Su Chen was teasing Bu Lianshi and Wu Ran, but he didn't expect Zhu Rong to call him at this time, and he looked very angry.

This made Su Chen look at Zhu Rong a little confused.

"Come here yet!"

Damn it!

Why is this Zhu Rong so crazy now?

Su Chen thought that he had never provoked Zhu Rong again along the way. Why was Zhu Rong so angry?

Bu Lianshi and Wu Ran were originally teased with red faces by Su Chen.

They were also confused when they heard Zhu Rong's words.

What did Zhu Rong have to do with Su Chen at this time?

Could it be that Zhu Rong wanted to take action against Su Chen?

On a hillside,

Su Chen followed Zhu Rong here and said to her,

"Zhu Rong, what's going on? Zhu

Rong turned around and looked at Su Chen and said angrily,

"You bastard, you were very carefree along the way! You are so cool, hugging two beautiful beauties on your left and right, you are a prisoner, you are my prisoner, have you forgotten?"

"Ahem, Zhu Rong, come and have a drink to relieve your anger."

Su Chen hurriedly coughed a few times in embarrassment. He took out a bottle of wine from the system space and hurriedly handed it to Zhu Rong and said,

Su Chen had long forgotten his confession to Zhu Rong along the way. He only cared about Trainer Zhanbu on the way. and Wu Ran.


Bu Lianshi and Wu Ran had been competing with each other for a few days. Su Chen had long forgotten about Zhu Rong while hugging him.

Su Chen also didn't expect that Zhu Rong would Angry about this incident,

Su Chen touched his chin and felt that he was too charming. He just said some disgusting words of confession to Zhu Rong, but he didn't expect that Zhu Rong actually believed it and even criticized Bu Lianshi and Wu Ran. Got jealous

"I don't drink!"

Zhu Rong opened Su Chen's hand with a cold face and shouted.

Su Chen curled his lips and continued to lie,"Zhu Rong, this is my heart for you. I wanted to talk to you along the way, but you kept being cold. Face, I don’t dare to disturb you. Zhu

Rong pointed at Su Chen and said coldly and arrogantly,"You are really a cunning Central Plains man. You have been flirting with those two women. Do you think I am blind?" You Chinese men are all bastards who are greedy for beauty."

Su Chen looked at Zhu Rong who was still very angry.

He was too lazy to continue talking to Zhu Rong.

Su Chen hugged Zhu Rong's waist and asked with a smile,"Okay, don't be angry. Come and have a drink to recover. Physical strength, by the way, are you and Jiang Yuyan going to cooperate?"

"you.....Let me go. Who asked you to hold me? Let me go."

Zhu Rong was stunned when Su Chen hugged her.

She didn't expect that this Central Plains native would be so bold and hug her without her permission.

Zhu Rong was so ashamed and angry that she struggled to break away from Su Chen's arms.


Su Chen hit Zhu Rong and then continued to ask,"Stop making trouble, tell me what deal you have with Jiang Yuyan?""

"How dare you hit me? You bastard, do you want to die?"

Zhu Rong covered his back and stared at Su Chen, yelling,"Bah, bang, bang!"

"When you get married, obey your husband, obey the three virtues, don’t you know?"Su Chen hit Zhu Rong a few more times and said in a coaxing way.

Zhu Rong glared at Su Chen with blazing eyes and cursed,"Shameless bastard, I haven't married you yet, bah, how could I marry you, a bastard? What else can I do? Three obediences and four virtues? Marry and obey your husband? I am a barbarian, not you Central Plains woman."

Zhu Rong is so angry now that this bastard beat her again and again, even hitting her in places where she is embarrassed. Fortunately, there is no one else here. This makes Zhu Rong unable to help but want to kill this shameless pervert.

"Haha, that will happen sooner or later"

"Shameless Central Plains people."

Zhu Rong was helpless to Su Chen, a shameless and shameless bastard, and she stopped struggling.

Zhu Rong felt very good being held by Su Chen.

She had never thought that being held by a man would make her feel so happy.

Could this be Love between men and women?

"Tell me about you and Jiang Yuyan."When Su Chen saw that Zhu Rong was no longer struggling, he continued to ask,

"Do you also know Jiang Yuyan?"

"Yes, we have known each other for a long time, cough! Don't get me wrong, I have a grudge against Jiang Yuyan. I have offended that woman before. This time I just want to know what Jiang Yuyan's plans are in Yizhou."

Su Chen said while sitting on the grass with Zhu Rong in his arms and hurriedly explained.

Jiang Yuyan didn't have a big grudge against him, it was just that Su Chen ruined Jiang Yuyan's plan in the Ming Dynasty.

At that time, even after Jiang Yuyan After winning the Ming Dynasty, he would be destroyed by his Xuantian Empire in the future. Jiang Yuyan would get nothing in the end.

Su Chen also had to be enemies with Jiang Yuyan.

He and Jiang Yuyan may have been born to be enemies of life and death. Right.

Zhu Rong was surprised when he heard Su Chen's words and said,

"You actually have a grudge against the governor of Yizhou? Then you are going to die? Jiang Yuyan not only has hundreds of thousands of troops, but her martial arts is also very powerful. You are really asking for death when you come to Yizhou this time."

"You don't need to worry about this. I have a way to protect myself. Or tell me what deal you have with Jiang Yuyan?"

"Jiang Yuyan and I only have a temporary alliance. Jiang Yuyan will help me unify the various tribes of the Southern Barbarians. Jiang Yuyan will support me with weapons, food and grass, but her request is that after I unify the various tribes of the Southern Barbarians, she is not allowed to launch a war against southern Yizhou within five years.. Su

Chen suddenly realized what he said when he heard Zhu Rong's words and said,"So that's it. Jiang Yuyan wants to stabilize Yizhou's rear. She wants to prepare to compete with the princes for the dominance of the Han Empire.""

Zhu Rong leaned in Su Chen's arms and looked at him with beautiful eyes and said,"That should be the case. However, this is very beneficial to us Southern Barbarians. I have no reason not to form an alliance with Jiang Yuyan."

"Hey, you're thinking too much, Jiang Yuyan won't be so kind."

"I know, allies are betrayed, don’t you Central Plains people always form alliances and dissolve alliances?"

"Just understand!"

"Kai Chun Cave......Cave Master, damn it, I'm leaving right now."

At this time, a barbarian soldier ran over to report something important to Zhu Rong, but he suddenly saw Zhu Rong being held by a man, and Zhu Rong was still smiling.

This made the barbarian soldier frightened and hurriedly saluted. leave

"Come back, what happened?"Zhu Rong glared at Su Chen and hurriedly stood up and shouted to the barbarian soldiers.

Hearing Zhu Rong's words, the barbarian soldiers responded hurriedly and nervously,"Master of the Cave, there is news from Jiang Yuyan, the governor of Yizhou, that he will be in Lincheng at noon tomorrow. Meet outside by the river"

"I know, go down"

"yes......It's the cave master."

After the barbarian soldiers arrived,

Zhu Rong kicked Su Chen and went back.

She doesn't know how to treat this Central Plains person now. Do you like it?

This is not a question, but don't you like it?

Zhu Rong feels like she is with Su Chen. He was in a very happy mood, and Zhu Rong was also very troubled now.

"tomorrow? Jiang Yuyan, we are going to meet tomorrow. I wonder what your expression will be like when you see me?"

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