Ji Ruxihe glanced at Su Chen and taunted her arrogantly.

She knew that this bastard fell in love with a beautiful woman when he saw her.

Some women in the Black Bird Palace have never forgotten this bastard. Lin Shiyin, Lin Xian'er, Li Mochou, etc., as well as those princesses who lost their country, these women are Su Chen's forbidden wives.

Su Chen touched his nose awkwardly.

He was only interested in the heroine in the plot and the women he cared about. If those women fell into the arms of other men, Su Chen couldn't do it.

Although those women are not yet his wives.

But we may not know for sure in the future.

Su Chen didn't know how to give a daughter away.

Su Chen hugged Ji Ruxihe tightly and said to the other girls,

"I will open a world passage in the hibiscus tree garden in a while. If you have nothing to do, you can go and take a look. But I want to tell you that one day on the Tianxuan Continent is equal to one hundred days on the Shenyi Continent. You should pay attention to the time."

Hua Baifeng was surprised when he heard Su Chen's words and said,

"One day in Tianxuan Continent is equal to one hundred days in Shenyu Continent. If we spend a hundred days in Shenyu Continent, only one day will pass when we return. This is very beneficial to us."

Bai Jing also nodded and said,

"That's right, but it's a pity that there is no hibiscus tree garden for us in Shenyu Continent. Otherwise, if we had practiced in Shenyu Continent for a hundred days and only one day had passed in Tianxuan Continent, our strength would have improved very quickly."

Women such as Yao Yue and Shui Rou also nodded in agreement.

"Don't be sorry, the time difference has advantages and disadvantages for us, don't think too much about it."Su Chen took a sip of tea, shook his head and said to Hua Baifeng and the girls, although one hundred days on the Shenyu Continent is equal to one day on the Tianxuan Continent, they will all go to the Shenyu Continent in the future, and Tianxuan Continent will be them in the future. The time difference was useless to them.

In the following two days,

Su Chen also learned about the wars in Tianxuan Continent.

In the Eastern Continent,

Huang Rong's Southern Combat Legion had wiped out hundreds of thousands of Qin's soldiers. The army, and even the Qin general Wang Jian were defeated and committed suicide.

Xianyang, the capital of the Qin state, was also besieged by Huang Rong's army for almost half a month. If Huang Rong hadn't been worried about too many casualties during the siege, Xianyang, the capital of the Qin state, would have been destroyed long ago. was captured.

On the Western Continent, Zhao Min's Canglang Combat Legion has destroyed half a million Persian troops. Even Tianzhu's hundreds of thousands of troops have been wiped out by Zhao Min's Canglang Combat Legion. Zhao

Min's Canglang Combat Legion has destroyed them.

Min's Canglang Combat Legion is still attacking Tianzhu. I am afraid that Tianzhu can be conquered in about a year, which will make it easier to attack the Persian Empire in the future. The war in the northern continent has just begun, and

Ge Nie's Tenglong Combat Legion has already fought with Yuan Shao of Yizhou launched a war. In the east of Yizhou, Yuan Shao's army of more than 100,000 people had been defeated, and Gai Nie's army was launching an attack on the central part of Yizhou.

Su Yan's Black Bird Army was much quieter, and the Black Bird Army The war has not yet started, but Yuan Shu in Yangzhou has surrendered to Su Yan.

Su Yan's Blackbird Army also began to march towards Wujun in Yangzhou. Sun Ce from Wujun was a thorn in Su Yan's side, and Su Yan mobilized an army of 200,000 Sun Ce was preparing to destroy Wu Commandery.

Jiang Yuyan of Yizhou also launched a war against Bai Yifei of Hanzhong, but if Yizhou's mountains and mountains wanted to start a war, a lot of time would be wasted just on the journey.

Zhu Rong, a barbarian, was able to fight smoothly..

She has wiped out many barbarian tribes, and even more barbarian tribes have surrendered to her. It may not take long for Zhu Rong to rule the entire barbarian tribe. After reading the intelligence gathered from

Tianxuan Continent in the study, Su Chen ,

He rubbed his forehead with a headache.

These messy things made Su Chen dizzy. This was because he only read important information, and he didn't read some things about the Xuantian Empire at all.

That thick Su Chen shook his head as he looked at the stacks of documents.

Su Chen also really admired the women Yan Fei and Jing Sala. They had to read these documents in person, and even personally annotated the thick stacks of documents.

Su Chen Pushing away the documents in his hands, he stood up and said,"Forget it, let Concubine Yan and the others handle these. It's been three days, and it's been almost a year since the Shenyun Continent. It's time to go back.""

"Your Majesty, an old woman named Po Meng from the Northern Continent is asking for an audience outside the palace."

At this time, a secret guard reported outside the study.

Su Chen was very surprised when he heard the secret guard's report.

"Po Meng? Shi Yao?"

"Why did she come from the Northern Continent to the Southern Continent? Are you still looking for yourself? Could it be that Shi Yao came to the southern continent to look for him after knowing his identity? This doesn’t make sense! If Shi Yao knew his identity, he would also look for her in the northern continent. How could she come to the southern continent?"

"Bring her here!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Su Chen thought about it and found it interesting. He originally kept Po Meng to deal with the Xuanming Sect, but this Meng Po came to the Southern Continent. Could it be that the bad guy Yuan Tiangang sent Po Meng here?

There are also Zhen Mi and Queen Guo is in the hands of Po Meng. Will Po Meng bring them with her when she comes this time? If Po Meng comes with Zhen Mi and Queen Guo, then Po Meng will die.

If Po Meng really brings Zhen Mi and Queen Guo, she will die. Queen Guo brought it here. Needless to say, it was to be dedicated to herself. If this was the case, Po Meng would not be able to keep it.

"Your Majesty, Po Meng has brought you here"

"Let her in!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Xuanmingjiao Meng Po has met His Majesty Emperor Xuantian!"When Po Meng came into the study, she saw a young man with his back to her. She hurriedly saluted Su Chen.

Su Chen turned around and looked at Po Meng with a smile and said,"Shi Yao, I didn't expect you to surrender. Snare, see who I am?"

"It's you? How could you be the emperor of the Xuantian Empire?"Meng Po was very shocked when she saw Su Chen.

She didn't expect that the Emperor Xuantian she wanted to meet was actually Su Chen, whom she had socialized with in Xuzhou.

"Haha, Shi Yao, I didn’t expect you to come to the Southern Continent. Tell me, are you here for the Xuanming Sect? Or a bad person?"

Mother Meng looked at Su Chen and said with a smile,"Su Chen, you actually know everything about me. Then tell me why I came here this time?"

Mother Meng is not afraid of Su Chen, the emperor of the Xuantian Empire.

Su Chen's two women are still in her hands.

She doesn't believe that Su Chen dares to take action against her.



Po Meng was immediately suppressed by Su Chen's momentum.

She looked at Su Chen in horror and felt incredible.

Po Meng was in Xuzhou, Northern Continent. She knew that Su Chen's strength was extraordinary, but she didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Su Chen glanced disdainfully at Po Meng who was slumped on the ground and ordered,

"Someone come!"

"His Majesty!"

"Order the secret guards to check who is coming with this old woman, and bring all those people to Xuanniiao Palace. Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Husband, what happened?"

At this time,

Jing Salad suddenly appeared in the study and looked at Su Chen and asked.

Jing Sala also felt a strong momentum erupting in Su Chen's study. She was worried that something would happen to Su Chen and hurried over.

Su Chen Seeing the arrival of the Frightened Salamander, he smiled and said,

"A fool who doesn't know how to live or die, Madam, Zhen Mi and a woman should be taken to the Imperial City of Gusu City by this old woman. You let the secret guards and the snare carefully check their whereabouts."

"I see!"

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