The Greek coalition is now in great chaos.

There are burning tents everywhere, panicked soldiers, scurrying horses, the generals of the Greek coalition shouting and cursing, and the soldiers in the Greek coalition are confused about where the enemy is and what they are. The army came and attacked them?

"The crossbow is ready, let go!"

Swish swish swish.......

Alice led 20,000 black-armored troops and rushed to the Greek coalition's security forces and began to massacre them. The black-armored troops held crossbows and shot and killed them one after another. The black-armored troops on horses, holding long swords and swords, slaughtered and fled to Greece in panic. Soldier.

The black armored army attacked the Greek coalition forces from three directions at the same time. This made the generals and kings of the Greek coalition forces not know which direction to fight the enemy. The panicked Greek coalition forces could not organize a large army to fight against the black armored army.

Just when the Greek coalition forces were in chaos, the soldiers of the Greek coalition forces suddenly discovered Achilles. They saw Achilles leading some Greek coalition forces towards the right wing, which made the soldiers of the Greek coalition forces shout and follow Achilles. Kill it

"Achilles, it's Achilles!"



"Go ahead and kill the enemy with Achilles!"

"Kill, Achilles, kill the enemy with Achilles!"

In the Greek coalition,

Achilles saw the Greek coalition being attacked. He hurriedly led his men to quickly attack the black-armored army.

The sneak attack tonight made him feel very bad.

The black-armored army he saw was not at all It's not the Trojan army and the Roman legion. He has never seen these armies wearing black armor and evil ghost masks.

But these murderous black armored armies are very elite.

Soldiers of the Greek coalition were killed when they met. , such an army is too powerful.

On the beach, more and more Greek coalition forces followed Achilles to kill on the right wing.

At this moment,

Selena, with her black-armored army, saw the Greek coalition forces coming towards her and was disdainful. smiled

"Get ready to kill!" woo woo woo woo.......

After the 20,000 black-armored cavalry heard Serena's order, all the black-armored troops lined up in formation on war horses and held long poles. Each long pole stood in front, ready to pierce the enemy at any time.


"Kill, kill, kill!"

Dong dong dong.......

As the horses started running, the black-armored troops charged directly towards the Greek coalition forces that broke out to the right.

Poof! Poof! Poof!...... bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump.......

After the black-armored army collided with the Greek coalition forces, the soldiers of the Greek coalition were either penetrated by Changge or trampled to death by war horses. The black-armored army did not stop at all. Even the Greek soldiers who were lucky enough to escape would be killed. Killed by the black armored army coming from behind.

Woo woo woo......

At this time,

Alice on the left and Maximus and Laura on the front also rushed into the Greek coalition camp. The chaotic Greek coalition was now filled with Greek soldiers fleeing everywhere. However, under the fighting between the black armored army and the Roman legions, , the fleeing Greek coalition forces were also beheaded one by one.

"I surrender!"

"Don't kill me, I will surrender too!"

"Surrender, we surrender"

"Demons, these are demons, we surrender, don’t kill us"

"By the gods, these are demons!"

"Surrender, I surrender!"


In the Greek coalition, some Greek soldiers threw away their weapons and knelt on the ground and surrendered to the black-armored army and the Roman legions. They were all scared. These armies were demons, and they were no match for these armies.

On the right wing, after Selina saw a Greek soldier killing several black-armored soldiers, she rode on a war horse and killed him.

When Selina arrived in front of Achilles, she asked,"Are you Achilles? In the Greek coalition army The myth of invincibility?"


Achilles asked in confusion when he saw Serena blocking him in front of him.

He didn't expect that it would be a woman who led the army to attack the Greek coalition this time. This made Achilles very surprised.

"Do you look down on women?"

Selena frowned when she heard Achilles' words.

She didn't expect that the heroes of the Greek coalition also looked down on women.

However, when she saw there was a woman behind Achilles,

Serena smiled. He smiled and said,"Oh, you actually want to escape with a woman? It seems that you are also a lover"

"I don't kill women!"

"Then you will kill me too."

Selena was so angry with Achilles that a little scumbag actually looked down on her.

Serena ordered the surrounding black-armored troops who were preparing to surround and kill Achilles,"The black-armored troops obey the order. Give it to me, you go kill the other Greek coalition forces"

"Yes, ma'am!"

After the surrounding black-armored cavalry heard Serena's order, they saluted Serena and then started to kill other Greek coalition forces.

"Woman, you are seeking death!"

Achilles didn't expect that Serena wanted to stop them all by herself, but he and dozens of his men were here. This made him very angry and attacked Serena,"


"What did you say?"

Selena quickly jumped up from the horse and kicked Achilles away.

For Achilles, an ordinary person,

Serena didn't care at all.

Although Achilles was much more powerful than some Greek soldiers, he didn't care about her. It was just a slightly powerful reptile, and she could kill him without even using her full strength.

"Go ahead, kill this woman!"

After Achilles' cousin saw Achilles being kicked down, he rushed towards Serena with a spear and shouted.

"court death"

"Moon step!"


Bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump bump......

Dozens of Achilles's men, before they could rush in front of Serena, were kicked away by Serena quickly.

Serena showed no mercy this time. At least half of the dozens of Achilles' men were kicked to death on the spot. If the remaining Greek soldiers had not been knocked away by other soldiers, they would have been killed by Serena one by one..

Achilles struggled to stand up with blood streaming from the corner of his mouth. He looked at Serena in surprise and asked,"Why are you so powerful?"

"Surrender or I'll kill you on the spot!"Selena has no skills and Achilles is chattering. She also wants to lead the black-armored army to destroy the Greek coalition. She doesn't want to waste time here.

Achilles was angry when he heard what Serena said. He yelled,"There is no way I, Achilles, will surrender!"

"oh? Then I must capture you, Achilles. If you don't surrender, I will kill all your men and that woman."Selena looked at the remaining Greek soldiers and a woman next to her and threatened Achilles.

Selina also heard Su Chen talk about Achilles,

Achilles in the Greek coalition, and Heck in the Kingdom of Troy. Oh, these two people, Su Chen has mentioned their names repeatedly, and Su Chen seems to be very interested in them. The eldest prince of Troy, Hector, has been captured alive by Alice, and

Serena wants to bring Greece to Greece too. The hero Achilles was also captured alive


"Still dare to kill? Then I will cripple you! Lanjie!"

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