Su Chen said to Huang Rong expressionlessly,

"Anyone who dares to rebel will be killed without mercy!"

No one can stop him from the unification of Tianxuan Continent. In order to make a difference in the Shenyu Continent in the future, Tianxuan Continent must not hold him back. Anyone who dares to rebel will be killed without mercy.



These things He needs them all.

In order to be with her women forever in the future, and for his daughters, the fate of Tianxuan Continent must be gathered on him, and no one can stop him.

Huang Rong said seriously He promised Su Chen,"I understand, Da Qin will not be in chaos in the future, I promise."

Su Chen smiled and touched Huang Rong's hair and said,

"Haha, don’t be so serious. Our Xuantian Empire’s taxes are lower than any other empire, and there is no corvee."

"As long as the people of Great Qin survive the one-year transition period, I believe that the people of Great Qin will recognize and completely surrender to our Xuantian Empire."

"makes sense! Huang

Rong nodded when she heard Su Chen's words and said,

"The emperor of the Xuantian Empire? SouthHuang Rong, the commander of the combat corps?"

At this time, an old man with a white beard suddenly appeared next to the commander's platform. He looked at Su Chen and asked with piercing eyes. The surrounding secret guards and black-armored guards quickly surrounded him with crossbows, bows and arrows. Hands, and even the huge shield of the black armored army hurriedly protected Su Chen and Huang Rong.

"Everybody stand down!"

Su Chen waved his hand to the secret guards and the black-armored army and ordered,

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Xunzi was very surprised when he saw Su Chen driving back his guards and troops.

He came to assassinate Su Chen.

Why did Su Chen push back his guards and troops? Is there any powerful person hiding here?

"Emperor of Xuantian Empire, don’t you know that I want to assassinate you? Su

Chen smiled and replied,"I know, I've been waiting for you for a long time, Confucian Xunzi"

"Do you know me?"

Xunzi didn't expect Su Chen to know him, which surprised him.

He had been staying in Xiaoshengxian Manor for decades and never came out. How did Su Chen know him?

Su Chen was speechless when he heard Xunzi's words.

He can't tell Xunzi that he has watched anime, right?

Su Chen smiled and explained,

"Haha, in the Eastern Continent, Donghuang Taiyi and Bei Mingzi are considered to be members of our Xuantian Empire. Guiguzi has been killed by Donghuang Taiyi. The only person in the Eastern Continent who is still in the realm of heaven and humanity is the Confucian Xunzi. Are you right? ? Xunzi of Confucianism"

"That's right, then you should know why I came, right?"

"Whoever killed me, or my wife Huang Rong"

"Yes, I originally planned to kill your wife Huang Rong this time, but your unexpected appearance made me change my focus."

"For Han Fei and Zhang Liang?"

"Yes, my disciple was killed by you, and I have no choice but to avenge him."

Su Chen understood what Xunzi said, but did he kill Han Fei?

Did he kill Zhang Liang?

None of this seems to have anything to do with him, right?

"Zhang Liang was killed by Han Fei, and Han Fei died of exhaustion of his life force. This doesn't seem to have anything to do with me, right? Xunzi said with a serious face,

"The old lady is still confused. Without your threat to Han Fei, how could Han Fei kill Zhang Liang? How could Han Fei die if he didn't expend his life force? It's all your fault."

Su Chen nodded in agreement after hearing this,"That's right, these can definitely be blamed on me, but do you dare to kill me?"

"I don’t dare to kill you, why?"Xunzi asked with confusion on his face.

Su Chen was just a great master, and

Huang Rong was also a great master.

It would be effortless for him to kill them both. He also checked here and there was no powerful master here.

Why? Don't you dare to kill him?

Huang Rong is watching over Su Yue and Ying Shiman.

She is not worried about Su Chen's safety at all.

A man from the Heavenly Realm comes to kill a strong man from the Golden Core Realm?

This is ironic enough.

Su Chen is a bastard. Just pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger.

This bastard has been pretending to be a person with low strength. He used to be a master and pretended to be in the innate realm. The great master pretended to be a master, and now he is an immortal cultivator in the out-of-body realm.

This bastard also pretended to be an innate realm. A great master, this bastard’s enemies were probably killed by him.

Su Chen crossed his arms and said with a smile,

"Old man, think about your Confucianism?"

"No matter if you can kill me this time, as long as you dare to take action against me, there is no need for Confucianism to exist"

"If word spreads today about Confucianism assassinating me, Qi State will take action first to destroy your Confucianism without the troops and masters of the Xuantian Empire being dispatched. Do you believe it?"

Xunzi nodded his head in undeniable agreement and said,

"I believe that as long as you die, Xuantian Empire will be completely in chaos. At that time, I will personally go to Qi State to plead guilty, and even agree to serve Qi State. Qi State will not necessarily destroy my Confucianism."

"That's right. You can take action. I've also told you the consequences. As long as you take action, there will be no room for turning back."

"Then I will be offended. Don't worry, I won't touch Princess Gao Yue. I won't take action against a little baby."


Xunzi burst out with a powerful aura as he spoke. He waved his hand and wanted to kill the emperor of the Xuantian Empire with one palm.


A powerful aura suddenly erupted from Su Chen's body, and Xunzi was suppressed by him. Crawling on the ground.

Although Su Chenshou's strength was sealed to the Golden Core Realm, his mental power was not sealed.

The strength of the Golden Core Realm and the powerful mental power of the Out-of-body Realm were not something Xunzi could compete with.

Xunzi Looking at Su Chen with a cold sweat, he asked in horror,"You are actually a cultivator of the Golden Core Realm, how is this possible? How old are you? How could he be a strong man in the Golden Core Realm? Su

Chen said to Xunzi expressionlessly,"You ask too many questions, Xunzi. I gave you and your Confucianism a chance, but you didn't get it. You should have thought of the consequences." Xunzi said to Su Chen with a frustrated look on his face,

"I didn't expect that I would come to assassinate a strong man in the Golden Core Realm. Your Majesty, the Confucianists all have useful talents. Don't you hope to get Confucianists' talents?"

Xunzi knew that he had to die this time, but Confucianism could not be destroyed, and hundreds of years of Confucianism could not be destroyed in his hands. He now hoped that Su Chen would only let Confucianism go.

Su Chen saw Xiang Xunzi mocked disdainfully,"Talent? I know exactly what your Confucianism is like. The disciples of Confucianism are all nobles. I know exactly what the nobles are like."

"【Gentleman is far away from the kitchen], what kind of nonsense are these? Little Shengxian Manor doesn’t even have a kitchen. Do you need to go to a restaurant to order food? I cannot afford to use your Confucian talents."

Xunzi asked with a livid face when he heard Su Chen's words,"Your Majesty, do you really want to destroy Confucianism?"

"It must be destroyed!"

"Then let's die together!"

Xunzi suddenly gathered all his power and wanted to blow himself up and die together with Su Chen.

"Want to blow yourself up in front of me? You think too much!"

Su Chen suddenly appeared next to Xunzi, and he broke Xunzi's neck with one hand.

"Huang Rong, inform the King of Qi of the State of Qi that I want to kill all the Confucians without leaving any trace. Tell the King of Qi that if a Confucian escapes, I will kill the members of the Qi royal family to take the blame."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

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