Qingniao and Jiang Ni looked at the scarred sweet potato, and they hurriedly checked it. They were worried that sweet potato would die of excessive blood loss, and sweet potato was in very bad condition.

Su Chen didn't care about Qingniao and Jiang Ni.

He looked at Fu Jiang Hongjia and was very confused.

Although Fu Jiang's red armor is not very powerful, he is invulnerable and even has the ability to attack with various attributes of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.

He thought that if the movement speed of Fu General Red Armor could be solved, Fu General Red Armor would be even more powerful in the future.

Su Chen was very interested in these Fu General Red Armor.

He hurriedly used his mental power to check the coming Fu General Red Armor. He wanted to get control of Fu General Red Armor. He would let the little fox study these puppets later. Maybe there will be some surprises. Su Chen suddenly discovered that there was a drop of blood in the center of the talisman's red armor. The drop of blood was protected by layers of talisman seals. If the red armor of the talisman general was not destroyed, it would be impossible for others to take out the drop of blood. This made Su Chen touch his chin and guess,"Eh? Is it because of this drop of blood that the red armor of Fu General obeyed the order? Is this also a drop of blood to recognize the master?" Whoosh! Su Chen directly used his space magic power to remove the drop of blood. Fu Jiang Hongjia, who was running towards him, suddenly stopped. Fu Jiang Hongjia stood motionless on the spot.

"Ha ha! Sure enough, these Fu Jianghong would change hands when he met him."

Su Chen smiled and forced out a drop of blood and moved it into the center of Fu Jiang's red armor.

"Come here" dong dong dong.....

After hearing Su Chen's order, Fu Jiang Hongjia moved quickly.

After a while, when Fu Jiang Hongjia came to Su Chen's side, he stood behind Su Chen to protect him.

Su Chen looked at the Fujiang Red Armor behind him and laughed.

He did not expect that Fujiang Red Armor could also control the mind, and the Fujiang Red Armor was actually made entirely of meteorites from outer space. This is an amazing treasure.

"you......how did you do it? Jiang Ni asked in surprise when she saw Fu Jiang Hongjia standing behind Su Chen.

When Fu Jiang Hongjia ran over, she and Qingniao wanted to see how Su Chen would deal with this puppet, but Fu Jiang Hongjia arrived. Not only did Su Chen not attack, but he also stood behind this bastard, looking like he was protecting Su Chen.

Qingniao immediately held the Changge on guard against Su Chen, and she felt that these talisman generals in red armor might belong to this bastard.

And Jiang Ni I think Su Chen might have used some method to control the red-armored talisman general.

"A little trick, Qingniao, you want to kill me?"


Qingniao waved her hands hurriedly with a cold face.

She also knew that she had misunderstood Su Chen just now. This bastard wants to kill them all. I'm afraid no one can stop him. This talisman general in red armor is probably under the control of Su Chen.

"It’s best not to, Qingniao, I’ve already saved the person, and I won’t be able to pay him back within a year. You should know what to do."

"I see."

Su Chen looked at Qingniao and sat down next to him.

Su Chen was not in a hurry to conquer the remaining four talisman generals in red armor. There was also a master of the Golden Core Realm hiding around him. He wanted to know the rest. A master of the Golden Core Realm, why hasn't he taken action to kill Xu Nian?

Now is the best time to kill Xu Nian, but why doesn't the Golden Core Realm master take action?


At this time,

Su Yue in Jiang Ni's arms murmured.

Su Chen immediately got up and took Su Yue from Jiang Ni's arms. He cherished his daughter very much,"Xiao Yue'er, what's wrong? Do you miss daddy?"


"Haha, isn't dad hugging you? Xiaoyue'er, are you hungry?"

"Watch the fight.....beat."Su Yue looked at the battlefield and said in babbling words.

Su Chen was very speechless when he heard Su Yue's unclear words.

He is now worried that Su Yue will become a crazy girl in the future. If Su Yue and Su Yan are in trouble in the future, Similarly, when he grew up, he would also cause trouble everywhere. Su Chen would have headaches from now on.

"Haha, you bastard, look what you have taught your daughter to be like"

"none of your business!"

"You bastard!"

"Jiang Ni, you should think about how you will pay back the money in the future!"

"I.....I will pay you back later."

At this time, on the battlefield,

Xu Nian's guards were almost dead. Only three or four of the dozen guards were left, and each of them was injured.

Xu Nian and the remaining guards were in great danger.

When Jiang Ni saw the situation on the battlefield, she hurriedly said,"Su Chen, if you don't take action to save Xu Nian and the remaining people, I can owe you another five hundred thousand taels of gold."

Su Chen sneered when he heard Jiang Ni's words,

"laugh! Can you pay it off? This adds up to 650,000 taels of gold, and you won’t be able to pay it back even in ten lifetimes."

Qingniao helped Hongshu come to Su Chen and said coldly," And we, Hongshu and I can also pay back the money together. Hongshu said with a serious expression,"Yes, as long as you save the prince and other people, we will return your money even if we work hard.""

Su Chen looked at Xu Nian's situation and shook his head.

"You may not know that there is a master of Jindan realm hiding here. If I save Xu Nian and others now, if the hidden master comes out, wouldn't I be dead?"

Su Chen also lamented the halo of Xu Nian's luck as the protagonist.

Xu Nian was beaten and bruised, but he still avoided the red-armored assassin of Fu General. He also wanted to know if there would be other masters coming to save Xu Nian?

"Su Chen, you saved Xu Nian first. They are talking about it, and we will talk about the rest later."

"Yes, you save the prince first. If that master of the golden elixir realm appears, we will not harm you even if we all die."

"Mr. Su Chen, please save the prince first."

Jiang Ni, Qingniao and Hongshu couldn't hold on when they saw Xu Nian and the others. If Su Chen didn't take action, I'm afraid Xu Nian and the remaining people would be killed. They were all anxious to deal with Su Chen. He pleaded.

Su Chen was very speechless when he looked at these women.

Xu Nian was a lucky protagonist after all.

How could he die so early?

But why has no one come to save Xu Nian until now?

Isn't the lucky protagonist in danger? Will someone come to save him?

Is Xu Nian a fake luck protagonist?

Su Chen looked around and found no other powerful masters. There was only one Jindan realm master here, and the rest were just watching. They were all little shrimps.

Su Chen touched his chin and thought for a while before deciding to save Xu Nian, just for the sake of these beautiful maids.

He quickly used space to move the remaining talismans away from the blood in the red armor center. came out, and after forcing out a few drops of blood, he quickly controlled the remaining four red-armored talisman generals.

"What's going on?"

Xu Nian was avoiding the pursuit of two talisman generals in red armor, but these talisman generals in red armor suddenly stood there motionless, which made Xu Nian confused for a moment.

And the other two talisman generals in red armor suddenly stood there motionless. General Hongjia also stopped chasing Xu Nian's guards.

There were only some masters left on the battlefield who were still assassinating Xu Nian's men, but this was nothing to worry about.

Xu Nian plus his men, these masters' assassins I can't kill them either.

Su Chen looked at Jiang Ni and the three girls and smiled and said,

"The three of you owe me a total of 750,000 gold. I'm afraid I won't be able to pay you back even if I sell you. Haha, you'd better prepare to be my maid."

"Oh my god, 750,000 gold, blue bird, sweet potato, what are we going to do in the future? Do we really have to be this bastard's maid?"

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