Trainer Bu heard that Nanman Zhu Rong wanted to kill her brother, which made her very worried.

Although Bu Lianshi knew that Su Chen could not save her brother, Bu Lianshi still wanted to save her brother Bu Chan's life.

Trainer Bu couldn't watch her brother being killed like this.

"Huh? Stop, little beauty, is this greedy waste a member of your family?" Zhu Rong waved his hands in confusion when he heard what Bu Lianshi said.

Bu Lianshi broke away from Su Chen's arms and said to Zhu Rong hastily,"Yes, please let the cave master let my brother go. We are just merchants. , we can give all the goods here to the cave owner.

Zhu Rong looked at Trainer Bu and sneered,"Tsk!" Everything here belongs to us barbarians. If you want to save your brother, come and exchange."

Zhu Rong has not forgotten to catch Su Chen.

This beautiful woman has a close relationship with Su Chen. Zhu Rong also wants to use this beautiful woman to threaten Su Chen.

"Sister, save me, save me quickly"

"I......I agreed."

Bu Lianshi looked at the miserable Bu Chan and nodded palely. She looked back at Wu Ran and Su Chen and slowly walked towards Zhu Rong.

Su Chen hugged Wu Ran and did not stop Bu Lianshi.

He wanted to see if Bu Lianshi saved that good-for-nothing, whether that waste would abandon Bu Lianshi again and run away.

"Ha ha! Let go of that trash."Zhu Rong saw Bu Lianshi coming to her side. He grabbed Bu Lianshi and ordered with a big smile,

"Yes, cave master!"

After Bu Chan was let go, he ran away in a panic. He didn't even look back at the Bu Lianshi who rescued her.

Bu Chan lowered his head when he saw Bu Chan's escape. Although she knew that Bu Chan was not worthy of her saving , but this is also her last time to save Bu Chan. From now on, she will pretend that she does not have this good-for-nothing brother.

Zhu Rong looked at Su Chen and said proudly,"Little pretty face, your woman is in my hands now, why don't you surrender quickly?"

"Zhu Rong, who said she is my woman?"

Su Chen touched his chin and said speechlessly.

Zhu Rong was very puzzled when he heard Su Chen's words.

This pretty boy actually wanted to abandon Trainer Bu.

Zhu Rong suddenly saw Wu Ran being held by Su Chen and suddenly said,"Well ? You were still together just now, making love to each other. Did you fall in love so quickly?"

Su Chen shouted with a dark face when he saw Zhu Rong looking at Wu Ran,

"I'm in love with your sister. These two women are not my women. Even if you kill them, it has nothing to do with me."

"oh? Then why did you save them just now?"

"I'm happy, do you care?"

Zhu Rong didn't expect this pretty boy to be so difficult to deal with.

She raised the trainer's chin and threatened Su Chen again,

"Yeah? This woman is very beautiful. Since you gave up on her, I will reward her to my men. I believe that my men will love this beautiful woman very much."

Bu Lianshi was so scared that she collapsed on the ground after hearing Zhu Rong's words. She wanted to commit suicide immediately when she thought about what would happen in the future. However, she was pulled tightly by Zhu Rong. Even if she wanted to commit suicide now, she couldn't do it.

Su Chen listened When it comes to Zhu Rong, he is very helpless.

The most beautiful woman in the Southern Barbarians is a bit cruel and ruthless. Although he has no interest in Master Bu, Su Chen cannot watch a Central Plains woman being humiliated by a foreign race.

Wu Ran looked at Su Chen She just hoped that he could save Trainer Bu, but she didn't know how to persuade Su Chen.

Besides, it was Trainer Bu who was so confused this time that he went to save the white-eyed wolf. If Trainer Bu stayed with Su Chen, She would not be used by that foreign beauty to threaten Su Chen, and Su Chen would not be caught by that foreign beauty without any help.

"Pretty boy, will you surrender or not?"

"Zhu Rong, as a woman, are you willing to see another woman being insulted?

Zhu Rong said with disdain,"What's this?" In our southern barbarians, a woman can have several men. We are a foreign race, not the sanctimonious Central Plains people like you."

"And you too?"

Zhu Rong shouted with shame and anger on his face when he heard Su Chen's words,"Bah, no one or any man in this world can deliver to me."

"oh! I understand, it turns out that you are still a young girl. When Zhu

Rong heard Su Chen's words, he yelled and cursed,"Damn it, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, pretty boy, are you going to surrender or not?""

"surrender? I surrender to my ass!"

"Come on, kill this pretty boy"

"Yes, cave master!"

Zhu Rong doesn't want to talk nonsense with this pretty boy.

She can't catch this damn pretty boy by herself.

But don't forget, there are thousands of her barbarian soldiers here. She doesn't believe that she can't catch four to five thousand barbarian soldiers. This pretty boy

"Master Bu, just go and be the bride of the barbarian tribe, and we will leave first, hahaha..."Su Chen hugged Wu Ran, smiled at Trainer Bu, and disappeared in an instant.

Zhu Rong saw that Su Chenhui and Wu Ran disappeared here in an instant, and the bastard was never seen around again.

This made Zhu Rong curse with an ugly face,"Bastard, damn it, who is that bastard? Why is he like this?" Weird Qinggong?"

Bu Lianshi looked at Su Chen and Wu Ran who had disappeared with a look of despair.

Bu Lianshi regretted it very much now, but it was too late.

She was probably going to be humiliated to death by these southern barbarian aliens in the future.

"Come here, kill all the Central Plains people here, and the trash who escaped just now, kill him too."

"Yes, cave master!"

Zhu Rong looked at the battlefield again and continued to order,"Hurry up and clean the battlefield. Take away all the weapons and armor here, and take away the goods as well. We can't stay here longer."

"Yes, cave master! Zhu

Rong looked at Bu Lianshi who was slumped on the ground and said mockingly,"Your man has escaped. It seems that the men in the Central Plains are all bastards who are greedy for life and afraid of death. There is no point in being sad. You will be my brother from now on." woman."

After Master Bu heard Zhu Rong's words, she shook her head in horror and said angrily,"I don't want it. I won't be a woman of a foreign race even if I die. Don't have such wishful thinking."

"Huh, it's not up to you."


Zhu Rong took Master Bu and left here.

The valley also became quiet. The desolate valley now looks even more eerie and terrifying. There are corpses all over the ground and the earth is stained red with blood. This place will also become a terrifying place in the future. Mass grave.

On a big tree,

Su Chen held Wu Ran and watched Zhu Rong leave with the Nanman soldiers.

He smiled and followed immediately.

Su Chen had no intention of leaving just now, although Master Bu this time He asked for it, but there was no way he wouldn't save that idiot woman.

Su Chen also wanted Master Bu to remember this lesson

"You had no intention of escaping at all?"

Wu Ran's eyes brightened when she saw Su Chen leading her to follow those aliens. She guessed that Su Chen had no intention of abandoning Master Bu at all. This bastard must have saved Master Bu. leave

"How could I leave without saving that idiot woman?"

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