Yun Yun smiled silently when she heard Su Chen's words. This bastard started teasing people before he could get serious. have a drink?

Don’t you understand what this means?

Yun Yun shook her head and left.

She didn't want to stay here and be teased by Su Chen.

Su Chen started drinking when he saw Yun Yun shaking her head and leaving.

Just now he was talking casually, and everyone here was looking at him.

Although Su Chen was thick-skinned, so many people looked at him strangely. He He was also very uncomfortable, and he could only tease Yun Yun to distract those people's attention.

At this time,

Yun Yun walked up to the high platform elegantly.

She looked at the many powerful men in the hall and smiled and said,

"Everyone, thank you for coming to Yunlan Sect"

"I am Yun Yun, the current leader of the Yunlan Sect."

"Tomorrow is the time for the apprentice martial arts competition. Everyone who comes to Yunlan Sect today is my guest of Yunlan Sect."

"Regardless of whether we win or lose tomorrow's duel, I would like to ask you all to be witnesses. From now on, Nalan Yuyan, a disciple of the Yunlan Sect, and Xiao Huohuo of the Xiao family will no longer have anything to do with each other. Yun Yun thanks you all here."

"I won’t say much today"

"Yunlan Sect has enough good wine and delicious food today. I hope you all have a comfortable stay in Yunlan Sect these days."

"Yun Yun toasts you all."

Everyone in the hall stood up and drank the wine in one gulp. Many people expressed their opinions to Yun Lanzong,

"Thank you, Master Yun, for your hospitality. We will give a testimony tomorrow"

"Don’t worry, Sect Leader Yun, we will be a witness to tomorrow’s duel."

"Xiao Huohuo of the Xiao family is too ignorant. The relationship between men and women is about your own will, and the Yunlan Sect also compensated. The small Xiao family is still ignorant. If it were me, I would have destroyed the Xiao family long ago."

"Yes, the strong are respected. A small Xiao family dares to slap the Yunlan Sect in the face. This is really fearless!"

"Sect Master Yun was still magnanimous, otherwise even ten Xiao families would have been destroyed."

Yun Yun smiled when she heard this and didn't care.

At first, Nalan Yuyan broke off the engagement without telling her. Although she felt that it was rude for Nalan Yuyan not to bring her elders there, the Xiao family actually made a three-year appointment..

This made Yun Yun very angry.

If she hadn't been a person who killed innocent people indiscriminately, the Xiao family would have been wiped out by her.

At this moment,

Princess Yaoye asked in confusion when she saw Ya Fei's distraught appearance,

"Yafei, what are you looking at? Concubine Ya looked at Su Chen and said to Princess Yaoye,"Yaoye, why do I feel that Su Chen and Mr. Su have very similar temperaments, and they both have the surname Su. Could this person be Mr. Su?""

Princess Yaoye followed Yafei's gaze and looked at Su Chen.

She had never seen that Mr. Su, but that Su Chen was pretty good-looking, with a handsome face and noble temperament, especially Chuchen's temperament.

Yaoye The princess not only took a few more glances.

She said to Ya Fei in a funny way,"Haven't you met Mr. Su? Wouldn't you be able to recognize someone else if they were here?"

Ya Fei shook her head and said helplessly,

"You don’t know, when Mr. Su changed his appearance, I didn’t even see his appearance. How could I possibly recognize him at once?"

"Why don't you go over and test it out?"

"Isn't this bad?"

Princess Yaoye directly pulled Ya Fei up and urged her,"What's wrong? If this is Mr. Su, you will also get me one of the Zhu Guo you promised me."

"you.....You are such a bad friend."

Ya Fei was really speechless.

After doing this for a long time,

Princess Yao Ye actually only thought about Zhu Guo, which made Ya Fei angry and helpless.

Princess Yao Ye patted Ya Fei on the shoulder and reminded,"Haha, hurry up and go there. , you have been looking for him for more than a year, don’t you want to know if he is Mr. Su?"

Ya Fei nodded and prepared to go over.

She was going to see if this Su Chen was Mr. Su.

If this was really Mr. Su, the Najie that Ya Fei helped Su Chen collect could be given to him, even next time. The auction also requires Su Chen to provide fairy fruit.



"If you dare to glare at me again, I will gouge your eyes out."

Su Chen saw Xu Nian staring at him with hatred, so he swung his glass and attacked Xu Nian.

"you wanna die!"

Although Xu Nian blocked Su Chen's attack, the wine in the wine glass spilled all over him. Xu Nian was so angry that he drew his sword to kill the bastard Su Chen.

Xu Nian didn't want to provoke Su Chen at this time, but He saw Qingniao and Hongyi sitting next to Su Chen, and even poured wine for Su Chen, which made Xu Nian get more and more angry.

Qingniao and Hongyi were both his maids and dead men, and Jiang, whom he liked, Ni, these beautiful maids were all deceived by this bastard.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng saw Xu Nian was about to draw his sword, she hurriedly grabbed Xu Nian and reminded,

"Xu Nian, calm down. If you take action here, Su Chen will really kill you. Can you kill Su Chen?"

"Damn it, I will definitely avenge this in the future."

Xu Nian calmed down after hearing Xuanyuan Qingfeng's words.

He thought that he was almost fooled by Su Chen. This bastard must have deliberately angered him.

Is Su Chen planning to kill him in the Yunlan Sect?

Xu Nian was a little confused. Worry, he is not afraid of death!

But he has not avenged Lao Huang and Li Chungang yet.

Beiliang has not received his letter yet, and it is impossible for the masters to rush over so quickly. If Su Chen takes action against him now, he will not be able to do it at all. There was no room for resistance.

Seeing Xu Nian calm down, Xuanyuan Qingfeng said,

"You'd better endure it, otherwise no one here will save you and offend Su Chen."

"I know, I will endure it."

Xu Nian breathed out and sat down.

He knew that he could not be impulsive at this time. The more impulsive he was at this time, the more likely he would be fooled by Su Chen.

Su Chen waited for a while and did not see Xu Nian to retaliate against him.

This made Su Chen look at Xu Nian. Nian was very confused, didn't the people of Beiliang"bring my sword and return the sword"?

How could Xu Nian endure it?

Qingniao and Hongyi each held Su Chen by the hand, but they were worried that Su Chen would directly kill Xu Nian. Nian

Although they have nothing to do with Xu Nian,

Xu Nian was good to them before. Qingniao and Hongyi didn't want Su Chen to kill Xu Nian here.

The people in the hall looked at each other and drank wine without meddling in other people's business.

Everyone here basically knows about the grievances between Su Chen and Xu Nian.

Xu Nian must have done something unfriendly to Su Chen just now, so Su Chen used the topic to humiliate Xu Nian.

This time in the world of Beiliang is really embarrassing. Got it

"You went a little too far!"

At this time,

Lu Xueqi, who was sitting next to Su Chen, looked at Su Chen and said coldly.

When Su Chen heard that Lu Xueqi wanted to fight, he cursed angrily,

"none of your business!"

"you wanna die!"

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