Zhang Chunhua was helpless when he heard what Mrs. Ding said.

She didn't want to care about these things.

They came to Xuzhou this time just to find that bastard Su Chen. Even if Mrs. Ding tried to dissuade Cao Cao, I'm afraid Cao Cao wouldn't listen to her. If Mrs. Ding messed with her again, If Cao Cao is angry, these women will probably be sent back to Xudu.

Zhang Chunhua shook his head and did not persuade Mrs. Ding.

She looked at Queen Guo next to her and was very curious.

Queen Guo obviously had no cultivation level, but she actually became a powerful grandmaster in just a few days. Even stronger than her.

There are also martial arts secrets in Queen Guo's hands. These are all heaven-level martial arts secrets. How could Queen Guo have such precious martial arts secrets.

Before Zhang Chunhua and the others left Xudu, Queen Guo clearly didn't want to follow them, but Queen Guo got on the carriage again when they set off. This also made Zhang Chunhua and Mrs. Ding curious about Queen Guo.

Zhang Chunhua looked at Queen Guo and asked speculatively,

"Queen Guo, did that bastard give you these martial arts secrets? And how did you become a master in just a few days? Queen

Guo admitted expressionlessly,"Yes, he not only gave me some martial arts secrets, but also gave me a spiritual fruit. It was after I ate that spiritual fruit that I became a practitioner.""

Queen Guo still holds a grudge against what Su Chen did to her. She originally wanted to practice the martial arts secrets that bastard gave her and then seek revenge on him.

But she didn't expect that after eating that spiritual fruit, she would become A powerful master.

This made Queen Guo anxious to seek revenge on that bastard.

She had been practicing the secrets given to her by Su Chen along the way. When

Zhang Chunhua heard Queen Guo's words, she looked like this.

"As expected, it was that bastard who gave it to you. I felt that that bastard was no ordinary person. That bastard was definitely not just a messenger from the Xuantian Empire. He must have other noble identities."

Empress Fu nodded and said,"Well, that bastard has a noble air, he is definitely not an ordinary person."

Mrs. Ding nodded in agreement.

She looked at the city walls of Pei County and said expectantly,"I hope he is there in Xuzhou City, so that we don't have to look for that bastard everywhere, and we can also prevent Cao Cao from continuing to massacre Xuzhou. common people."

Zhang Chunhua and the others nodded.

Although they had different purposes for finding Su Chen this time, some of them needed Su Chen's help, some needed Su Chen to give her an explanation, and some needed to ask Su Chen. Some of her urgent problems, and some people wanted revenge on Su Chen.

But they all wanted to find that bastard as soon as possible, and at the junction of Xuzhou and Yangzhou, a convoy was heading towards Xuzhou City under the escort of tens of thousands of black-armored troops. , this is Su Yan who came from Lujiang County.

Su Yan did not return to Jingzhou this time.

She directly ordered the army to come towards Xuzhou. Su Yan was coming to take over the entire Xuzhou. Su Yan also got the news that Tao Qian wanted to give Xuzhou to Her, Su Yan would not miss such a benefit.

In the carriage,

Cai Yan looked at the secret message in his hand and asked with a surprised expression,"Miss Yan, can these messages be true? How could Cao Cao massacre the city in Xuzhou?"

Su Yan looked at Cai Yan with a serious expression on his face and replied,"The news cannot be false. It seems that Cao Cao is seeking death. It seems that I was wrong in not sending troops to destroy Cao Cao."

"Miss Yan, what are you going to do? Huang Yueying looked at Su Yan and asked nervously.

Huang Yueying had some understanding of Su Yan's character.

Besides, Tao Qian of Xuzhou had already given Xuzhou to Su Yan.

Huang Yueying did not believe that Su Yan would be indifferent to Cao Cao's massacre of the city in Xuzhou.

Su Yan shouted angrily,

"How to do it? I want to kill people. I want to slaughter all Cao Cao's troops in Xuzhou. Cao Cao dares to do these things that are not allowed by heaven. Then I don't intend to spare Cao Cao. After the Xuzhou incident is resolved this time, Jingzhou will launch a war against Cao Cao's Yuzhou. when.

Cai Yan dissuaded Su Yan after hearing what she said,"You want to start a war?" This is a lot of people who will die. Miss Yan, you have to think carefully."

"Then Cao Cao has massacred hundreds of thousands of people. Wouldn't this result in even more casualties? consider? I'm still thinking about it. If I hadn't been in Jingzhou now, I would have launched a war against Cao Cao."

Su Yan looked at Cai Yan and asked angrily.

Sisters Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao sat aside and looked at Su Yan's angry look. They did not dare to speak. Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao were not familiar with Su Yan yet. They were also afraid that saying the wrong thing would bring disaster to their family.

Huang Yueying patted Su Yan on the shoulder and nodded,"Miss Yan, I support you this time. Since Cao Cao dares to massacre people, you can't let him go." The cruel Cao Cao."

Su Yan unexpectedly looked at Huang Yueying, who had always been against her.

She didn't expect Huang Yueying to be so knowledgeable.

This made Su Yan more and more satisfied with Huang Yueying.

Su Chen shouted to the outside of the carriage,

"Someone coming"


"Send a message to Zhao Yun and Wei Yan in Xuzhou, asking them to destroy all Cao Cao's troops attacking Xuzhou, killing none of them."

"Yes, miss!"

In the carriage, after Cai Yan, Da Qiao, and Xiao Qiao heard Su Yan's order, they all looked at Su Yan in surprise.

They didn't expect that Su Yan was going to massacre all of Cao Cao's troops. This made them distrustful of this. The little girl Su Yan was shocked. Su Yan at such a young age could be so cruel, which made them even more afraid of Su Yan.

Just when Cai Yan and the others in the carriage were afraid of Su Yan, another guard came from outside the carriage. the sound of

"Miss Qi, the flying pigeon in Xuzhou is delivering a message!"

"bring here!"

"Yes, miss!"

Su Yan took the secret message handed over from the carriage and opened it.

She just stood up after looking at it for a moment.

Su Yan rubbed her eyes and continued to read the secret message in her hand.

Cai Yanhe next to her Huang Yueying and the other four girls looked at Su Yan's panic, which surprised them all.

They had never seen Su Yan panic before. What was there in the secret message that made Su Yan so panic?

"Oh my God! This time I'm done!"

Su Yan sat down weakly after reading the secret letter.

She didn't expect that her father had also come to the Northern Continent, and also appeared in Xuzhou. Su Yan felt that her father must have come to the Northern Continent to take her back. , which made Su Yan feel that she might be doomed.

When Cai Yan heard Su Yan's scream, he hurriedly asked,

"What happened?"

"Ah, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm really dead this time."

Su Yan looked at Cai Yan and the girls, covered his face and screamed.

Su Yan didn't think that Cai Yan and the girls would be looked down upon by his father. Although Cai Yan and the girls were all stunning beauties, they could None of them know martial arts. No matter how beautiful they are, they are still beautiful vases.

Su Yan also has no time for Cai Yan and the others to practice martial arts.

Her father has already arrived in the Northern Continent, and it is too late for Cai Yan and the others to practice now.

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