Su Chen took out a blue bird jade pendant from the system space and handed it to Yan Ying. With the blue bird jade pendant here, Yan Ying could be regarded as his real woman. No one in the Tenglong Combat Legion would doubt Yan Ying's identity when they saw the blue bird jade pendant.

Yan Ying nodded when she heard Su Chen's words.

She knew that Su Chen's goal was to occupy the entire Tianxuan Continent, and the Northern Continent was just one of his goals. Since Su Chen said this, Yan Ying also wanted to listen to Su Chen. She was planning to go to Qingzhou.

Yan Ying took the blue bird jade pendant handed to her by Su Chen and asked doubtfully,"Blue bird jade pendant? What are you giving me this for?""

"The Blue Bird Jade Pendant represents your identity as the imperial concubine of the Xuantian Empire. With the Blue Bird Jade Pendant, the Tenglong Combat Legion will not doubt your identity, and with the Blue Bird Jade Pendant, you can also order the Tenglong Combat Legion to launch a war.

Yan Ying looked at the blue bird jade pendant in her hand and shouted to Su Chen,"Ha!" Why didn't you give it to me earlier, you bastard?"

Yan Ying hurriedly put it away after hearing the effect of the Blue Bird Jade Pendant.

She also did not expect that the Blue Bird Jade Pendant had such a great effect. Isn't this bastard afraid that his women will rebel with the Blue Bird Jade Pendant?

"Don't I want to test you?"

Su Chen smiled and pointed it out directly.

Su Chen didn't care whether Yan Ying would be unhappy now.

From the past few days, it seems that Yan Ying is not a bad woman. As for her wanting to get power, Su Chen hasn't seen it yet. Why did she insist on getting power? But now Yan Ying is only thinking about him.

Su Chen is also very relieved about Yan Ying.


If these are Yan Ying's hidden deceptions, then it is just a matter of Su Chen's words. Yan Ying Yan Ying will be knocked back to her original form. Even if Yan Ying has the blue bird jade pendant, she can't do anything.

"Test me?"

Yan Ying was very angry when she heard Su Chen's words.

She didn't expect that this bastard never believed her from beginning to end.

Yan Ying was honest with this bastard and even gave up her previous plans.

This damn bastard

"You wanted to take advantage of me, the emperor of the Xuantian Empire, and even planned to control me. If I didn't test you, wouldn't I suffer some losses if you had any bad intentions?"

"So I passed the test?"

"I passed it for the time being. I’ll see how you perform later."

"you are such a bastard"

"Ha ha....., don't be angry, the past is in the past, we only look at the future."Su Chen hugged Yan Ying and said comfortingly.

Yan Ying was hugged by Su Chen and said in embarrassment,"Let me go, you don't even look at where this place is."

Su Chen didn't let go of Yan Ying.

He looked at the black-armored cavalry who all turned around and continued,

"Yan Ying"

"You need to get to Qingzhou as soon as possible"

"And there may be a conspiracy by bad people in the north of the Han Empire, which is why I asked you to go to Qingzhou to help Tenglong fight the legions."

"With you, a terrestrial god in the heavenly realm, it is impossible for the bad masters to behead the commanders of the Tenglong Combat Legion. Yan

Ying nodded and replied,

"I see"

"Well, in addition, I will ask You Ru of the Shadow Assassin to send you a hundred shadow assassins. These shadow assassins will be commanded by you."

"Those masked women in black? Shadow Assassin?"

"Yes! The Shadow Assassins are my most powerful subordinates. They are all masters of assassination. It is impossible for ordinary celestial beings to discover the existence of Shadow Assassins."

Yan Ying was very surprised when she heard Su Chen's words.

"So powerful? I asked why when those masked women in black appeared, I didn’t notice their aura."

Yan Ying is very curious about the masked women hiding around Su Chen. Ever since she saw those masked women in black clothes in Xiapi County Sheriff's Mansion , Yan Ying has been looking around for those masked women in black clothes. Yan Ying was depressed all the way. At this time, Lu Lingqi suddenly shouted from the side,

"I'll go too, Su Chen, please let me go to Qingzhou with Yan Ying. I also want to see your Tenglong combat legion."

Lu Lingqi is very interested in Su Chen's army.

This time, the battle with only 10,000 black armored cavalry was so bloody. She wants to see the battle with hundreds of thousands of troops.

There are more than 600,000 black armored troops in Qingzhou. , and Su Chen wanted to order Qingzhou's black-armored army to launch a war against the northern part of the Han Empire. She didn't want to miss the war with hundreds of thousands of troops.

Su Chen looked at Lu Lingqi's positive attitude and said speechlessly,

"Lu Lingqi, go and tell your mother. As long as your mother agrees, I won’t stop you from going."

"I'm going to tell you right now."

Su Chen shook his head when he saw the furious Lu Lingqi running to the carriage.

He hugged Yan Ying and continued to give her instructions,

"Yan Ying, you have to be careful of bad guys. That person is a very threatening person. If you lose, run away quickly."

"I will notify the arrival of some Heavenly Realm masters from the Southern Continent. Don’t go out of your way to cause trouble with bad people. As long as the bad people don’t provoke us, you can leave those people alone for the time being. Yan

Ying saw Su Chen being very cautious and asked in confusion,"Is the bad guy stronger than me?""

"Bad handsome Yuan Tiangang is either half-step to the Golden Core realm or a real master of the Golden Core realm. You are no match for him.

Yan Ying heard Su Chen's words and said in horror,"Hiss!" How can a bad organization be so terrifying? No wonder you let go of that Tianshuixingduan all day long."

Su Chen patted Yan Ying's back and said comfortingly,"Don't worry, we also have masters who are half a step into the Golden Core Realm. Maybe we also have masters who are at the Golden Core Realm."

Su Chen thought of the terrifying strength of Jellyfish Yinji, and he didn't care about the bad handsome Yuan Tiangang.

Jellyfish Yinji was originally a half-step golden elixir realm, and Jellyfish Yinji used spiritual stones to retreat under the fusang tree for so long. Su Chen believed Jellyfish Yinji's strength will improve very quickly, and Jellyfish Yinji may have advanced to the golden elixir realm.

Later, when Su Chen said goodbye to Yan Ying, he also gave Yan Ying some spiritual stones for her to practice. After all, Su Chen Chen would not treat her woman favorably.

Xuzhou, Peixian.

A carriage arrived here under dozens of guards, but the carriage did not enter Peixian and continued towards Xuzhou City.

In the carriage,

Zhang Chunhua looked at He persuaded the pale Madam Ding,"Mrs. Ding, even if we rush to Xuzhou City now, we probably won't be able to stop Cao Cao from massacring people in other counties in Xuzhou."

The people in the carriage were Zhang Chunhua, Mrs. Ding, Queen Guo, and even Queen Fu who came from Xudu.

After Zhang Chunhua and the four of them arrived at Xuzhou, they heard about Cao Cao's massacre of various counties in Xuzhou. One hundred thousand people were massacred, and every county was turned into a hell on earth. Although they had never seen that kind of misery, they felt horrible just thinking about that scene.

Mrs. Ding said angrily,"I always have to try. Cao Cao is too cruel. These are unarmed people. How could Cao Cao be so cruel to massacre people of his own race? They are worse than animals."

Queen Guo and Queen Fu also nodded beside them. They did not expect that Cao Cao would really start massacring the city in Xuzhou, which made them dissatisfied with Cao Cao, a cruel person.

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