In the Shiwan Mountains of Shu,

Su Chen followed Zhu Rong's army and walked in the mountains and forests for four or five days, but they had not reached their destination yet. Su Chen didn't know where Zhu Rong was going. In this mountain forest, Su Chen was also trapped. I can't tell the difference between north, south, east and west.

Su Chen also saw it along the way.

Zhu Rong was also scaring Bu Lianshi in the valley. Su Chen did not see Zhu Rong hand over Bu Lianshi to the barbarians along the way.


Su Chen would have rescued Bu Lian long ago. division.

Wu Ran, who was all sticky and uncomfortable, complained to Su Chen,"It's so hot in the mountains and forests. Su Chen, where do you think Zhu Rong is going? Zhu Rong is not going back to her territory with his army, right?""

"how could I know? I was dizzy in the mountains and forests."Su Chen looked at Wu Ran's beautiful face and shook his head.

Su Chen also saw Wu Ran taking off her veil a few days ago. He didn't expect Wu Ran to be so beautiful.

Even with Master Bu. Su Chen was very shocked when he saw Wu Ran's stunning face and perfect figure for the first time, especially Wu Ran's undulating mountains, which made him feel a little thirsty.

Wu Ran said to Su Chen with a shy look,"You.....You'd better take me with you. I'm so weak right now. I can't keep up with the aliens in front of me in this mountain forest."

Wu Ran was also helpless.

For a few days, she had been carried by Su Chen and followed Zhu Rong's team. At first, she often asked Su Chen to let go of her in shame.

But this bastard always refused, and only waited for her to take it off. After taking off the veil, this bastard didn't take her on the road, which made Wu Ran feel very confused.

But after walking for a day,

Wu Ran couldn't stand it.

She couldn't move even an inch in this mountain forest.

This was because of her. She followed the path trodden by the alien race in front of her, and even kept drinking Su Chen's spiritual wine to restore her strength.

Otherwise, she might not be able to hold on for an hour before she would be completely exhausted.

Su Chen took one look and said angrily,"Go by yourself, I don't have time to take you with me!"

"you....., I can't walk anymore."Wu Ran sat directly on a dead branch and panted.

Su Chen was very helpless when he saw Wu Ran who refused to leave."You are such a waste. You drank the spirit wine all the way and you are still so useless. My This spiritual wine has been wasted by you."

It's not that Su Chen didn't take Wu Ran with him, but after Wu Ran took off the veil,

Su Chen didn't dare to hug Wu Ran anymore.

As long as Su Chen held Wu Ran's perfect figure, he would be taken over by Wu Ran. It was hard to stop the confusion caused by her stunning face and curvy figure.

Su Chen was also afraid that he could not help but bring harm to this beautiful Wu Ran.

Wu Ran felt aggrieved when she heard Su Chen's scolding voice. He said,"You bastard, is it possible for a weak woman like me to reach this mountain forest?"

"You are useless. Didn't you always say that I took advantage of you and asked me to let you go? Why are you asking me to hug you again now? Are you planning something evil against me?"

"Bastard, am I plotting against you? Why don't you die, you bastard?"

Su Chen looked at the front and urged with a smile,"Haha......, get up and hurry up, otherwise those aliens will go far away"

"Asshole, give me a hand."Wu Ran saw that Su Chen refused to take her with him no matter what, so she stretched out her hand and asked Su Chen to pull her on the way.

"you are so annoying"

"Hey, can't you be gentler?"

"You are not my wife, I am so gentle to you."

As Su Chen and Wu Ran yelled at each other, they rushed forward hand in hand.

In the Nanman team, thousands of barbarian soldiers were still advancing, and Bu Lianshi was pulled by Zhu Rong with a rope. Follow her.

But Lianshi Bu looked very embarrassed when he was all wet.

Not only did Lianshi Bu have disheveled hair, but the clothes on his body were also very messy. Even Lianshi Bu's face was very pale, even when he was walking. It's also swaying, as if it might fall if you're not careful.

"Stop and rest where you are for half an hour."

At this time,

Zhu Rong saw that Trainer Bu couldn't hold on anymore, she frowned and ordered loudly,

"Yes, cave master! Zhu

Rong handed Bu Lianshi a bottle of water and said mockingly,"You are really useless. Are all you Central Plains women so pampered?""

Bu Lianshi took a few sips of water and then rolled his eyes at Zhu Rong and said,"Huhu! I am just a helpless woman. How can I keep up with the army?"

Bu Lianshi is no longer afraid of Zhu Rong. She has also seen it in the past few days. Zhu Rong is not a bad woman at all, otherwise this beautiful Zhu Rong would not have taken good care of her along the way.

Zhu Rong heard that Bu Lianshi Then he patted his chest proudly and said,"What's wrong with the woman? I am a woman, can I not come and go freely in the mountains and forests? You are just a weak woman."

At this time, a barbarian quickly ran over and saluted Zhu Rong and said,"Cave Master, there is news. Jiang Yuyan, the state pastor of Yizhou, has arrived in the small town ahead."

Zhu Rong thought about it after hearing his subordinate's report and said,

"oh! Jiang Yuyan came quickly. It seems that Jiang Yuyan is determined to win over us barbarians. How many soldiers and horses did Jiang Yuyan bring?"

"Cave Master, the Yizhou Army showed up with five thousand troops."

"Well, it seems that Jiang Yuyan really keeps her promise. I am somewhat looking forward to meeting this female prince of Yizhou."

After Trainer Bu heard the conversation between Zhu Rong and her subordinates, she looked at Zhu Rong and asked doubtfully,"Are you going to meet Jiang Yuyan, the prefect of Yizhou this time?"

"Yeah, what? Do you also know that Jiang Yuyan?"Zhu Rong looked back at Bu Lianshi and asked.

Bu Lianshi was sitting under a tree and said with a serious face,

"I have heard that Jiang Yuyan, the Mu of Jiangzhou, is very amazing. She took control of the entire Yizhou in just over a year, and even developed Yizhou into a very powerful place. But I heard that Jiang Yuyan is also very ruthless. , Jiang Yuyan has personally killed countless people who resisted her"

"How can a woman control those stinky men without being vicious? Didn’t your man also abandon you and run away? If I were you, I would definitely catch that bastard, skin him, and beat him"

"That bastard is not my man"

"If it weren't for your man, would he be flirting with you? You can't even try to deceive me."Zhu Rong didn't believe Bu Lianshi's words.

Zhu Rong felt that Su Chen abandoned Bu Lianshi just for that veiled woman.

Men are all bastards who have changed their minds and would abandon their wives and children regardless of meeting a beautiful woman.

But Zhu Rong I really looked down on such a man.

On the big tree where Zhu Rong and Trainer Bu were resting,

Su Chen was hiding here with a blushing Wu Ran in his arms. They could clearly hear the conversation between Zhu Rong and the others just now.

Jiang Yuyan?

Su Chen didn't expect that Jiang Yuyan was in the small town ahead, and that Zhu Rong wanted to meet Jiang Yuyan this time? Could it be that Jiang Yuyan wanted to use Zhu Rong to stabilize Yizhou's rear?

"You bastard, take your hands off me!"

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