Shi Feixuan was very speechless when she looked at Hanwan who had been pestering her. They have all arrived in the Shenyu Continent, but Hanhan is still against her. Doesn't Hanhan have nothing to do?

Huanwan playfully looked at Shi Feixuan and said with a smile,"Aren't I worried about you? Master nun, we are hostile forces to Buddhism. Do you want to stop having anything to do with Buddhism?"

Shi Feixuan rolled her eyes. Huanwen said speechlessly,"I know, besides, our Cihang Jingzhai is no longer a Buddhist sect, so your worries are unnecessary."

Cihang Jingzhai has changed a long time ago, and the Buddhist statues in Cihang Jingzhai All have been removed, and there are black bird statues and phoenix statues in Cihang Jingzhai. Although this is just a decoration, it is also a belief.

Huanhua patted Shi Feixuan on the shoulder and laughed,"Haha, I like to hear this, but I haven't decided where to go yet. I'd better go to Yunlan Sect to see the competition first."

Huanwen Huan was not worried that Shi Feixuan was not strong-willed, she just felt very bored by herself.

Besides, it’s very dangerous in the Shenyu Continent. She and her master concubine Xuan are together, but they still have someone to take care of them.

"That’s fine. The Southern Continent is really not suitable for our cultivation. Let’s go back to the Eastern Continent after watching this competition."

"Okay, I don’t care anyway, there is a restaurant in front, let’s go have some food first."Huanwan nodded to Shi Feixuan, and she pointed to the restaurant in the town in front and said,

"All right!"

At this moment, in the small town at the foot of the Yunlan Sect Mountain, there are more and more outsiders here, but these are some low-class warriors.

In the restaurant, many warriors are resting and eating food here, and those who are close to At several tables by the window, more than a dozen people were eating and resting here. Each of them was holding a weapon and guarding a young man and a beautiful woman.

This was the Xiliang Crown Prince Xu Nian who was in the Miter Auction House. Next to him They were all the guards and maids he brought out this time.

A heroic beauty holding a long sword said to Xu Nian,"Prince, what is the origin of that friend of yours? Why is he dueling with the chief disciple of Yunlan Sect?"

Lao Huang, who was drinking next to him, said with a smile,

"Haha, I know this. That boy's engagement was broken off. He couldn't bear to be humiliated so he made a three-year agreement. This time he wanted to slap the Yunlan Sect in the face."

A beautiful woman opposite Xu Nian heard this and said disdainfully,"Just break off the engagement if you don't like it. What's the point? Your friend is just a coward."

Xu Nian hurriedly explained after hearing Jiang Ni's words,

"Jiang Ni, it’s none of my business. We just chatted for a few words. Later, I heard about this three-year appointment. We were going to travel anyway, so I planned to watch this competition."

"You don't need to explain to me, I'm just a girl. Jiang Ni glanced at Xu Nian and said speechlessly.

Old Huang looked at Xu Nian and Jiang Ni and said with a smile,"Okay, you two, don't talk any more. Let's eat quickly and find an inn to have a good rest." This journey was really exhausting."

At this time,

Hanwan and Shi Feixuan also arrived at the restaurant. After they went to the second floor, everyone here looked over.

Hanwan and Shi Feixuan were stunning beauties, one was as cool and refined as the other. Fairy, as charming as a witch.

The arrival of the two of them together made the restaurant full of glory. Every man here looked at Huanwan and Shifeixuan.

Xu Nian saw Huanwan and Shifeixuan. When she arrived, she was surprised and said,"Damn, these two women are so beautiful. I wonder if they are as beautiful as the three beauties of the Gama Empire in the Southern Continent.""

"You are a pervert!"Jiang Ni said mockingly when she heard Xu Nian's words.

However, when

Jiang Ni looked at Huan Huan and Shi Feixuan, she felt that they were very beautiful.

This made Jiang Ni feel that she was not as good as those two beautiful women. Women, whether it is noble temperament or beautiful appearance, Huanwan and Shifeixuan are impeccable existences.

Xu Nian hurriedly argued,

"I appreciate it. Jiang

Ni looked at Xu Nian in a bad mood and said mockingly,"The explanation is just a cover-up, you don't need to say more.""

Old Huang and the others saw Xu Nian and Jiang Ni bickering again. They all shook their heads speechlessly. They couldn't control these happy enemies.

Old Huang looked at Huan Huan and Shi Feixuan. He warned Xu Nian,"Don't underestimate those two women. Their strength is not simple. They are both stronger than you.""

"How powerful is it?"

"Now you are just a person with the cultivation level of a grand master, without the strength of a grand master, and these two women are about to reach the cultivation level of the golden elixir realm, can you compare?

Xu Nian was surprised when he heard Lao Huang's words and exclaimed,"Damn, so powerful?" They seem to be about the same age as me. No, I have to get to know these proud women."

The people nearby were also very surprised when they heard what Lao Huang said.

You must know that Lao Huang's strength is at the peak of the Golden Core Realm, but these two young women are about to advance to the Golden Core Realm, which makes them all I felt that I had lived in vain for so many years.

At the table not far from Xu Nian,

Huanwan and Shi Feixuan also sat down, ordered some food and started eating.

After a few mouthfuls of food, Huanwan lost her appetite and said,"Here The food here is decent, but not as delicious as the food at Xuanniiao Palace."

Shi Fei Xuan glanced at Huan Huan and said helplessly,"It would be good to eat some. If we were in the wild, we wouldn't even be able to eat these."

"Master nun, when do you think that bastard Su Chen will come to Shenyu Continent?"

"I don’t know, but the situation in Hangzhou is not good right now. Su Chen should come back as soon as possible."

"Yes, but Ji Ruxi and her sister didn't want us to go back to help. I'm afraid they were worried that we were both weak!"

"Yes, we must become stronger as soon as possible, otherwise we will not be able to help with anything in the future."

Huanwan and Shi Feixuan were talking, and

Xu Nian wandered over.

When he came to Hanwan and Shi Feixuan, he introduced them,"Two ladies, I am Xu Nian. I don't know what your surnames are. ?"

Huanwen and Shi Feixuan stopped talking when Xu Nian arrived.

They had checked this Xu Nian when they went to the restaurant.

His strength was not very good, but among Xu Nian's guards, there were two powerful ones. Among the masters, one was a master of the Golden Core Realm, and an old man with a broken arm could not tell the realm of cultivation at all.

Huanwan looked at Xu Nian and said with a sweet smile,"Boy, you have found the wrong person, leave quickly. Don't ask for trouble. Xu

Nian didn't pay attention to Huan Huan's attitude,"Miss, why are you so unkind? It's easier to have one more friend in the world.""


At this time, a masked woman in black suddenly appeared next to Hanhan and Shi Feixuan.

Xu Nian was startled by the sudden appearance of the masked woman. Just when she was about to tell Hanhan and Shi Feixuan to be careful. At that moment, he suddenly saw the masked woman suddenly saluting Huan Huan and Shi Feixuan.

After the Shadow Assassin appeared, he hurriedly saluted Huan Huan and Shi Feixuan and said,"The sixth team of Shadow Assassin, Youyu has seen both. lady"

"Youyu, what happened to expose you?"

"Madam, this is a secret letter from Mrs. Xihe."

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