On the battlefield, as the Qin Army and the Black Armor Army collided, the Qin Army was instantly killed and at a disadvantage. Although the Qin Army fought desperately against the Black Armor Army, regardless of their weapons and equipment and fighting ability, the Black Armor Army was at a disadvantage. It is not something that the Qin army can compare with.

"Kill, kill more black-armored troops for me. Even if we die, we will kill as many as we can."


"Ahem, me.....I do not....no kill....A black-armored sergeant.....soldier i.....I'm not willing to give in!"

"Old Sun, why did you take the first step? kill......puff"

"For the sake of the king, kill!"

"I am a soldier of Great Qin, and I want to fight for Great Qin!"

On the battlefield, although the Qin army's continuous attacks are commendable, they are just dying in the face of the shield formation of the black-armored army.


At this time, the Second Cavalry Corps had already detoured back to the rear of the Qin Army.

In the army of common people at the rear of the Qin army, each one of them was either trampled to death by war horses or penetrated by Chang Ge.

At this time, the Qin army was surrounded by the black armored army. Although the Qin army did not want to escape, the encircled Qin army could no longer form a military formation. It was only a matter of time before the Qin army was destroyed.

"Each team forms a shield formation to kill the enemy. No prisoners are taken. The Qin army will kill them all."

"The cavalry must pay attention, cooperate with the infantry to kill the enemy, and the crossbowmen must continuously kill the enemy's commanding general."

"Encircle and encircle, the eighth team, encircle and encircle this Qin general."

"Charge, the third cavalryman will break up the Qin troops gathered together for me."

On the high platform of the commander of the Southern Combat Army,

Su Chen held Su Yue and Ying Shiman and looked at the battlefield. He was no longer paying attention. He was now the father of two children.

Zhao Ji was still looking after Mi Hua, and

Su Chen We can only take Charmaine Ying with us first.


Su Yue and Charmaine Ying are close in age. Now the two little guys are looking at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

This is not bad.

In the future, Charmaine Ying and Su Yue will They also have company.

But who is older and who is younger?

Su Chen can't tell. It seems that he can only find Ying Shiman's birthday and horoscope after occupying Xianyang City.

"Um? Those mice can't help but take action?"

Su Chen suddenly sensed some unfamiliar auras, which were sneaking closer to the Southern Combat Legion. This made Su Chen guess that the various schools of thought were about to take action.

Huang Rong asked suspiciously when she heard Su Chen's mumbling."Husband, are the various schools of thought here?"

Su Chen nodded and said with a smile,"Not bad! These people from hundreds of schools of thought are probably not afraid of death when they come to kill us. They dare to assassinate us in an army of hundreds of thousands. Their courage is commendable.

Huang Rong said to Su Chen disdainfully,"Tch!" It's not certain whether they can come to us. Not everyone in my Southern Combat Corps can sneak over."

Su Chen looked aside and said to Qin Mengyao,"Qin Mengyao, you can go out now.""

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Huang Rong, have the Taoists come back?"Su Chen suddenly looked to the other side. There was a powerful person coming over there. Su Chen checked and asked Huang Rong.

Huang Rong shook her head and said,"Not yet. People from the Taoist and Yin Yang families are going to rob and escape. Hundreds of disciples of various schools, they should be back soon"

"Didn't that old guy Bei Mingzi come this time?"

"Bei Mingzi? He is here, but at this time he should also have gone to rob and kill the hundreds of families who escaped. Bei Mingzi is very worried about the losses to his disciples and grandchildren."

"That's it, it looks like I'm going to take action myself again"

"Um? What's wrong? Is there a powerful enemy coming? Su

Chen handed Su Yue and Ying Shiman to Huang Rong and said seriously,"It's Xunzi from Confucianism. The old Confucian scholar didn't expect that he would also come. It seems that he wants to avenge Han Fei and Zhang Liang who came to me." Huang

Rong kissed Su Yue and Ying Shiman in her arms and said with a smile,

"Haha, this time Xunzi is looking for death. A celestial being has come to assassinate you in the out-of-body realm. Oh no, now your realm is suppressed in the golden elixir realm. I'm afraid you just don't take action. You can suppress it with aura and coercion. Xunzi Bar"

"Yes, in the Heavenly Realm, I can crush them to death with just one hand."

Su Chen can now deal with the Heavenly Realm with no effort at all.

The masters he met while passing through the Shenyun ContinentHe doesn't care about any of the masters in Tianxuan Continent now, cough!

Except for his powerful women.

At this time, in a legion of the Southern Combat Legion, Qin Mengyao's team and thousands of secret guards appeared here, while tens of thousands of black-armored troops surrounded the place.

Qin Mengyao looked down at the masters from various schools of thought who were hiding among a pile of supplies.

"Rats, they have discovered you, do you still want to continue hiding?"

After a farmer heard Qin Mengyao's words, he hurriedly stood up and ordered loudly,"No, we have been discovered. Come together and kill him. We must kill that Commander Huang Rong."


"The crossbow is ready, shoot at will!"When Qin Mengyao saw dozens of masters from various schools of thought appeared, she ordered to the secret guards, swish, swish, swish.......

When the peasant soldier saw the powerful Qi-breaking military crossbows coming towards him, he hurriedly shouted to the masters around him,"Kill those crossbows that are a huge threat to us."

Qin Mengyao looked at the masters rushing towards the secret guards and said Said disdainfully,

"What an idiot! The shadow assassins were also dispatched, and those six old farm guys taught us."

Although the masters of hundreds of schools of thought are powerful, the weakest among them are in the Xiantian realm, but when faced with the attack of the Qi-breaking crossbow, they can handle it at the beginning, but as time goes by, some of these masters also have They were shot to death one after another.

Some masters and masters from various schools of thought rushed towards the secret guards. They wanted to kill these secret guards holding crossbows.

Stabbed! Stabbed! Stabbed!

These masters and masters were about to kill them. At this time, some female assassins in black suddenly appeared. These female assassins cut the throats of these masters to death one by one in an instant. These masters did not even have a chance to react, and were killed by the shadow assassins one after another..

At this time,

Qin Mengyao's six daughters and the six elders of the farm family also fought against each other.

Qin Mengyao knew that the farm family had a powerful formation. This time, the six daughters of Qin Mengyao were dragging a farm elder with them. They would not give these elders anything. The guys had a chance to activate the formation.

On the battlefield, the war was about to end.

After just an hour, the Qin army of 160,000 to 70,000 people had less than 50,000 people. The army composed of ordinary people was also dead, and only the remaining The Qin army is now being divided and slaughtered. The Qin army will probably be completely destroyed within half an hour.

Qin General Wang Li was killed by crossbow arrows from the black armored army, and Li Xin was even more miserable than Wang Li. , he was surrounded by the shield array and was stabbed with wounds by countless long swords before he died.

Su Chen looked at the battlefield and touched his chin and said,"The war is about to end, and Da Qin is finished. I hope the people of Da Qin will not Rebellion occurs"

"Husband, the people of Qin are martial. If the people of Qin rebel, do we want to massacre the rebellious people?"

"Rebels will be killed without mercy!"

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