Yafei said this to have an illusion about the strong man coming this time.

Su Chen never said such a thing.


Yafei felt that Su Chen must have other fairy fruits in his hands. Su Chen did not hesitate to take out ten red fruits for auction, and even let her eat one. Yafei believed that Su Chen had There are more advanced Zhu Guo inside.

The strong men who participated in the auction were very happy after hearing Yafei's words.

Zhu Guo is only useful to warriors below the Heavenly Realm, but if there are more advanced Immortal Fruits, it will be fatally attractive to strong men like them.

An old man stood up and asked excitedly,"Miss Yafei, are you telling the truth?"

"It's true, this is what Mr. Su told me before he left. Yafei nodded and replied with a smile,

"Okay, you must inform me about the next auction. I will definitely attend the next auction."

"And I will also participate in the next auction."

"Yes, I want to participate in the next auction too"

"Our brothers will also participate in the next auction. Fairy fruits that are better than Zhu Guo will definitely be useful to people like us, so that we can eat the fairy fruits and advance to the Nascent Soul realm."

"Yes, I have already reached the Nine Stars of Dou Huang. If I have a higher-level fairy fruit, I can also be promoted to Dou Zong."

The powerful people in the auction all said excitedly that they are all at the Douhuang or Jindan realm. Such a cultivation realm can dominate in this remote area, but here. The central part of the Southern Continent and the central part of the Eastern Continent.

They are all of medium strength. They may be cannon fodder during battles. If they can be promoted to Douzong (Golden Core Realm) or even Douzun (Nascent Soul Realm) in the future.

They will be a truly strong person, and those powerful forces and families will be polite to them, and will even recruit them at all costs.


Yafei saw that the time was almost up, she rang the small clock and said,"Now the auction will begin. The first red fruit will be auctioned for one hundred thousand gold coins. Each increase in price will be no less than one thousand gold coins. The auction will begin.""

"I'll pay 150,000 gold coins"

"I'll pay you 200,000 gold coins!"

"Don't make money with me. I'll give you 220,000 gold coins and I'll buy a red fruit at auction. I bought it for my grandson. I hope everyone can make it happen."

"I also want to take a picture of a red fruit for my descendants, and I will pay 300,000 gold coins."

As the auction began, people in the auction began to increase their bids to compete for the red fruit.

This was only the first red fruit in the auction, but none of these people gave in to each other, and the starting price of 100,000 was instantly pushed up. He paid more than 400,000 gold coins.

Xiao Huohuo was very embarrassed when he saw the fiercely competitive auction.

He only had tens of thousands of gold coins in his hand. He could only watch the show this time. Originally, he wanted to take a shot of a red fruit. But the starting price was too much for him to pay, not to mention that the bidding had already reached nearly half a million gold coins.

"Oh my God, this is really terrible. It seems that I can only watch the fun this time."

Xu Nian was also very surprised. He had prepared 60,000 to 70,000 gold coins, but it seemed that he had miscalculated this time. Zhu Guo could only watch as Zhu Guo was taken away by other people this time.

Xu Nian took the picture He slapped his forehead and said very speechlessly,"Who says it's not the case? Each of these powerful practitioners are crazy, and gold coins are not used as money."

"Brother Xu, you don’t have the money to buy Zhu Guo?"Xiao Huohuo asked suspiciously when he heard Xu Nian's words.

Xiao Huohuo was reminded by his master Yao Lao.

He also knew that Xu Nian was not simple. There was an old man in the Jindan realm guarding Xu Nian. I'm afraid Nian is also a young master from a powerful family in the Eastern Continent.

Xu Nian rolled his eyes at Xiao Huohuo and said,"I'm sorry. If I were in the Eastern Continent, I could still collect some gold coins, but in the Southern Continent, I'm not familiar with the place." , even if you borrow, you can't borrow gold coins."

Every red fruit in the auction was taken away by the strong men here.

Queen Medusa is also very helpless now.

Six red fruits have been auctioned, and each red fruit is sold for five to six hundred thousand gold coins. Next.

Although Queen Medusa is the queen of a snake tribe, the snake demon tribe has no money at all. This time, Queen Medusa only brought more than 200,000 gold coins.

This made her look excited.

She was also very embarrassed when bidding for the auction.

When Youru saw that Queen Medusa had not bid, she also guessed that Queen Medusa might not have brought enough money. She also knew the snake tribe very well. The snake tribe was so poor. The tribe has no money

"Madam, I have a lot of gold here, but how can I exchange gold and gold coins?"

"Do you have gold?"

Queen Medusa asked in surprise when she heard Youru's words.

Youru raised her hand to reveal a space ring and said,"Well, the master gave me a space ring. The space ring contains 100,000 gold, but why is gold in the southern continent? Exchange with gold coins? I don't know"

"One hundred thousand gold is a lot. One tael of gold can be exchanged for ten gold coins. Youru, you have one million gold coins."

"Madam, do you need this gold of mine?"

Queen Medusa shook her head and refused.

"Forget it, I won’t auction it this time. I’ll use your master’s gold to buy his red fruits. Isn’t this the left hand’s money in exchange for the right hand’s red fruits? I might as well just ask that bastard for some jugo."

At this moment,

Xiao Xun'er's subordinate Ling also spent 620,000 gold coins to buy a red fruit.

Xiao Xun'er was very unhappy when she looked at the jade box in her hand. She did not expect that the red fruit would be auctioned. Such a high price.

Damn it!

That bastard is going to make a lot of money this time.


Xiao Xun'er thought that if she eats this red fruit, her strength will probably be promoted to Dou Wang, which can improve her cultivation. The realm jumps several big realms in succession.

Xiao Xun'er can't wait to go back and take Zhu Guo now.

As the last Zhu Guo was auctioned for a high price of 750,000, the auction is also over.

Bid the Zhu Guo The strong men left one after another after the auction. Although no one dared to snatch the Zhu Guo in the auction, it was impossible to tell when they were outside. The strong men who took the Zhu Guo also had to leave Wutan City as soon as possible. , they were also worried that they would be robbed and killed by other strong men on the way.

After everyone in the auction left, Yafei calculated the money she got from the auction and laughed.

Yafei thought of Su Chen leaving When I spoke, I said to myself,

"I didn't expect to get more than 6 million gold coins in the auction this time. This is a huge amount of wealth. Su Chen wants to receive a ring. These more than 6 million gold coins can receive hundreds of low-level rings."

One day later, in the East Continent, Hangzhou City, in Wu Xiangjun's mansion.

Early in the morning,

Su Chen received a report from the soldiers that Xu Xian was looking for Bai Suzhen. Su Chen did not expect that Xu Xian could not help but want to see Xiao Bai. Could it be that Xu Xian Already fell in love with Xiaobai at first sight?

Su Chen touched his chin and said,"Should we let Xiaobai go see Xu Xian?" It seems that Xiaobai has not repaid his kindness. Why did Xu Xian come to Xiaobai this time?"

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