On the beach, in the camp of the Greek coalition forces.

The kings of the Greek coalition are all sitting together now.

Today's war shocked these kings. The

30,000 Trojan army was actually wiped out by the 20,000 Roman legion. Even the Roman legion only suffered thousands of casualties. Soldiers, this made these kings very surprised at the combat effectiveness of the Roman legions.

"We cannot ignore the Roman legion. The Roman legion is too powerful."

"Yes, 20,000 Roman legions faced 30,000 Trojan troops, and they were able to destroy the Trojan army with minimal casualties. Such an army was too powerful."

"We must be careful about the Roman legion. We, the Greek coalition, must take precautions tonight to prevent the Roman legion from taking action against our Greek coalition."

"Hester, you are worrying too much. The Roman legions only have 30,000 troops in total, and now there are more than 20,000 troops left, and the Roman legions have already started war against the Kingdom of Troy. Do you think the Roman legions still dare to go to war against our Greek coalition at this time?"

"Yes, it is impossible for the Roman legions to wage war against our Greek coalition forces, and there is no need for them to wage war against our Greek coalition forces."

"Should we unite with the Roman legions to attack Troy? In this way, our Greek coalition will surely quickly break through the city of Troy, and we can quickly conquer the Kingdom of Troy."

In the tent, all the kings of Greece were talking about today's war between the Roman legion and the Trojan army. The kings of Greece were worried about the Roman legion and felt that if they united with the Roman legion to attack the city of Troy, they could quickly win it. Kingdom of Troy.

King Agamemnon of Greece patted the table and said loudly,

"That's enough. Let's go meet the commander of the Roman Legion tomorrow. If the Roman Legion agrees to unite, after capturing the Kingdom of Troy, we can distribute some spoils to the Roman Legion."

"Well, let's take a look at the attitude of the Roman legion commander tomorrow."One king nodded and agreed, and the remaining kings also nodded.

They also knew that the city of Troy was not easy to be breached. With the help of the Roman legions, it would be very easy for the city of Troy to be breached. The people in the city of Troy Treasures and women are waiting for them to claim it. With the arrival of the black-armored army in the Roman legion camp, the entire Roman legion camp is boiling. Black armor, devil masks, and powerful black-armored soldiers make the Roman legionnaires excited. The Roman soldiers who had never seen the black-armored army were shocked. No wonder the Roman legions worshiped the black-armored army very much. It turned out that the black-armored army was really very powerful. This was a much more powerful army than the Roman legions. He was tied to a wooden pillar. Hector, who was on board, also discovered the arrival of the black-armored army. He was very surprised when he saw the powerful black-armored army.

"How can this be? Why did Su Chen still have troops coming? These armies were even more powerful than the Roman legions. How could the Roman commander have such a powerful army?"

Dong dong dong dong.......

As groups of black-armored cavalry were taken away by Alice and the others, the beach war was about to begin.

After Natasha next to Su Chen saw the black-armored troops leaving, she looked at Su Chen and felt very incredible. She didn't know much about Chen.

She had also heard Alice and the others talk about Su Chen, a top noble in the continent and now the emperor of an empire. Even this bastard had a huge army, countless people, and a vast territory.

But Natasha was shocked by the troops she saw today.

These murderous troops were very elite, and it took countless wars to cultivate such a powerful army.

Natasha looked at Suchen and said silently,

"Your army is indeed strong"

"You don’t have to say that."

Su Chen said angrily when she heard Natasha's words.

When Natasha saw Su Chen's arrogance, she clenched her fists and wanted to punch this bastard,"Bastard, can't you speak properly?"

Su Chen got angry and Natasha said with a smile,

"Come on, Natasha, you have to be prepared for an attack by the Trojan army tonight. If the beach war starts, the Trojan army will definitely be dispatched. Don’t let our camp be attacked."

"I will guard against Troy, you don’t need to tell me."Natasha rolled her eyes at Su Chen coquettishly and didn't want to talk to this bastard anymore.

"Okay, then I'm going to bed."

Su Chen waved his hands after hearing Natasha's words and prepared to go back to rest.

It's already midnight.

Su Chen didn't even have a good rest in Qilian City before coming to the foreign battlefield. He needs to have a good sleep now. Sleep. The city of Troy will be conquered tomorrow, and he will be needed to open the gate of Troy.

Su Chen must recharge his batteries and wait for tomorrow's war.

Natasha asked in confusion after hearing Su Chen's words," go to sleep? There's a war tonight. How can you sleep?"

"I have arranged everything, you just need to follow my orders."

"Bastard, aren't you going to join this war?"Natasha didn't expect that the war was about to start tonight, but this bastard was going to bed. This made Natasha really speechless to this bastard.

Su Chen pointed at herself and said speechlessly," I am the emperor. Have you ever seen the emperor charging into battle?"

Natasha was confused again.

This bastard is actually showing off his status as an emperor here.

This is a war in a foreign land, and people will die if they fail to complete the task.

Damn bastard.

Doesn't this bastard not care about her life or death at all?

Natasha watched Su Chen wandering back to the tent, which made her rub her head and feel helpless.

She had no choice but to deal with this bastard.

It seemed that the battle tonight would depend on Maximus and Alice. Those people.

But, why didn't Su Chen participate in this war?

She felt flustered.

Could this bastard do anything to make people feel at ease?

Wow oh oh oh......

Around the beach camp of the Greek coalition, after Alice and the others were in place with their troops, the attack horn of the black-armored army sounded.

Dong Dong Dong Dong........

The sound of the horseshoes of the black-armored cavalry rang. The black-armored troops on the left and right wings of the beach simultaneously launched an attack on the Greek coalition forces on the beach. Maximus and Laura, the horses on the front, also attacked the Greek coalition forces from a high position.

"Rocket ready, release!"

Swish swish swish".......

Countless rockets were fired at the Greek coalition camp. For a while, fires broke out everywhere in the Greek coalition camp.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Meet the enemy quickly!"

"It's on fire, put it out quickly"

"There are enemy troops on the left wing. Hurry up and meet them!"

"There are enemies on the front, and there are enemies on the right. We are surrounded."

"Fight, fight with me!"

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