Achilles will not surrender.

Although this will put his men and cousins ​​in danger, but not resisting and letting him surrender directly is not Achilles's style. Besides, if they are all captured, Life or death is not within their control. bump!

Before Achilles could reach Serena with his long sword, he was quickly kicked away by Serena.

And this time Serena didn't stop.

She ducked and came to Achilles again. Before Achilles could get up, Serena hit Achilles on the back of the neck. I was immediately knocked unconscious by Serena.

"All throw down their weapons and surrender, or Achilles will be killed by me."After Serena subdued Achilles, she looked at Achilles' men and threatened, snap! Snap!"......

More than twenty of Achilles' men immediately threw away their weapons and surrendered.

They knew that no matter how they resisted, they could not escape. Even Achilles was instantly defeated by this beautiful woman. It was impossible for them to defeat this woman, and there were many black-armored troops around them who were eyeing them.

"Catch them all."When Serena saw that these people had surrendered, she waved her hands to the surrounding black-armored troops and ordered,

"Yes, ma'am!"

After Serena went to capture Achilles' men in the black-armored army, she looked at the woman next to her and asked coldly,"Who are you? Why did Achilles take you to escape?"

The woman next to her hurriedly saluted Selina and said,"My name is Briseis, I am a priest of the Kingdom of Troy and the cousin of Hector, the great prince of Troy."

"Hector's cousin?"

Selena didn't expect that this woman turned out to be the cousin of Prince Troy, but how could she be with the Greek hero Achilles?

However, she didn't care about this,

Selina ordered to the soldiers of the black-armored army,

"Take her with you"

"Yes, ma'am!"

After Serena finished handling the affairs here, she mounted her war horse and continued to rush towards the Greek coalition camp. The Greek coalition forces have not been wiped out yet. She, together with Alice and Maximus, will destroy all the Greek coalition forces.

And now At that time, the fire on the beach was also discovered by the people on the wall of Troy.

The King of Troy and some nobles went up to the city wall to look towards the beach. The fire soaring into the sky made the King of Troy unaware of what was happening on the beach, but they were fighting fiercely. He heard the sound.

At this time, a scout ran over and said to King Troy,"King, it's the Roman legion and the Greek coalition who are fighting."

"What? How could the Roman legions go to war with the Greek coalition?"

The old King of Troy was very surprised when he heard the scout's report.

During the day, the Roman legion and the Greek coalition launched wars against the Trojan army.

Why did the Roman legion and the Greek coalition fight at night?

The scout continued to attack the old man. The king said,"King, yes.....It was the Roman legions that attacked the Greek coalition forces, and now a tragic war is taking place on the beach.

The old king thought for a moment and stood up suddenly. He ordered his second son Paris next to him,"Paris, you immediately lead an army of ten thousand Trojans to rescue your brother Hector, as well as Thetis and Helen.""

The old king thought that all the soldiers of the Roman Legion had attacked the Greek coalition forces, so there must not be many troops in the camp of the Roman Legion. He wanted to take advantage of this moment to rescue his eldest son Hector and Helen.

"Yes, Father!"

After hearing the old king's order, Paris hurriedly went down the city wall to summon the army.

This time, when he showed up, the Roman legion was attacking the Greek coalition.

There must not be many troops left in the Roman legion's camp.

He will definitely be able to rescue him this time. His brother and Helen

"Hope everything goes well!"

The old king said to himself worriedly when he saw Paris getting ready.

He frowned when he looked at the beach.

He still didn't understand why the Roman legion would attack the Greek coalition.

The Roman legion had a total of 30,000 troops. Even if the Greek coalition lost more than 20,000 soldiers during the daytime war, the Greek coalition still has at least 70,000 troops. Is the Roman legion with less than 30,000 a match for the Greek coalition? Why would the

Roman legions launch a war against the Greek coalition ? ? What is the purpose of the Roman legions coming to Troy this time?

In the Roman legion camp,

Su Chen was lying on the couch and looked at Sethis and Helen next to him and was very speechless.

Why are these two women still here?

These two women Does he dare to rest here?

Su Chen was worried that he would be assassinated by these two women after sleeping.

Su Chen waved his hands to Sethis and Helen and said,"You all go out and find a place to rest. I want Go to sleep. Helen knelt down directly to Suchen and begged,"Sir, please let Hector go. He is a good man. If you want to kill Paris, go to Troy City and kill Paris. Hector, please let him go."."

Su Chen said coldly with his eyes closed,

"Hector will be executed tomorrow. No matter what you say, nothing can change his fate. There are many good people in this world. Since Hector dares to make me lose face, he must die."

After hearing Su Chen's words, Sethis also knelt down and begged,"Sir, Hector also violated the duel to save his brother. I am willing to die for him. Please let him go."

"go out!"

"grown ups!"

"If you don't go out, I will ask the soldiers to ask you out."

Su Chen was speechless to these two women.

Su Chen originally wanted to imprison them, but Alice and the others felt that the war had nothing to do with women, and they did not agree to imprison these two women, but they wanted to keep them This woman is really troublesome.

When Sethis and Helen encountered Su Chen's threat, they looked at each other and had no choice.

The commander of the Roman legion must execute Hector, which made them think of what to do now. Save Hector.

Sethis looked at Suchen and said to Helen with a complicated expression,

"Helen, you go out first!"


Helen was very confused when she heard what Sethis said.

She didn't know what Sethis was going to do.

Was he going to assassinate Suchen?

Or was he going to commit himself to Suchen to save Hector?

"get out!"

"good....All right!"

Helen nodded anxiously to Thaddeus, and she slowly exited the luxurious tent. She didn't want Thaddeus to do anything stupid. She really couldn't save Hector this time, and Helen didn't want to either. Sethis made a fool of himself.

Suchen also heard what Sethis said.

He didn't want to know what Sethis was going to do, but just because Sethis wanted to catch or assassinate him, could Sethis do it?

Even if Si wanted to assassinate himself, he probably wouldn't be able to break his protective aura.

At this moment,

Sadie took off her robe and slowly walked towards the cave, but her clenched hands betrayed her nervousness.

"I must save Hector, no matter what the cost, I must save Hector."

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