
Lingjiang County, Lincheng, this is a small border town close to the Nanman region.

Today, a five thousand elite army arrived in this small town. These elite troops escorted a luxurious carriage into Lincheng.

"Liu Cong, the lower official, meets Lord Zhou Mu"

"See Mr. Zhou Mu!"

At the gate of the city, some officials saw the arrival of the luxury carriage. Each of these officials hurriedly knelt down and saluted the luxury carriage.

In the luxury carriage, a clear and melodious female voice came from the horse and said,"Liu Cong, Lincheng Has there been a barbarian invasion recently? Liu

Cong hurriedly bent down and saluted and said,

"Mr. Huizhou Mu, there are 30,000 troops from Lingjiang County stationed outside the mountains and forests of Lincheng. The southern barbarians dare not invade Lincheng now."

"Well, let’s go to town!"

"Yes, Lord Zhou Mu."

After Liu Cong saw the army escorting the carriage into the city, he hurriedly wiped the sweat from his head. He did not dare to take this female governor lightly.

Liu Cong knew about the female governor of Yizhou. Although

Yizhou Mujiang Yuyan is a woman, Zhoumu Jiang Yuyan is very vicious. In Yizhou, those who dare to oppose Zhoumu Jiang Yuyan are either executed or beheaded by their entire family. The city lord of Lincheng In the mansion,

Jiang Yuyan was resting in a room.

She had traveled more than ten days to get to Lingcheng.

The mountain roads in Yizhou were too difficult to walk.

Jiang Yuyan wanted to eliminate the threat of Nanman to southern Yizhou once and for all. , as long as she takes care of the barbarians in southern Yizhou, she can concentrate on fighting for hegemony with the princes in the Han Empire.

Jiang Yuyan wants to return to the Xuantian Empire in the Western Continent, and she also wants to take revenge and kill that shameless bastard Su Chen Him. If he doesn’t kill that hateful adulterer,

Jiang Yuyan will not rest in peace even if he dies.

"Master, there is recent news from the princes."

At this time, a woman's voice came from outside the room.

"Bring it in!"

"Yes, master!"

Jiang Yuyan took the secret letter sealed with wax oil and opened it, but she stood up in surprise after reading it for a while.

Miss Yan from Jingzhou turned out to be Su Yan?

The eldest princess of the Xuantian Empire?

Su Chen That shameless and perverted eldest daughter?

Damn it!

Jiang Yuyan didn't expect that Su Chen would send her eldest daughter to the Northern Continent. She even took control of Jingzhou, and that bastard actually wanted to launch a war against the Northern Continent as well.

What should we do?

Although Jiang Yuyan also has hundreds of thousands of troops, her army is simply incomparable to the Xuantian Empire's black-armored army. Even a war charge will break up her army.

Jiang Yuyan is in the room Walking around restlessly, the appearance of the eldest princess of the Xuantian Empire made Jiang Yuyan very worried. She was afraid that the shameless pervert Su Chen would also arrive. If Su Chen also came to the Northern Continent this time, she had not yet Get ready to kill that shameless pervert.

And although her strength is that of a land fairy in the early stage of the Heavenly Realm, that bastard's wives are much stronger than her.

Jiang Yuyan also has no confidence in defeating those powerful women.

"Someone come!"


"Inform Shadow Rose to pay attention to everything in Jingzhou at any time. As long as it is the matter of the Xuantian Empire's princess, no matter how big or small, you must quickly send the letter to Feige."

"Yes, master!"

Jiang Yuyan opened the window and looked at the sky and said to herself,"Su Chen, you bastard, don't come to the Northern Continent now, otherwise I will not be able to help but kill your eldest daughter first."

In the mountain forest,

Wu Ran was hugged by Su Chen and secretly hid in a big tree. However, he found that this bastard's hands were not honest. At first, Wu Ran thought that Su Chen was trying to hug her tightly for fear that she would fall. , but after a while she felt something was wrong, and this bastard started touching her body.

Wu Ran, with a face full of shame and anger, yelled at Su Chen in a low voice,"You bastard, take your dirty hands away.""


Su Chen was also very embarrassed.

When Su Chen was holding Wu Ran's soft body, he couldn't help but touch Wu Ran.

But this place was above Zhu Rong and Bu Trainer.

Su Chen hurriedly signaled to Wu Ran not to Talk, otherwise they will be discovered by that ruthless woman Zhu Rong

"What the hell, you shameless pervert!"When Wu Ran saw that this bastard didn't reply and even booed her, Wu Ran grabbed Su Chen's waist and yelled,


At this time,

Zhu Rong heard the sound and hurriedly looked up at the big tree and shouted.

The surrounding barbarians surrounded the big tree one by one, and even hundreds of archers holding bows and arrows were ready to shoot at the big tree. Kill the enemy.

When Su Chen saw that they were all exposed, he looked at the embarrassed Wu Ran and yelled with a black face,"What the hell, can't you hear me if I don't let you speak?"

Wu Ran lowered his head and explained apologetically," I....If you, bastard, hadn't touched me, would I have been able to speak?"

"You are not only a burden, but also a woman who fails to accomplish anything but fails more than others."

"You bastard, I'm already very embarrassed, and if they find us, won't you take me to escape again?"

"Run away, this time I will hand you over to that Zhu Rong."Su Chen glanced at Wu Ran and flew down the big tree with her in his arms.

Su Chen also wanted to get in with Zhu Rong's team this time, so that he could have a chance to see what Jiang Yuyan and Zhu Rong were going to do.

Jiang Yuyan Are you going to form an alliance with Zhu Rong?

When Zhu Rong saw it was Su Chen and Wu Ran, she pointed at Su Chen angrily and yelled,"It's you, you bastard. I didn't expect you to be following us. Boy, you're really Don’t you want to live?"

Bu Lianshi was very happy when she saw Su Chen and Bu Lianshi appear.

She guessed that Su Chen and Wu Ran must have come to save her.

Bu Lianshi also didn't expect that bastard Su Chen would come back to save her. This The trainer's complaints against Su Chen disappeared without a trace.

Su Chen let go of Wu Ran and said with a smile,"Woman, please forgive me. Didn't I surrender myself?""

"Heroine? Surrender?"

Zhu Rong asked suspiciously when he heard Su Chen's words, what on earth is this bastard talking about?

She knows that the heroine is a name for women in the Jianghu, but is she from the Jianghu?

And what the hell is surrendering?

"Ahem! leader! It's surrender, I'm here to surrender."Su Chen looked at the confused Zhu Rong and hurriedly changed his words.

Su Chen's mind was also confused by Wu Ran.

What kind of heroine is Zhu Rong, a fierce woman?

And how could he say surrender?

Zhu Rong could know the meaning of surrender. What is the word that means hell?

"Are you coming to surrender? Why don't I believe you at all?"Zhu Rong's face showed that he didn't believe a word Su Chen said.

Zhu Rong felt that this bastard was very insidious and cunning, and his martial arts skills were also very weird.

He would definitely be reluctant to let go of the beauty Bu Lianshi when he came back this time.

"Really, Chief Zhu Rong, I admire you very much. I have been thinking about you every day since I saw you a few days ago, so I have come to surrender to you."

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