Jiang Ni and the other three were helpless when they heard Su Chen's words. They all nodded in resignation. Even Xu Nian couldn't get 750,000 gold. They really had to be this bastard's maid this time.

Hongshu is blushing now.

She didn't expect Su Chen to change her name,


What is the difference between this and sweet potatoes? One is an edible sweet potato, and the other is the color of a piece of clothing. What are these and what are they? Is it so difficult to come up with a name?

Su Chen looked at the three women and nodded and smiled.

Among Xu Nian's maids, they were the only three who were okay. Su Chen didn't like the woman next to her.

That woman was only interested in profit.

She protected Xu Nian because of a martial arts secret book. Such a woman could rebel at any time.

After everyone rested for a while, they set off again. Xu Nian and Su Chen ignored the onlookers around them.

In the carriage,

Su Chen sat here holding Su Yue and Jiang Ni who were sleeping.

Qingniao and Hongyi went to Xu Nian in the carriage in front to prepare to say goodbye.

They will be Su Chen's maids from now on, and they will no longer be able to protect Xu Nian. Year.

Su Chen looked at the sleeping Su Yue and asked Jiang Ni in a low voice,"Jiang Ni, are you the princess of Chu?"

"you know?"

Jiang Ni was very surprised when she heard Su Chen's words.

I'm afraid only the Xu family knows her identity.

How did Su Chen know about it?

No, this bastard knew about Hongshu before, eh!

Now her name is Hongyi, and so does he. Knowing Hong Yi's secret identity, where did Su Chen come from?

Why did he know so many secret things?

Su Chen nodded and said,"Well, after the Chu Kingdom was destroyed, you were secretly taken away by Xu Nian's father. , not many people know about this matter."

Jiang Ni hugged her legs in depression and said,"The Chu Kingdom has been destroyed. I am just your maid now, no longer a subjugated princess."

Jiang Ni also wants to leave the Xu family.

Xu Nian's father was the murderer of the Chu Kingdom. Although she has not been targeted in the Xu family, she has always felt very uncomfortable living in the Xu family. This time she left with Su Chen. For her relief.

Su Chen looked at the depressed Jiang Ni and said with a smile,"I hope so. Is Li Chungang going to accept you as his disciple?""

"He always wanted to take me as his disciple, but I don’t like fighting and killing, so he never agreed."

"Jiang Ni, if you and I leave, will Li Chungang continue to stay and protect Xu Nian? Or leave with you? Jiang

Ni shook her head and explained to Su Chen,"I don't know. Senior Li was brought by Xu Nian's father to protect Xu Nian. I think Senior Li will continue to stay to protect Xu Nian.""

Su Chen rubbed his chin and thought for a moment.

He felt that it was impossible for Li Chungang to leave Xu Nian now.

After all, Li Chungang had promised Xu Nian's father to protect Xu Nian. If he left at this time, he would be breaking his promise. Li Chungang was not a quitter. people

"Su Chen, come out here. I treat you as a brother. I didn't expect you to pry my maid. You are such a shameless bastard."

At this time, outside the carriage,

Xu Nian shouted and cursed at the carriage,

"Your Majesty, we all do it willingly, please stop scolding us."

"Your Majesty, Su Chen did not force us, we also had our own reasons."

Qingniao and Hongyi persuaded Xu Nian.

They didn't want Xu Nian to anger Su Chen.

Su Chen's identity was very strange, and they couldn't even tell how powerful he was. They were worried about Su Chen and Su Chen. Xu Nian had a conflict.

Li Chungang, Lao Huang, and even the remaining guards looked at Su Chen's carriage. They did not expect that Su Chen had pried Xu Nian's maid, which made them confused.

When Su Chen opened the curtains of the carriage, he stretched out his head and said to Xu Nian with a smile,

"Xu Nian, Prince Xu, if you give me 750,000 gold, I will return your maid to you. Otherwise, Jiang Ni, Qingniao, and Hongyi will be my maids from now on. Xu

Nian shouted in confusion when he heard Su Chen's words,"You shameless bastard, why should I give you so much gold?""

"Your maids owe me, otherwise why would they change their maids to be my maids?"

"this......What exactly is going on?"Xu Nian looked at Qingniao and Hongyi and asked hurriedly,"

750,000 gold?

This is a very large amount.

How could Qingniao and the others owe this bastard so much gold?

Qingniao and Hongyi looked at each other and said to Xu As Nian explained,

Li Chungang and Lao Huang, who were next to them, also listened to Qingniao and Hongyi's explanations in confusion.

They did not expect that the three girls of Qingniao would owe so much money.

This is not seventy-five taels of gold, nor seven One hundred and fifty taels of gold, which is 750,000 gold. Even Xu Nian's father couldn't come up with so much gold at once.

Xu Nian had a constipated expression on his face after hearing Qingniao and Hongyi's explanation.

This bastard saved A person wants 100,000 gold?

This person is so black.

Xu Nian wants to beat this shameless bastard right now.

Su Chen looked at the ugly Xu Nian and said with a smile," Xu Nian, do you understand? They saved your life, otherwise why would I save you?

Xu Nian said angrily when he heard Su Chen's words,"Damn, aren't we friends?" Do you want to charge money to save a friend? The lion opened his mouth to pay him back."

Xu Nian wants to sell himself now, one hundred thousand gold?

It's his fault!

He doesn't have so much money, and he has never even seen so much gold.

"friend? Prince Xu, we have only known each other for a few hours, and we may not have spoken more than ten sentences. Do you think we may be friends?"


Xu Nian fell silent when he thought of Su Chen's words.

He and Su Chen had just met, and he only knew Su Chen's name. He didn't even know Su Chen's details.

You want to say they are friends?

I'm afraid he doesn't even believe it himself.

Li Chungang and Lao Huang looked at each other in confusion.

They did not expect that things would be like this.

They were all to blame for this.

If they had not been transferred away from the mountain, Xu Nian would not have been in crisis. Blue Bird Three It is impossible for a woman to sell herself to Su Chen

"You should think about it carefully, we are going to Yunlan Sect together anyway."Su Chen lowered the curtains of the carriage as he spoke.

Jiang Ni looked at Su Chen with wide eyes and couldn't help cursing,"You are just a shameless bastard!"

"Little maid, I will be your master from now on. Does any maid like you dare to scold the master?"

"I'm still Yue'er's godmother. Do you dare to take action against me?"

"I'll do it!"

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