Wu Ran was very curious about Su Chen's continuous creation of delicious food and wine in the past few days.

In the past few days,

Wu Ran has been eating different delicacies every day.

She has never eaten these foods before. These foods are not only delicious, but also very delicious.

Although Wu Ran was very tired from being in the mountains and forests these past few days, she was living a very good life. If this bastard hadn't continued to lead her on the road, Wu Ran would have felt like she was on an outing in the mountains and forests.

When Trainer Bu heard Wu Ran's words, she looked at Su Chen in surprise.

She didn't expect that Su Chen and Wu Ran could eat delicious food and drink fine wine every day, which made Trainer Bu very envious.

In the past few days, Trainer Bu had been eating wild fruits provided by the barbarians, and even some hard flour cakes. Not only had she not eaten well in the past few days, she was even as tired as a dog every day.

Trainer Bu was a little jealous that Wu Ran was eating well next to Su Chen and was not too tired.

Su Chen shook his head and continued on his way with the barbarians here.

He was kind to these two pampered beauties.They were speechless. Even some food could make them curious. Su Chen had no intention of telling them where the food and wine were hidden.

Behind the team,

Zhu Rong looked at Su Chen from time to time.

She didn't know why she kept looking at Su Chen.

Zhu Rong felt that she was going crazy, but when she looked at this pretty boy, she felt more and more that Su Chen was very suitable. Her criteria for choosing a mate.

Su Chen is not only handsome and handsome, but also has an inexplicable noble temperament in his body. Even Su Chen's strong strength makes Zhu Rong very satisfied with him.

Zhu Rong would not like a weak man.

Three days later,

Jingzhou, Xiangyang.

Su Yan started mobilizing the army after returning to Jingzhou three days ago. Six black-armored legions and an army of 300,000 people had already begun to assemble.

The sudden gathering of troops in Jingzhou made the surrounding princes very worried.

Cao Cao from Yuzhou, Jiang Yuyan from Yizhou, Bai Yifei from Hanzhong, Ma Teng and Han Sui from Liangzhou, Li Que from Sili, Guo Si from Yongzhou, Yuan Shu from Yangzhou, Sun Ce from Jiangdong, and Gai Nie are attacking Yizhou Yuan Shao.

These princes were very worried that Jingzhou would launch a war against them.

Especially Cao Cao of Yuzhou.

After he obtained Jingzhou and began to assemble an army, he was attacking Lu Bu's 100,000 troops in Yanzhou. He immediately withdrew to Yuzhou.

Cao Cao had offended the eldest princess of the Xuantian Empire more than once. He was most afraid that Jingzhou's assembled army would launch a war against him this time.

In the Mufu of Xiangyang Prefecture in Jingzhou,

Su Yan smiled as he looked at the letter in his hand.

After she started mobilizing the army a few days ago, other princes in the Han Empire sent her letters one after another, and even some small princes directly expressed their intention to surrender to her. , but some big princes are still unwilling to give up the power in their hands.

Su Yan sat boredly on the chair and played with the spiritual sword Luoxue in her hand. She couldn't go out to play at will now.

With the empress Li Maozhen here,

Su Yan was under strict supervision.

At this time,

Huang Yueying came into the room with tea.

She looked at the many letters on the table and smiled and said,"Princess, there is no letter from Yuan Shu from Yangzhou." , will Yuan Shu not be willing to rely on the eldest princess?"

Su Yan put away his spiritual sword and Luoxue said confidently,

"Don't worry, although Yuan Shu of Yangzhou is arrogant and arrogant, he is also a moderately cautious person. After Yuan Shu knows my true identity, Yuan Shu will definitely surrender to me. Even if Yuan Shu refuses to surrender to me, his My subordinates will also force Yuan Shu to surrender to me."

Huang Yueying nodded as she sat down.

She also knew that many officials in Yangzhou had taken refuge with Su Yan. Yuan Shu in Yangzhou is now a waste with only the title of state pastor and no real power. I am afraid that Yangzhou will change with just one word from Su Yan. The flag surrendered to Su Yan.

Huang Yueying thought for a moment and asked doubtfully,"Elder Princess, which prince are you going to assemble this time to attack?""

Su Yan pointed to the map on the wall and said arrogantly,"Sun Ce from Jiangdong Wu County, the little overlord of Jiangdong has always been arrogant and domineering towards me. This time I will destroy Sun Ce from Jiangdong Wu County first."

"Doesn’t Sun Ce only have an army of tens of thousands? Do we need an army of 300,000 to attack Sun Ce?"

"Sun Ce is just the beginning. There are millions of Shanyue people in Jiangdong. The various Shanyue tribes combined have more than 100,000 troops, and Shi Xie in Jiaozhou must also be defeated."

"So this is ah!"

"Of course this is the case. After Sun Ce from Wu Commandery, various tribes in Shanyue, and Shi Xie from Jiaozhou are all wiped out, the next step will be to kill Ma Teng and Han Sui from Yizhou, Hanzhong, and even Liangzhou."

"What about Dong Zhuo's remaining men? Huang Yueying thought for a moment and then continued to ask Su Yan doubtfully.

Su Yan put his hands behind his back and said calmly,

"Huang Yueying! You may not know it yet!"

"Before Dong Zhuo died, he sent someone to send his daughter Dong Wan to the Southern Continent. Dong Zhuo wanted to marry his daughter to my father."

"Dong Zhuo's subordinates should all know about this matter. Now that my identity has been exposed, do you think Li Cui of Sili and Guo Si of Yongzhou would dare to make an enemy of my army? If Li Cui and Guo Si were smart, they would surrender as soon as my army arrives. Huang

Yueying suddenly realized when she heard Su Yan and said,"There is such a thing. No wonder Dong Zhuo's little daughter disappeared without a trace after his death. It turned out that Dong Zhuo sent her to the Southern Continent.""

Su Yan lay down next to Huang Yueying and said with a smile,"Huang Yueying, you have also met my father, are you tempted?"

"Su Yan, what are you talking about? If you keep talking like this, I will ignore you."Huang Yueying threatened in shame when she heard Su Yan's words,

"Haha, sister Yueying, look at my father who is not only handsome and handsome, but also has an outstanding temperament and is even highly skilled in martial arts. Are you really not tempted?"

"I......I still have something to do, I.....I left first"


Su Yan laughed when he saw Huang Yueying running out with a red face.

Since the women here in Xuzhou met her father,

Su Yan also discovered the changes in these women, especially Huang Yueying and Cai who were forced to come by her. Yan, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, and even the Zhen Jiang girls who came this time have been in a daze these days.

Su Yan felt that the women here all had a good impression of her father. Although they were not ready to commit themselves to each other, I was afraid that it wouldn't be long before those women would fall into her father's arms.

Yizhou, Lincheng.

Zhu Rong took Su Chen and Bu Lianshi to the vicinity of Lincheng. On a large mountain near Lincheng, Zhu Rong's more than 4,000 troops were on guard all over the mountain. This was Yizhou's territory, and there were tens of thousands of people around it. The Yizhou army was on guard against the invasion of the Southern Barbarians.

Zhu Rong pointed at Su Chen and shouted expressionlessly,

"come here!"

Zhu Rong watched Su Chen chatting and laughing with Bu Lianshi and Wu Ran along the way, which made her very angry. This bastard kept saying that he fell in love with her at first sight, but this bastard didn't even say a word to her along the way. He even kept hugging Bu Lianshi and Wu Ran.

This made Zhu Rong so angry that he wanted to kill this bastard.

"Leader Zhurong, you called me?"

"Get over here!"

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