Su Chen thought about it and finally decided to let Xiao Bai go to see Xu Xian.

This was a matter between Xiao Bai and Xu Xian, and

Su Chen didn't want to stop it.

As for whether Xiao Bai and Xu Xian would still be together? Su Chen was not worried at all. After what he said to Xiaobai, it was impossible for Xiaobai to have too much entanglement with Xu Xian.

"System, if I gather troops from Tianxuan Continent and come to Shenyu Continent, will all my black-armored troops be able to advance?"

"Ding, yes, but the promoted black-armored army cannot return to Tianxuan Continent. As long as you completely unify Tianxuan Continent, there will be no such restrictions."


Su Chen decided to go back to Tianxuan Continent.

He only had less than 100,000 troops in Shenyu Continent. If there was a war with the Great Song Dynasty, then the army must have 500,000 to 600,000, otherwise he might not be able to win against hundreds of soldiers. The Song Dynasty court with tens of thousands of troops.

Su Chen thought about it and didn't have anything to do recently.

He also had some understanding of the Shenyun Continent. Hangzhou City could be left to Xiaobai and Xiaoqing to manage, and with the help of Little Fox, Su Chen believed that nothing would happen during this period.

Su Chen arranged a secret world passage in the back garden of the mansion.

He also deployed three hundred shadow assassins in the world passage. There were three hundred shadow assassins and Wu Xiangjun in the mansion. With three thousand black-armored troops, Su Chen believed that no one could discover the world passage hidden here.

Su Chen explained it to Xiao Qing.

He then returned to Tianxuan Continent from the world passage.

Tianxuan Continent,

Southern Continent,

Gu Suhuang City, Xuanniao Palace

"Su Chen, why did you come back suddenly?"

As soon as Su Chen appeared in Xuannio Palace, he was discovered by Donghuang Taiyi. Donghuang Taiyi was very confused when he saw Su Chen suddenly appeared.

Su Chen was in the Northern Continent, and it would take ten and a half months for this bastard to come back, but I received the news a few days ago that this bastard was still in Yizhou in the Northern Continent. Why did this bastard appear in Xuannio Palace in the blink of an eye?

When Su Chen saw Donghuang Taiyi, he hurriedly said,"Xihe, I have something important. If you have something to say, hurry up and notify your other sisters of their arrival."

When Donghuang Tai heard Su Chen's words, he said angrily,"Bah, what kind of sisters? You bastard won't be able to spit out ivory from the dog's mouth when you come back."

Su Chen directly hugged Donghuang Taiyi's small waist and said anxiously,"Xihe, I am pressed for time this time. Please hurry up and notify others to come to my study. The people who are practicing in seclusion are also called out."

Su Chen will stay in Tianxuan Continent for one day, but it will take a hundred days in Shenyu Continent.

Su Chen does not dare to stay in Tianxuan Continent for longer. He will return to Shenyu Continent if he wants to explain something to his women. , otherwise, he is afraid that something will happen if he leaves the Shenyu Continent for too long.

"Okay, I'll go and notify them right away."Dong Huangtai looked at Su Chen's anxious look and didn't care about this bastard hugging her.

Su Chen shook his head when he saw Dong Huangtai disappear in an instant.

When he was about to teleport to the study,

Su Chen suddenly noticed him There was something wrong with his cultivation level, so he hurriedly communicated with the system and asked,"System, how can my strength be at the golden elixir level? My strength has been sealed?"

"Ding, host, Tianxuan Continent can only allow the following realms of the Golden Core Realm to exist now, and the system has also temporarily sealed the host's strength."

"System, what happens next? If I unified Tianxuan Continent, would there be any limit on my strength?"

"Ding, yes, unless Tianxuan Continent can advance to the Middle Thousand World, no strong person beyond the Golden Core Realm will be allowed to appear."

Su Chen said helplessly after hearing the system's words,"Forget it, advance to the Thousand Worlds? This is too far away from my own strength. I am afraid that even with my strength, I cannot become a Daluo Jinxian."

In the study,

Su Chen held his daughter Su Yue and waited for the arrival of the girls.

"Xiaoyue'er, do you miss your daddy?"Su Chen looked at Su Yue with wide eyes and asked with a smile.

Concubine Yan looked at Su Chen doting on Su Yue and smiled and said,"Yue'er can't speak yet, how can she answer you?"

"Haven't I seen Yue'er for a long time? I'm afraid Yue'er won't recognize me as her father in the future"

"You deserve it"

"I have something to do, Concubine Yan, how is the war in the northern continent?"

"Aren't you in the Northern Continent? You don’t know what’s going on there?"

Su Chen shook his head and said,"I'm not in the Northern Continent. I can't explain this clearly at the moment. I'll explain it to you when Jingyu, Xihe and the others arrive."

Concubine Yan was very confused when she heard what Su Chen said.

Su Chen is not in the Northern Continent?

How is this possible?

A few days ago, Jiang Yuyan from Yizhou in the Northern Continent also contacted Su Yan, and Su Chen was in Yizhou in the Northern Continent.

This Why did the bastard say he was not in the Northern Continent?

After a while,

Bai Ruobing (Marquisess), Shui Rou (Mrs. Ye Di), Hua Baifeng, Bai Jing, Ji Ruxihe (Eastern Emperor Taiyi), Jing Salamander, Yaoyue, and Changsun Wu The four concubines, Chu and Zi Nu, all arrived one after another.

These are all women in Xuannio Palace. The other women are in different continents and they will definitely not be able to catch up now. After the women arrived, Su Chen

They hurriedly told the girls what happened in Shenyu Continent.

The girls were very surprised when they heard Su Chen's words. They didn't expect that Su Chen went to another world, and that world was still a world of cultivating immortals.

Concubine Yan was here After hearing Su Chen's words, she also understood why Su Chen didn't know about the Northern Continent.

It turned out that this bastard had gone to another world.

This made Concubine Yan feel very helpless when she looked at Su Chen.

The Tianxuan Continent was not enough now. This bastard caused trouble. This bastard went to another world to cause trouble, and even took control of the city of Hangzhou in that world.

"Husband, what are your plans? Changsun Wuchu asked with a smile when he heard what Su Chen said.

Su Chen looked at the girls and said,

"The Divine Meteor Continent is better than our skyThe continent is hundreds of times wider, and the aura of the Eastern Continent of Shenyu Continent is also very rich."

"Although it is not as rich as the aura in our Xuanniiao Palace, it is much more powerful than the Tianxuan Continent without aura. I am planning to gradually occupy the eastern continent of the Shenyu Continent."

Hua Baifeng looked at Su Chen and said worriedly,

"Su Chen, there are immortal cultivators in the Shenyu Continent. With our strength, it is impossible to occupy the eastern continent you mentioned. Isn't this too risky?"

Su Chen replied with a smile,

"Don't worry, I'm not starting a war now."

"We will first occupy a territory in the Shenyu Continent, and after our strength has improved in the future, we will launch a war to occupy the Eastern Continent, which is full of spiritual energy."

The girls nodded when they heard Su Chen's words.

As long as they don't start a war now, they are not very worried. When their strength increases in the future, they will be even less worried about Su Chen launching a war against the Eastern Continent.

Su Chen asked Jiang Yuyan to hand over to them a fairy-level technique, Su Nu Heart Sutra, which is a very powerful technique for cultivating immortals.

Their strength is now very powerful, although it is not as good as those cultivating immortals, but as long as Give them time, and their strength will definitely surpass those of those cultivating immortals.

Women like them are not lacking in skills, spiritual stones, or even immortal fruits. What they are lacking now is just time.

Concubine Yan looked at Su Chen and asked doubtfully ,"Husband, are you planning to take us to the Shenyu Continent when you come this time?"

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