In Qiao's Mansion, there were two beautiful beauties with exactly the same appearance and even the same figure. They held each other's hands and looked nervously outside the mansion.

These two girls are Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao in the Qiao Mansion.

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao are both worried about the big shot coming to snatch them away. Even the governor of Lujiang County is a person who must be treated with caution. This makes just Xiao Xiao It was impossible for the Qiao family, a noble family, to resist.

The two sisters are also very worried about their future fate.

"Sister, will we be captured?"Xiao Qiao nervously asked her sister Da Qiao beside her.

Da Qiao shook his head with some sadness on his face and said,"I don't know. I believe my father won't see us being taken away."

"But this time a big shot is coming. Even the Lujiang County Sheriff has to greet him outside the house. Can our father protect us?"Xiao Qiao doesn't believe that their father can save the two sisters this time.

This time, even the Lujiang County Sheriff has to be careful. Xiao Qiao doesn't think that his father can save the two sisters.

Da Qiao took the photo He patted Xiao Qiao on the shoulder and said comfortingly,"Sister, don't worry, maybe the upcoming big shot just wants to meet us, and we may be overthinking it."

Xiao Qiao looked at Da Qiao and said speechlessly,

"Sister, is this possible? Ever since the rumor spread that Sun Ce wanted to steal our sisters, many people have been trying to steal our sisters again in the past month or so. This time it must be a big shot who wants to steal us as his wives and concubines. Da

Qiao smiled softly and said,"Don't worry, let's see first what kind of big shot is coming.""

"That's all we can do, I hope it's not an old man who wants to kidnap us. Otherwise, I won't be kidnapped even if I die."Xiao Qiao nodded and stopped guessing.

What will be the fate of the two sisters in the future will be known soon. She just hopes that the big man coming is just curious about them and will not kidnap them. sisters

"I am not an old man who has suffered, and there is no need for you two sisters to commit suicide."

Just as Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao were talking,

Su Yan's voice came from outside the room.

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao heard Su Yan's words. She hurriedly looked towards the door. When they saw a little girl arriving with two beautiful women, the two sisters were stunned.

They didn't expect that the big shot who was about to come turned out to be a little girl. If it weren't for their father and the Lujiang County Sheriff They all followed the little girl cautiously. They couldn't believe everything they saw.

When Qiao Xuan saw the confused looks on Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao's faces, he hurriedly shouted,"Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, this is Miss Yan from Jingzhou, why don’t you salute quickly!"

"Da Qiao (Xiao Qiao) met Miss Yan."When Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao heard their father's words, they hurriedly bowed to Su Yan.

They didn't expect that Miss Yan from Jingzhou would come this time.

They had also heard of Miss Yan from Jingzhou. A little girl actually did this. The governor of Jingzhou was even the most powerful prince in the Han Empire, which made them very curious when they looked at Su Yan.

Su Yan waved to Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao and looked at the two sisters.

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao Xiao Qiao and Su Yan are very satisfied with the twin sisters. They have exquisite looks, convex figures, exactly the same face, and even the figure is exactly the same.

Although they are not as beautiful as Zhen Mi, they are a beautiful pair. twin sisters.

Su Yan nodded to Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao and said with a smile,"You are very good. You didn't let me come to Lujiang County in vain.""

"Miss Yan, what are you going to do to us?"Xiao Qiao looked at the young Su Yan and asked doubtfully,

"Haha, what do you think?"

Su Yan looked at Xiao Qiao and asked with a smile,

"Miss Yan, you don’t really want to arrest our sisters, do you?"


"Phew, that’s good!"

"I will not arrest you two sisters, but your father gave you two sisters to me, haha!"

"What? How can this be?"

When Xiao Qiao heard Su Yan's words, she looked at her father in confusion.

She didn't expect that her father would hand the sisters over to Miss Yan, but how could this be possible? Their father loved the two sisters very much. Qiao also didn't believe that her father would hand the two sisters over to Miss Yan.

Da Qiao also looked at her father with a look of disbelief.

She also didn't believe that their father would do this.

Qiao Xuan stroked his beard and smiled in response to her doubts. Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao said,

"Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, the Han Empire is in complete chaos now. If you sisters continue to stay in Lujiang, something will happen."

"If you don't leave, I'm afraid even Sun Ce from Wu County will come and snatch your sisters away. You will be very safe with Miss Yan in the future."

"Besides, our Qiao family is also going to settle in Xiangyang, Jingzhou. You sisters can follow Miss Yan from now on."

When Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao heard Qiao Xuan's words, they understood that their father was worried that someone would do harm to their sisters in the future, and even wanted to avoid Wu Jun Sun Ce's greed for their beauty. At this time,

Cai Yan and Huang Yueying also looked at Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao nodded.

No wonder Su Yan came to Lujiang County in person to meet Jiangdong Er Qiao. Jiang Dong Er Qiao was indeed very beautiful, especially a pair of twins. This made them look at Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao. They were all surprised.

Su Yan looked at Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao and asked with a smile,"Do you believe it now? Are you willing to leave with me?"

"I'll have to worry about Miss Yan from now on." Da Qiao smiled softly and saluted after hearing Su Yan's words.

Su Yan nodded her little head and said happily,"It's not troublesome. You should be my sister Da Qiao. My sister Da Qiao has a gentle and virtuous personality. My sister Xiao Qiao has a lively and cute personality. You two sisters are very good. I believe my father......"

Su Yan almost let it slip as she spoke.

Fortunately, even if she reacted, otherwise,

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao might not be willing to leave with her, and even Cai Yan and Huang Yueying would have to leave desperately.

"What is your father? Huang Yueying asked suspiciously when she heard Su Yan's intermittent words.

Su Yan rolled his little eyes and hurriedly lied,"It's nothing. I just haven't seen my father for a long time and I miss him a little." Huang

Yueying looked at Su Yan and said speechlessly,"If you miss your father, go see your father. Miss Yan, who is your father?" What's your last name?"

Su Yan waved his hand and said confusedly,

"You will know this later. I don’t know where my father is now. I can't see anyone even when I go home."

Huang Yueying saw that Su Yan still refused to reveal anything, which made her more and more curious about Su Yan's parents,"Your parents are really big-hearted. You are doing these things at a young age. How could your parents Aren't you worried?"

"Miss Yan, is your mother really the empress of Huanyinfang?"Xiao Qiao looked at Su Yan and asked doubtfully,

"I escaped secretly this time. The empress of Huanyinfang is my aunt. My biological mother is not Li Maozhen, the empress of Huanyinfang. Empress Li Maozhen is only one of my father's women."

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