Jiang Ni looked like she was dying when she heard Su Chen's words. The three girls really couldn't afford so much money.

Seven hundred and fifty thousand gold!

This is really a huge number, and they will never be able to afford this much money in their lifetimes.

Qingniao and Hongshu also had uneasy expressions.

Su Chen controlled the red armor of Fu General so easily and saved Xu Nian and the guards. They also owed this bastard hundreds of thousands of gold.

Owing so much money, they will have no choice but to sell themselves to this bastard in the future.

At this moment, on a big tree next to the battlefield, an old man and a young man were watching the fighting on the battlefield.

The old man was about to kill Xu Nian, but one of Fu Jiang's red armor suddenly lost control.

This made the old man dare not act rashly.

He was worried that there were powerful people hiding here around him.

The young man suddenly discovered that the other four Talisman Generals Red Armor had also lost control. He hurriedly said to the old man next to him,

"Master, the other four talisman generals Hongjia also lost control. How did this happen?"

The old man looked around and said seriously.

"Let's go, leave here. This assassination has failed. Li Chungang is probably coming back, and there is a powerful master hiding here. We must leave immediately."

"Master, isn't that young man a great master? How could he possibly control Fu Jiang Red Armor?"

"I'm afraid it's not that young man. Don't be deceived by the appearance. The origin of this young man is unknown. I'm afraid the hidden master is related to this young man."

"I can't kill Xu Nian even with such a good opportunity this time. This Xu Nian is too difficult to kill."

"Whenever there is a chance in the future, we will withdraw!"

"Yes, master!"

Just after the old man and the young man left, the one-armed Li Chungang came back quickly.

When he saw Xu Nian was doing nothing, he waved his hand casually and quickly attacked the assassins with a burst of sword energy. The assassins on the battlefield were all cut by the sword energy. He died from his throat.

When Xu Nian saw that the assassins were all dead, he looked at Li Chungang who was coming and complained,"Damn it, Senior Li, if you come later, we will all be dead." Li

Chungang looked at the four talisman generals in red armor and was very confused,"Isn't your kid not dead?" What's going on with these talisman generals' red armor? Why are you standing here motionless?"

Xu Nian shook his head and replied,

"I don’t know. Just now these talisman generals in red armor were chasing me, but suddenly they stopped moving."

"Um? Could it be that Su Chen did it?"

"Suchen? Senior Li, Su Chen is a great master, how could he......Forehead! Did that bastard really do it? How can this be?"

Xu Nian was about to refute what Li Chungang said, but before he could finish speaking, he saw all the Fu Generals in Red Armor running towards Su Chen one by one, and there was actually a Fu General in Red Armor next to Su Chen. By his side, Xu Nian was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.

Li Chungang looked at Su Chen and said seriously,"Su Chen is indeed a powerful person. What is the origin of this person? What is he doing by blending in among us?"

Xu Nian looked at the injuries on his body and said casually,

"Why do you care so much? As long as Su Chen is not our enemy, senior Li, you miscalculated this time. You didn't expect that one day you would be lured away from the mountain."

"Well, I miscalculated this time."

Li Chungang nodded and admitted that he realized something was wrong after he was lured away by the Nascent Soul master. If he hadn't been entangled by the Nascent Soul master for a while, he would have returned long ago..

This time it was also thanks to Su Chen's help.


Xu Nian and the others would have been killed one by one.

Xu Nian's guards are all here, but they are bandaging their wounds.

There are only four of the more than ten loyal guards left. Now, with the addition of Xu Nian and the three girls from Qingniao, as well as Li Chungang and Lao Huang, there are just ten people left.

Xu Nian came to Su Chen and looked at Su Chen carefully.

This shameless bastard is a great master.! But how could he control Fu Jiang Hongjia, who had the strength of a great master?

This Su Chen made him feel more and more mysterious.

Xu Nian clasped his fists at Su Chen and thanked him,

"Brother Su, thank you very much this time."

Su Chen waved his hand and said with a smile,"You don't need to thank me, I'm not doing this for free."

"Brother Su, don’t worry, I won’t let Su Chen take action in vain."

"Haha, no need, these have nothing to do with you, you should just deal with your injuries."

"Um? Then I will take care of the injury first, and I will discuss it with Brother Su later."

Xu Nian felt very strange when he heard Su Chen's words, but he was seriously injured and didn't think much about it.

Xu Nian could only talk to Su Chen after a while. When

Jiang Ni and the three girls heard Su Chen's words, they All of them are very uncomfortable. They may have to become this bastard's maid in the future. Although they are not willing to do so, they have made a promise and it is impossible for the three of them to go back on it.

They will definitely return hundreds of thousands of gold. No, they can only sell themselves to be this bastard's maid.

Under the big tree, after Lao Huang came back, after hearing Xu Nian's story, he looked at Su Chen and doubted,"Master, this Su Chen, could he be one of us?" That Mr. Su that I met at Miter Auction House?"

Xu Nian shook his head when he heard Lao Huang's words and said,

"Lao Huang, you are overthinking. Didn't you see that Su Chen still had his daughter with him? This bastard is so shameless, how could he be Mr. Su from the fairy world?"

Although Xu Nian didn't see Su Chen's true face that night, he didn't believe that Su Chen was that Mr. Su.

Would Mr. Su bring a child when he came to Shenyu Continent for training?

And Su Chen was not only shameless, but He was also very shameless.

How could he be Mr. Su who came from the immortal world?

Old Huang nodded and thought,"That's right. We didn't see Mr. Su's face clearly that night. I just have some doubts.""

"Okay, hurry up and bandage my wound. Damn it, I was almost killed this time."

Su Chen hugged Su Yue, looked at the five red armored talisman generals, and nodded.

None of these red armored talisman generals were damaged in the battle just now. This shows that the defense of the red armored talisman generals is very amazing.

Su Chen He looked at the three uncomfortable girls beside him and said with a smile,"Jiang Ni, Qingniao, and Sweet Potato, are you going to be my maids now?" Or do you want to regret it?"

"Su Chen, don’t we have one year to pay back the money?"Jiang Ni said angrily when she heard Su Chen's words.

Qingniao and Hongshu also hurriedly lowered their heads.

They didn't know how to answer Su Chen.

"Can you pay back 750,000 gold in one year?"

"Forehead! cannot!"

Jiang Ni shook her head and said with an ugly expression. Su Chen immediately said,"From now on, you three girls will be my maids. Hongshu, your name is too unpleasant. From now on, you will be called Hongyi.."

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