mingjiao army.

On Qilian City, as the divine arm bows continued to shoot and kill Mingjiao believers, the top leaders of Mingjiao were all anxious and ordered the troops.

"Be careful with bows and arrows, raise your shield, and quickly raise your shield to defend"

"The archers come out and shoot the archers of the black-armored army below the city for me."

"Put up a shield, put it up on the wall to block the archers' attacks."

"What about the archers? Where are our Mingjiao archers? Quickly kill the archers of the black-armored army under the city wall."

On the city wall, an archer commander of the Mingjiao army said to the Mingjiao senior officials with a mournful face,"Altar Master, the distance is too far, and our archers cannot shoot the archers of the black-armored army at all."


A high-ranking Mingjiao official kicked away the archer commander in front of him, and he angrily cursed at the archers on the city wall,

"Damn it, why can the black-armored army shoot us? Our Ming Cult archers can't kill the black-armored army, are you all useless?

Another Mingjiao archer leader said angrily,"Altar Master, we are all ordinary archers, not professional archers in the army. We cannot be compared with the archers of the Xuantian Empire."" boom!

"They all use bows and arrows, why can't they compare? Are all the branches in your hands? If it's useless, what's the use of you?"The altar leader of Mingjiao knocked down the archer commander who dared to talk back with one palm.

He looked at the archers on the city wall and continued to order viciously,"Shoot the black-armored troops below the city for me, otherwise All will die!"

The archers of the Ming Cult hurriedly shot at the black-armored troops outside the city wall.

They didn't care whether they could shoot the black-armored troops outside the city, but the archers on the city wall also knew that if they didn't take action now, they would They will definitely be killed by the crazy Mingjiao leaders.

Outside Qilian City,

Master Jue and Lin Chaoying looked at the mess in Qilian City and shook their heads.

The Mingjiao army and the black-armored army are very different.

From the siege war However, the black-armored army has not suffered any casualties yet, and the Mingjiao army is now suffering heavy casualties. The Mingjiao army on the Qilian City Wall may have suffered tens of thousands of casualties, and countless others were injured. They all think that they can attack Qilian City now. It was said that it was easy to capture, but why did Su Chen just let the catapults and archers keep attacking? Why didn't he just send out the army to attack Qilian City?

Lin Chaoying looked at Su Chen and asked doubtfully,"Su Chen, why don't you let the troops attack Qilian City now?" The army attacks Qilian City?"

Su Chen smiled and explained,

"Qilian City is very easy to capture. My target this time is not only Qilian City, but there are hundreds of thousands of Mingjiao believers in all the small towns around Qilian City."

"The reason why I dispatched 50,000 troops to attack Qilian City this time is that when I attack Qilian City, all the Mingjiao believers in all the small towns around Qilian City will be killed."

Master Miejie was very frightened when she heard Su Chen's words. She thought of Su Chen's plan to eradicate the Mingjiao. She did not expect that Su Chen would start massacring those Mingjiao believers today."You......Did you let the remaining 60,000 to 70,000 troops go to kill those Mingjiao believers?"

Su Chen nodded and admitted,"Yes, I have sent out the remaining black-armored cavalry and infantry. The Mingjiao believers in twelve small towns and villages will all die."

"So your attack on Qilian City was an illusion? Lin Chaoying asked Su Chen in confusion.

Su Chen pointed at Qi Liancheng and shook his head and said,

"Not an illusion"

"If I capture Qilian City early in the morning, I'm afraid the Mingjiao believers in the surrounding towns and villages will escape."

"I also made a time difference. When the Mingjiao believers in the surrounding towns were not captured by Qilian, the Mingjiao believers did not dare to escape without orders. I also used this time difference to surround and kill the Mingjiao believers."

Lin Chaoying said with a strange look in her eyes when she heard Su Chen's explanation,

"You are so insidious!"

Su Chen knocked on Lin Chaoying's head and warned,"What's so sinister? This is wisdom, this is a war that never tires of deceit"

"Bastard, don't touch me, or I'll do it"

"Have you ever beaten me?"


Mingjiao Guangmingding.

Today's Mingjiao Guangmingding is in great chaos.

Thousands of Jianghu people have been attacking the Mingjiao Guangmingding Main Altar since the morning. These Jianghu people also want to wait until Xuantian Empire's army fails to capture Qilian City. , they want to come to Guangmingding as soon as possible to snatch the Mingjiao's Great Shifting Technique.

If the Xuantian Empire's army breaks Qilian City today, they, the Jianghu people, may return empty-handed. The

Jianghu people here don't dare to go against the Xuantian Empire, they We can only seize the Mingjiao's protective skills from the Mingjiao main altar before the Xuantian Empire's army arrives.

"Kill, kill these Mingjiao believers, and we can obtain the Mingjiao's Great Shifting Technique."

"Come on, kill these Mingjiao believers."

"There are no powerful masters in the Mingjiao Guangmingding. Give them all to me and destroy the Mingjiao believers in the Guangmingding."

"Master He, should we act separately or together?"

"Let's come together. We sects have all discussed it. If we get the Great Shifting Technique, we can make a copy of it. If we act together, we can also monitor each other."

"Okay, let’s do it together!"

On Guangmingding, the leaders of more than ten Jianghu sects ordered their disciples to rush into the Mingjiao main altar on Guangmingding.

In a side hall of Guangmingding,

Liu Xinru and Dai Qisi are all here. Today The Jianghu people came in, but they were all surprised.

Liu Xinru drank tea and shook her head, thinking that although there were no masters in the Mingjiao general altar, the Five Elements Flags of the Mingjiao were all left at Guangmingding, and Yang Dingtian asked the Five Elements Flags to stay at Guangmingding. Guangmingding is probably just to deal with these Jianghu people.

This time those Jianghu people will be in trouble.

At this moment, a maid Jin came to the room and saluted Liu Xinru and said,"Master, the Jianghu people at the bottom of the mountain are going to rush into the main altar of Guangmingding.""

"Xiaoru ordered all our people to come to this side hall, and let the Jianghu people and the Five Elements Banners of Mingjiao fight each other."

"Yes, master!"

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