Shi Feixuan took the secret message sent by the Shadow Assassin and hurriedly read it, while Huanwan looked at Xu Nian and waved him away with an unkind expression. She didn't want Xu Nian to get in the way.

When Xu Nian saw Huan Huan's gesture, he turned around and left.

On the way, he touched his chin and wondered, who are these two women? lady?

Could it be that these two beautiful beauties are married?

But they are all obviously finished, so why do the women in black who suddenly appear call them madam?

And the Shadow Assassin, he didn't even notice the Shadow Assassin's sudden appearance.

Team 6?

Are the Shadow Assassins a killer organization?

The heroic beauty holding a Changge asked Xu Nian with concern,"Master, are you okay?"

Xu Nian shook his head at the woman next to him, and he kept thinking about the identities of Hanwan and Shi Feixuan, but he There was too little information, and he couldn't guess the identities of Hanwan and Shi Feixuan at the moment.

Xu Nian looked at Lao Huang and asked doubtfully,"Old Huang, did you notice the shadow assassin appeared just now?"

Lao Huang said to Xu Nian with a serious face,

"No, I didn't find out how the shadow assassin appeared at all. If the shadow assassin hadn't appeared, I wouldn't have discovered anyone hiding here."

Old Huang is now very wary of Huan Huan and Shi Feixuan. If the shadow assassin had assassinated Xu Nian just now, I am afraid that Xu Nian would have been assassinated even if he had ten lives.

Everyone nearby was very surprised when they heard what Old Huang said. Huang Ke is a strong man in the Golden Core Realm.

He didn't even notice the shadow assassin, which shocked them very much.

The guards looked at Huan Huan and Shi Feixuan warily. They were worried that the two women would do something to her. Their prince takes action

"Senior Li, have you noticed?"When Jiang Ni heard what Old Huang said, she looked at the old man with a broken arm who had been silent and asked.

The old man with one arm looked around and said seriously,

"Of course I know there are people hiding here, but you are also wrong. There is not only one masked woman here, there are nine masked women in black hiding around in the restaurant."

Xu Nian was shocked when he heard the one-armed old man's words and said,"There are nine more shadow assassins hiding here. Who the hell are these? Is the hidden ability so powerful?"

The one-armed old man looked at Xu Nian and reminded,

"They must be a powerful person. You should be careful in the future. Those shadow assassins are ordinary guards. There may be other powerful masters hiding around."

Li Chungang was also very surprised by the hidden shadow assassins.

If it weren't for his strong strength, he would not have been able to discover the hiding of these shadow assassins. Who are these shadow assassins from? With these shadow assassins here, they are masters of the Golden Core Realm. I'm afraid he will be assassinated if he is not careful.

Xu Nian was very speechless when he heard Li Chungang's words.

Is this an ordinary guard? Is this old man crazy?

Just these shadow assassins can kill them without any effort, uh!

Lao Huang and Li Chungang are not among them

"I understand, thank you Senior Li for your guidance."

At this moment,

Shi Feixuan also read the secret letter, but the things mentioned in the secret letter made her very speechless.

Shi Feixuan thought something big had happened, but it turned out that she just asked them to pick up some items.

But those items were also What they need most now is that the Space Nai Ring can store items with them. With the Space Nai Ring, it will be very convenient for them to travel around the world in the future.

Huan Han saw that Shi Feixuan still looked quiet after reading the secret letter, which made him see Xiang Shifeixuan asked hurriedly,"What happened? Are you calling us back?"

"No, look at it!"

Huanhan took the secret letter and read it quickly.

She was very speechless as she looked at it.

It turned out that Ji Ruxi and Su Chen had asked a person from Yafei to collect it at an auction house after they knew they had arrived in the Southern Continent. Some space rings are for them to pick up along the way.

"Forget it, we are coming to the Southern Continent anyway. After this competition, we will take back those spatial Nai Rings. This will make it much more convenient for us to practice everywhere."

"Yes, Not Bad!"

At this moment, in the Shenyi Continent, on the border of the Southern Continent, in the desert where the Snake Man tribe is located,

Su Chen appeared in the desert again holding Su Yue.

This made Su Chen very speechless when he looked around.

Su Chen was dealing with Da Qin After what happened, he hurriedly returned to Xuannio Palace.

It had been five or six days since he arrived in Tianxuan Continent, and it had been a year and a half since Shenyu Continent. He was also worried about something happening in Hangzhou City in Shenyu Continent.

Su Chen explained what he was going to do When he came to Shenyu Continent, just when he was about to leave through the world passage, Concubine Yan actually agreed to Su Chen and Su Yue to come to Shenyu Continent.

Although Su Chen was confused as to why Concubine Yan did this, he still agreed.

"System, why did I appear where I first arrived? Shouldn't I appear in Hangzhou City in the Eastern Continent?"

"Ding, host, have you changed the coordinates?"

"I'll do it!"

Su Chen was very speechless when he heard what the system said.

He was really busy and confused.

He even forgot to change the coordinates after arriving in the Shenyu Continent for the first time. This is really fucking bad.

"System, where will Ji Ruxi and the others appear? Wouldn't they also appear here?"

"Ding, no, they will appear in Hangzhou City for the first time through the World Passage."

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this,"That's good. Forget it, leave the Snake Desert first, otherwise that crazy woman Queen Medusa will cause trouble for her again."

"Xiaoyue'er, is the scenery here beautiful? You have never seen a desert."

Su Chen held Su Yue and asked her to look around. There was a vast white desert everywhere, the air was dry, and the climate was hot.

Su Chen also asked Su Yue to look around, and he was about to take Su Yue to teleport quickly. left

"Yeah yeah yeah....."

After Su Chen disappeared holding Su Yue in his arms, the only sound left here was Su Yue's happy babble. boom!

At this moment, a beautiful girl in a red dress suddenly appeared here. She looked around and then angrily slapped her palm aside.

"Damn, that bastard was pretty fast."

"Madame Medusa, have you seen the master coming?"A woman in black asked hurriedly as she appeared next to the beautiful woman in red dress.

The two women who arrived one after another were Queen Medusa of the Snake Tribe and Youru, Su Chen's shadow assassin.

Medusa Queen Sha said angrily,"No, Su Chen should have just left. That bastard left the snake tribe as soon as he arrived. Did he do something shameful again?"

"Madam, do you think the master will go to Yunlan Sect? Doesn't Yunlan Sect have a three-year duel? The master likes to join in the fun, maybe the master will go to Yunlan Sect to watch the competition"

"Get ready, we're going there too"

"Yes, ma'am!"

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