Huang Yueying, Cai Yan, and even Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao were very shocked when they heard Su Yan's words.

None of them thought that Su Yan's biological mother was not the empress Li Maozhen of Huanyinfang, but that the empress Li Maozhen of Huanyinfang was actually one of Su Yan's father's women?

How can this be?

In the Northern Continent,

Huanyinfang is one of the four top Jianghu forces alongside Tianxiahui, Wushuang City, and Xuanming Sect, and Huanyinfang is the most mysterious hidden force among them.

Cai Yan and the others knew that several of the nine holy ladies of Huanyinfang had been protecting Su Yan, and from the respectful attitude of the saintly ladies of Huanyinfang towards Su Yan, they also knew that Huanyinfang valued Su Yan..

Cai Yan and the others originally thought that Su Yan was the daughter of Empress Li Maozhen, but they did not expect that Su Yan was not the daughter of Empress Li Maozhen.

She was Su Yan's aunt.

How could they believe this?

Liu Xun and Qiao Xuan looked at Su Yan in shock.

Today they heard very surprising news.

The empress Li Maozhen of Huanyinfang actually became a man's concubine. The powerful empress actually became a concubine?

This scared them too.

Empress Li Maozhen recently heard that a land immortal who was promoted to the heavenly realm actually became a man's concubine?

So who is Su Yan's father?

Xiao Qiao looked surprised and asked Su Yan,

"Miss Yan, you didn't deceive us, did you? How could the empress Li Maozhen not be your biological mother?"

"What's so deceptive about this? My mother is indeed not the empress Li Maozhen."Su Yan glanced at Xiao Qiao and shook his head.

Huang Yueying looked at Su Yan and asked bluntly,

"So who is your mother?"

Su Yan still shook his head and refused,"Haha, you want to trick me? This is not okay, but I won’t tell you now."

Su Yan is most afraid of her mother Jing Salad. Jing Salad, who has always been cold-faced and expressionless, is very strict with her. If she hadn't been unable to stand Jing Sala's control in Xuannio Palace, she wouldn't have been able to get along with Zhen Mi. Came to the Northern Continent secretly

"What about your father? Who is your father?"

Cai Yan is also very curious about Su Yan's father.

Su Yan's father can take down the empress Li Maozhen, so Su Yan's father must not be an ordinary man, and she also guesses that Su Yan's current black-armored army may also belong to her father. Army.

But in the Han Empire in the Northern Continent,

Cai Yan couldn't think of that prince who would be Su Yan's father.

After all, Su Yan was now the most powerful prince in the Han Empire. If Su Yan's father was also a prince, then Su Yan would His father must be more powerful than Su Yan, and now Su Yan's Jingzhou is the most powerful among the princes. So who is Su Yan's father? After hearing

Cai Yan's words, Su Yan shook his head and said,

"My father? I can’t tell you this. You will know it later, so don’t ask any more questions now."

Xiao Qiao and Huang Yueying were very helpless when they heard Su Yan's answer.

This little girl was too strict.

Her mother refused to reveal it, and even her father refused to reveal it, which made them feel very uncomfortable. good

"Miss Qi, a secret message from Xiangyang, Jingzhou!"A secret guard hurriedly arrived and saluted Su Yan, saying,

"bring here!"

"Yes, miss!"

Su Yan took the secret letter and read it, but she frowned as she read it.

Su Yan did not expect that Cao Cao would launch a war against Xuzhou. Didn't Cao Cao know that Tao Qian of Xuzhou was her friend?

Moreover , He threatened to bloodbath Xuzhou.

Is Cao Cao going to inhumane and start a massacre?

Su Yan thought about it and immediately ordered the secret guard,

"Ordered Zhao Yun and Wei Yan, with Zhao Yun as the commander and Wei Yan as the deputy general, and asked Zhao Yun to lead a black armored cavalry regiment to Xuzhou to help Tao Qian. He told Zhao Yun that this mission only needs to drive Cao Cao's army out of Xuzhou. It is not about destroying Cao Cao yet. when"

"Yes, miss!"

Su Yan shook her head when she saw the secret guard leaving. She couldn't leave Tao Qian in Xuzhou without saving him. Tao Qian was a loyal younger brother of hers, and Xuzhou was also in her pocket. Su Yan wouldn't let Cao Cao ruin it. Xuzhou

"Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, please clean up. We will return to Xiangyang City in Jingzhou in a moment."

"Yes, Miss Yan!"

Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao also saw that something had happened, and they did not dare to ask any more questions.

Su Yan was very serious when he issued the order just now. They also knew that Su Yan, at a young age, was a powerful figure in the Han Empire. A prince, and a powerful prince who could decide countless lives and deaths with just one word.

Su Yan then explained to Liu Xun of Lujiang County, and ordered the army to prepare to march back to Xiangyang City, Jingzhou.


Han Dynasty Palace, in the queen's palace.

Su Chen was very helpless when he saw Zhang Chunhua and the four of them drunkenly.

Zhang Chunhua and the other four girls were planning to get him drunk and ask for his identity. Su Chen was not drunk yet, but they were all drunk one by one.

Su Chen put them one by one on Queen Fu's bed and prepared to leave.

He didn't want to listen to four drunkards talking nonsense here.

"You want to leave?"

Just when Su Chen was about to turn around and leave,

Zhang Chunhua's voice came from the bed.

Su Chen looked at Zhang Chunhua sitting up and shouted in confusion,

"I'll do it! You're not drunk?"

Zhang Chunhua laughed when he saw Su Chen's surprised look,"Haha! I'm an innate master, can these drinks make me drunk?"

"Miss Zhang, so you are pretending to be drunk?"

"Yes, I just want to test your bastard’s character. I didn’t expect that you, bastard, are still a decent man."

"Damn it, if I had known I would have fucked you first"

"Shameless, you bastard is such a shameless bastard." Zhang Chunhua cursed angrily when he heard Su Chen's words.

Su Chen ignored Zhang Chunhua. He looked at the other three women and found that something was wrong with Mrs. Ding,"Mrs. Ding, you Stop pretending. Your eyelashes are always moving. Are you pretending to be drunk?"

"Mr. Su, I didn't expect you to observe so carefully."Mrs. Ding also sat up from the bed and said to Su Chen with a blushing face.

She was very uncomfortable being held by Su Chen and put on the bed just now. She was even worried that Su Chen would be scornful of her, but she didn't expect that Su Chen would treat her badly. The four girls were indifferent. Did this bastard look down on their beauty?

Su Chen looked at Mrs. Ding and then continued to look at Queen Guo and Queen Fu. He wanted to know if the remaining two girls were also pretending to be drunk. ,"Queen Guo, Queen Fu, aren't you pretending to be drunk too?""

Queen Guo coughed when she heard Su Chen's words and said blankly,"Ahem, I'm not pretending to be drunk, I just feel dizzy and want to take a rest."

"I drank too much just now, and now I feel better!"Empress Fu sat up a little embarrassed and rubbed her head shyly and said,

"What the hell! You women are all pretending to be drunk? If I had known I would have thrown you all to the ground."

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