Huang Rong was very surprised when she heard Su Chen's order.

This time Su Chen seemed to be really angry.

But yes, if these Jianghu people assassinate court officials at every turn, it will be very detrimental to their future rule of the Eastern Continent.

Su Chen probably wanted to intimidate those Jianghu people.

Huang Rong nodded and agreed,"I understand. I will inform them of Qi State. If the royal family of Qi State does not want to be destroyed, they will definitely destroy the Confucianism of Xiaoshengxian Village.""

"Well, let Luo Wang also send some people to monitor, especially Confucian Fu Nian and Yan Lu. They did not come this time. If these two masters are not killed, they will also be a threat in the future."

"Fu Nian and Yan Lu? I understand. I will issue an order to focus on monitoring Fu Nian and Yan Lu in Qi State's trap."

At this time,

Qin Mengyao and the others also killed all the assassins. The dozens of assassins from various schools who arrived this time were completely wiped out.

Even those who escaped earlier could not escape. There were Taoists and The masters of the Yin and Yang family led the team to rob and kill those assassins. Those assassins from various schools of thought were also dead.

On the battlefield, the war was basically over. Three black-armored legions were now checking on the Qin army who was pretending to be dead and even injured. The Qin army, who had no ability to resist, also picked them up one by one.

On the walls of Xianyang City, many people shed tears silently looking at the tragic battlefield.

The last army of the Qin Dynasty was also completely wiped out, and the destruction of the country by the Qin Dynasty has been reversed. Well, the Great Qin that has existed for hundreds of years is going to die like this.

From a country that raised horses for the Great Zhou to a gradually rising Great Qin, it took six generations of wise kings to develop into the most powerful empire in the Eastern Continent.

But facing Xuantian Due to the empire's attack,

Da Qin was about to be destroyed without persisting for a year, which made the people of Da Qin feel very uncomfortable.

Wow woo woo woo.......

At this time, the horn of the Southern Combat Legion sounded, and an infantry legion was dispatched.

The infantry legion of 50,000 soldiers headed directly towards Xianyang City. Xianyang City was now undefended, and the infantry legion quickly rushed out from the city gate. Entered Xianyang City.

In Xianyang City, some black-armored messengers dispersed and shouted in Xianyang City,

"His Majesty the Emperor has issued an order. The Qin Dynasty has died, and the people have gone home. Xianyang City will be under a curfew for one month. Any people who dare to resist will be killed without mercy!"

"His Majesty the Emperor has issued an order. The Qin Dynasty has died, and the people have gone home. Xianyang City will be under a curfew for one month. Any people who dare to resist will be killed without mercy!"

"His Majesty the Emperor has issued an order. The Qin Dynasty has died, and the people have gone home. Xianyang City will be under a curfew for one month. Any people who dare to resist will be killed without mercy!"

After the people in Xianyang City heard the order, although they were all unwilling, they were helpless.

The hundreds of thousands of elite troops of Great Qin were all finished.

Even the young and middle-aged people in Xianyang City died. Xianyang No matter how unwilling the people of the city were, they could not resist the well-equipped black-armored army.

After 50,000 elite black-armored troops took control of Xianyang City,

Da Qin's black dragon flag was also replaced by the Xuantian Empire's black bird flag. The Qin Dynasty, which had existed for hundreds of years, was really destroyed this time. Su Chen and Huang Rong had arrived at the Qin Palace in Xianyang. The remaining officials of the Qin Dynasty were kneeling in the hall one by one, waiting for Su Chen to deal with them.

Su Chen came When he arrived at the King of Qin's hall, he sat on the throne. He frowned when he looked at the remaining Qin officials. There were many fewer officials here than the ones he knew.

"See His Majesty the Emperor!"

In the main hall, the officials of Da Qin knelt down and worshiped Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at Li Si who was kneeling on the ground in the main hall and asked,"Li Si, where have all the old ministers of King Qin gone?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, all those officials followed King Qin. Li Si immediately raised his head and replied,

"Haha, okay, those officials are the real Da Qin officials, you people are really greedy for life and afraid of death."

Li Si's face changed drastically when he heard Su Chen's words.

He was worried that Su Chen would look down on them officials and even order them to be massacred.

Li Si hurriedly defended Su Chen,

"Your Majesty, nature selects the fittest to survive. We are just officials, not kings. We just want to assist the king in governing the world and managing people's livelihood. As for who will be the king or the emperor, we have no way to stop it."

Su Chen looked at Li Si disdainfully.

Although Li Si in the plot was very talented, he was also a huge scourge.

It can be said that Li Si contributed a lot to the establishment of the Qin Empire, but Li Si was also a huge driving force behind the demise of the Qin Dynasty.

Like this Who dares to use it?

"Li Si, your eloquence is good, but you may not know that just outside the city, I was assassinated by the Confucian Xunzi. Xunzi was killed, and all Confucian disciples will be killed in the future. As a Confucian disciple, you will not exception."

Li Si is very uneasy now.

He did not expect that Confucianism would assassinate Su Chen. Even Xunzi took action himself. Confucianism was going to kill him this time.

Li Si was worried that Su Chen would really kill him.

"Your Majesty, although I am a disciple of Xunzi, Xunzi has expelled me from Confucianism. I am now a Legalist and no longer a Confucian."

Su Chen didn't want to listen to Li Si's excuses. He felt sick just looking at such a person.

"If anyone comes, Li Si will kill them on the spot, and Li Si’s family will be wiped out!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, please spare your life, Your Majesty, spare your life!"Li Si yelled when he was dragged away by the black-armored soldiers.

Su Chen saw that the remaining officials were very panicked, so he said expressionlessly,

"As for you, the officials of the Xuantian Empire will evaluate you in the future. If you are capable, you can continue to be an official. Where can those who are not capable go back and forth?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Su Chen waved his hand and ordered,"Now go and appease the people of Xianyang City. Officials from the Xuantian Empire will arrive in three days. You must manage Xianyang City for me in the past few days."

"I obey the order!"

After Su Chen's ministers here all left, he came to the back hall alone, where the remains of King Qin Ying Zheng and his children were placed.

At this moment,

Zhao Ji was also here.

Zhao Ji looked sad. Looking at the body of King Qin Ying Zheng, she gently touched Ying Zheng's pale face and whispered,"Zheng'er, rest, you are tired too. All this is life. I should not have brought you back in the first place." Da Qin, this is all mother's fault."

Su Chen walked to Zhao Ji and patted her shoulder and said,"Zhao Ji, Ying Zheng is a true king."

"Although he did something unfair to you and some things, it is undeniable that he has no regrets towards Da Qin."

"Ying Zheng is also the most outstanding king among the kings of the Qin Dynasty. I will bury him with royal etiquette, you can rest assured."

Zhao Ji shed tears when she heard Su Chen's words and said,

"I know that although Zheng'er broke my heart, he is my child after all. Seeing Zheng'er leave with an old look on his face, I regretted it very much. I regretted that I should not have taken Zheng'er back to Daqin."

"This is what fate should be, and you can't force it, so don't be too sad."

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