In the Yunlan Sect's main hall, when Master Shuiyue of the Qingyun Sect arrived with a few disciples, the atmosphere in the main hall became restrained. People here were cautious even when talking.

"Master Shuiyue, please take a seat!"

Yun Yun personally invited Master Shui Yue to the main seat in the hall.

She did not dare to neglect Master Shui Yue.

Yun Yun was frightened when she stood next to Master Shui Yue. Although Master Shui Yue did not reveal his powerful aura , but this kind of powerful aura is not exposed, and she feels very uneasy.

"Thank you, Master Yun!"

Master Shuiyue nodded to Yun Yun, and she took her disciples to sit down.

After Yun Yun arranged for Master Shuiyue to be her master and apprentice, she saluted Master Shuiyue and said,"Master Shuiyue will come on his own. Okay, I have to receive other guests"

"You go and do your work. I don’t need Sect Master Yun to personally receive you here."

"The junior took his leave first."

After Yun Yun left, a disciple of Master Shuiyue said doubtfully,"Master, is there anyone else who needs to be welcomed by the leader of Yunlan Sect? Is there anyone with a higher status than the master in the Yunlan Sect?"

Master Shuiyue shook his head when he heard the words of the disciple behind him and said,"I don't know, but there is no powerful person in Yunlan Sect, maybe some allies of Yunlan Sect!"

A cold and beautiful woman next to Master Shuiyue, she kept looking at the people in the hall, but she shook her head after looking at it for a while. No one here was her opponent, and she was also a little worried about coming to Yunlan Sect this time. Disappointed.

Master Shuiyue saw the disappointed look on her disciple Lu Xueqi's face, so she shook her head and asked,"Xueqi, what's wrong? Are you dissatisfied with the people here?"

Lu Xueqi said with a cold face without any expression.

"Master, the people here are only at the Golden Core level (Douhuang). I can destroy them with one hand. I am a little disappointed when I come to the southern continent to experience this time."

Shuiyue Dalu looked at his direct descendants and said with a smile,

"Haha, Xue Qi, this is just the border of the Southern Continent. The Zhongzhou of the Southern Continent is where talented people come out."

"You are young and at the level of Nascent Soul Realm. I also want you to see the fighting methods of different systems. Although the people here have low cultivation levels, you can understand their fighting methods."

"Dou Qi is different from the cultivation of us immortal cultivators. Although the fighting methods are similar, you should not underestimate these Dou Qi practitioners. Each system of training has advantages and disadvantages."

"You can gradually understand these later"

"The purpose of bringing you out this time is to hone your xinxing. Your strength is already very strong, but if your xinxing cannot keep up, it will have a great impact on your future cultivation."

"I understand, master! Lu

Xueqi nodded and replied.

She sat expressionlessly next to Master Shuiyue and closed her eyes.

Master Shuiyue looked at Lu Xueqi with a cold and refined look, which made her very embarrassed. The disciple is good at everything, but is too cold and unkind.

This will be very detrimental to her future cultivation.

Master Shuiyue just wanted Lu Xueqi to change during this experience, but the results were not ideal at all.

Xu Nian has been watching Master Shuiyue, he was attracted when he saw Lu Xueqi. The beautiful Lu Xueqi was very attractive, but the cold and refined Lu Xueqi made him feel very cold.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng saw Xu Nian She kept staring at the beautiful woman next to Master Shuiyue, which made her ask angrily,

"Xu Nian, what are you looking at?"

Xu Nian shook his head when he heard Xuanyuan Qingfeng's words and said,"The beauty next to Master Shuiyue is really beautiful, but it's too cold. Xuanyuan

Qingfeng said disdainfully when he heard Xu Nian's words,"You are really a dog that can't change its habit of eating shit. Be careful of getting into trouble. The Qingyun Sect is not something you, Beiliang, can provoke.""

"I just appreciate it, I know Qingyun Sect is not to be offended"

"Huh, I'm too lazy to care about you."

At this time, everyone in the banquet hall discovered that the banquet had not yet started after Master Shuiyue arrived. This made everyone here guess, is there anyone powerful who has not yet arrived? In a remote seat in the hall , Xiao Xun'er looked around and said to Mr. Ling,"Mr. Ling, have you noticed that Su Chen has arrived?" Xiao Xun'er wanted to know if Su Chen was that Mr. Su. She didn't care about everyone in the hall. Mr. Ling shook his head beside Xiao Xun'er and replied,"Miss, I didn't find it. Maybe that Su Chen is powerful. Damn it, I wasn’t invited this time." Xiao Xun'er said firmly,

"Impossible. Even if Su Chen is a great master, the two women around him are powerful masters. It is impossible for the Yunlan Sect to offend that Su Chen at this time."

"Miss, maybe Su Chen has something to do and is not here?"

"It makes sense. I heard that Su Chen has a child. Maybe Su Chen has to take care of the child, so he won’t come to this banquet."

"Miss, then we can only wait until the competition tomorrow to see if Su Chen is Mr. Su. Xiao

Xun'er looked around and said speechlessly,"That's all it can do. It's really boring here. If I had known better, I wouldn't have come to this banquet.""

"Miss, when are we going to take action against those people in the Soul Palace?"Mr. Ling asked seriously when he thought of the men in black he saw in Yunlan Sect,

"Haha, we don’t need to take action this time. If the people from Soul Palace dare to take action, the people from Qingyun Sect will destroy them. There are free thugs, so why should we bother to take action?"

"The lady is right."

At this time, the disciples of Yunlan Sect shouted outside the hall,

"Eastern Continent, Mr. Su Chen has arrived!"

Everyone in the hall looked over after hearing this.

Basically everyone here knows what happened last night.

Even those who don't know, they also heard about the big battle last night.

The big battle last night. One party had appeared in the hall early, and the remaining powerful party was just belatedly arriving. This arrogance was big enough.

Xu Nian's face darkened when he heard Su Chen's arrival. He guessed that Su Chen would definitely be invited. But he did not expect that the head of the Yunlan Sect would receive Su Chen in person, which made his face even more ugly.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng looked outside the hall with interest.

She was somewhat interested in Su Chen, who was at odds with the Crown Prince of Beiliang.

Beiliang Liang Shizi Xu Nian is a young and handsome man, even famous in the Eastern Continent. Who is this Su Chen? What confidence does he have to confront Xu Nian? At this moment,

Su Chen came to the main hall under the leadership of Yun Yun.

Seeing that everyone in the hall was almost all sitting,

Su Chen was a little embarrassed.

He didn't expect that he was the last person to arrive.

Yun Yun took Su Chen to the seat next to Qingyun Gate, and she smiled at Su Chen said,

"Su Chen, just sit here!"

Su Chen sat down unceremoniously and said to Yun Yun,"I'm free, Yun Yun, you go and do your work, I'm just here to eat and drink, you don't have to stay here to take care of me."

Yun Yun looked around and knew that the banquet was about to begin. She couldn't stay here with Su Chen forever.

"Okay, if you need anything, just call me. I want to thank you very much this time."

"Hey, Yun Yun, how about you come over and drink with me later?"

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