After Jing Salamander left,

Su Chen looked at Po Meng who collapsed on the ground and waited for news about Jing Salamander. As long as Zhen Mi and Queen Guo were in the Gusu Imperial City, Jing Salamander's secret guards and snares could find out.

As long as Po Meng dares to give Zhen Mi and Queen Guo to herself,

Po Meng will be dead.

"Husband, what happened? Concubine Yan came to the study with Su Yue in her arms, looked at Po Meng on the floor, and asked Su Chen doubtfully. Su Chen took Su Yue from Concubine Yan and asked with a smile,"Nothing, how can you do this?" Did Yue'er come over too? Concubine Yan sat on the chair next to her and watched Su Chen teasing Xiao Yue'er. She smiled and pointed outside and said,"Haha, Xi and sister are nearby, nothing will happen to Yue'er.""

Haha! Haha.....

Xiaoyue'er laughed out loud when Su Chen teased her.

She stretched out her little hand to grab Su Chen's hand, but after failing to grab it several times, her face turned sour that she was about to cry.

Su Chen was so frightened that he directly put his hand into Yue'er's hand.

He was afraid that Su Yue would cry.

"Husband, what's going on?Concubine Yan crossed her legs and pointed at Po Meng and asked.

Su Chen glanced at Po Meng and said,

"He is from the Northern Continent, a member of the Xuanming Sect, but his true identity is that he is an undercover agent arranged by bad people in the Xuanming Sect. The Xuanming Sect assassinated that girl Su Yan in the Northern Continent."

"What to do with her? Kill it"

"Haha, Concubine Yan, you are still so ruthless, be careful not to scare us, Xiaoyueer."Su Chen looked at Concubine Yan and smiled and shook his head.

Concubine Yan was already a mother, and her ruthless demeanor had not changed at all.

Su Chen continued to explain to Concubine Yan,"It's better to wait and kill this Po Meng." , Zhen Mi and Queen Guo are still in the hands of this Po Meng, Jing Salamander has already gone to check, and will deal with this Po Meng later."

Po Meng, who was slumped on the ground, looked at Concubine Yan in horror.

She did not expect that this beautiful and noble woman could be so cruel. Po Meng was really asking for her own death this time. If she had known she would not accept the task of being a bad handsome man.

Po Meng looked at Su Chen holding a baby, and she heard what Su Chen and Concubine Yan said.

Po Meng guessed that this beautiful and noble woman should be the queen of Xuantian Empire.

And the baby should be from Xuantian Empire. Little princess,

Princess Gao Yue!

Concubine Yan was surprised when she heard Su Chen’s words and said,"Zhen Mi? How could Zhen Mi end up in the hands of this old woman?"

Su Chen pointed at Po Meng and said,

"She is not an old woman. This Po Meng is a master of disguise. She is a young woman."

"Zhen Mi and the others were kidnapped by Po Meng when I was rescuing Su Yan. I originally thought Po Meng would negotiate with me in the future, but I didn't expect Po Meng to come to our place."

When Concubine Yan heard Su Chen's words, she looked at Po Meng unexpectedly.

She didn't expect that this old woman could actually disguise herself. She didn't even notice Po Meng's disguise skills. Stronger than anyone she's ever known.

"Po Meng, have you brought Zhen Mi and Queen Guo to the Imperial City of Gusu?"Su Chen asked coldly as he regained his momentum of oppressing Po Meng,

"Brought it!"Mother Meng said mockingly after Su Chen withdrew her momentum and stood up wet.

"You are seeking death!"Su Chen pinched Po Meng's neck with one hand and shouted angrily.

Po Meng said without changing her expression,"Death? Can I survive if I fall into your hands? I have assassinated your eldest daughter, Princess Changle. Can you let me go?"

Wow wow wow....

At this time,

Su Yue started crying in Su Chen's arms, which made Su Chen hurriedly let go of Po Meng and hurriedly coaxed Su Yue up.

Su Chen patted Su Yue's back gently and said softly,"Yue'er, be good, Yue'er, did daddy scare you just now?"

Concubine Yan smiled as she watched Su Chen coaxing Xiao Yue'er. To help, this was the interaction between their father and daughter. Concubine Yan didn't want to disturb it, but she wanted to know how Su Chen could coax Yue'er from crying.

Po Meng looked at Su Chen speechlessly.

Just now, Su Chen looked fierce and wanted to kill someone.

How could he turn into a daughter slave in the blink of an eye?

Wow wow wow......

"Oh my God! Yue'er, why are you still crying?"

Su Chen was really helpless.

He had been coaxing him for a while, but

Xiao Yue'er still didn't stop crying.

Su Chen was sweating on his head.

This was more tiring than when he went into battle to kill the enemy.

Concubine Yan came over. He smiled and said to Su Chen,"Hehehe, give it to me, Yue'er is hungry, how can you possibly coax her. Su

Chen handed Yue'er to Concubine Yan and said helplessly,"Concubine Yan, you didn't tell Yue'er early that she was hungry. I thought you scared Xiao Yue'er. Are you deliberately watching a joke?""

"Who told you that you have less time to take care of your baby? If you don't take care of Yue'er anymore, Yue'er won't know you as his father anymore."

"I.....Don’t I have time?"

"Hey, you have time to run around but no time to take care of Yue'er. Who's to blame?"

"well! I will leave more time to take care of my baby in the future."

Su Chen is also very helpless.

He doesn't have time to take care of Yue'er now. He has too many things to do in

Tianxuan Continent and

Shenyun Continent.

"Husband, I have found Zhen Mi and Queen Guo. I have brought them here."

At this time,

Frightened Salamander walked in from the outside.

She looked at her sweating profusely and said doubtfully,

"His Majesty!"


Zhen Mi and Queen Guo came to the study and shouted when they saw Su Chen.

Zhen Mi and Queen Guo didn't expect that Su Chen had also come to the Southern Continent. Did Su Chen return to the Southern Continent to save them?

Su Chen looked at Zhen Mi and Queen Guo and asked with concern,"Did anything happen to you two? Queen Guo smiled at Su Chen and said,"No, Po Meng is very good to us. Husband, please let Po Meng go. She really didn't do anything to us.""

Zhen Mi walked up to Po Meng and started talking to Po Meng in a low voice.

Su Chen looked at these two silly girls and shook his head and reminded,"Meng Po wants to dedicate you to the emperor of the Xuantian Empire. Is this good for you?"

"Haha, husband, you misunderstood. Po Meng did not want to give us to you. Po Meng came here just to negotiate with you. We just came to the Southern Continent with her."


"Of course, Po Meng was ordered by the bad guy Yuan Tiangang to negotiate with her husband. The bad guy wanted to take refuge with her husband. This time Po Meng came to discuss this matter with her husband."

"That's it, I get it."

Su Chen didn't expect that things would be like this. The bad guys would take refuge in him. It seems that the war in the Northern Continent has left the bad guys with no hope. Has the bad guy given up on supporting Li Shimin?

Su Chen shook his head and started. Not thinking about this, he took Queen Guo to Concubine Yan and introduced her,"Queen Guo, this is Concubine Yan, the queen of the empire, and this is Jing Salamander, my first woman, and our little one." Princess Su Yue."

When Queen Guo heard Su Chen's words, she saluted nervously to Concubine Yan and Jing Salad,"Guo Huan has met sister Yan Concubine and met sister Jing Sala."

Queen Guo did not expect that this beautiful and noble woman would be Su Chen's queen, and the cold woman next to her was Su Chen's first woman. This made Queen Guo very restrictive towards them.

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