Lu Xueqi also heard her master Shui Yue talk about Su Yue's specialness, blood inheritance?

Or is it the continuation of the bloodline of the ancient black bird?

This made her very curious about Su Yue.

When she saw Su Yue, she wanted to see this magical little girl.

"Okay, Cai Lin, let Lu Xueqi look at Yue'er."

Su Chen nodded and agreed.

He guessed that Lu Xueqi might have listened to her master's story and knew what happened to Su Yue.

But fortunately, there are many blood inheritances in the Shenyu Continent, like the Southern Continent. The emperor-level bloodline of Xiao Xun'er and the Nuwa bloodline of Zhao Ling'er from the Eastern Continent were not enough to make Su Yue cause a sensation.

Medusa glared at Su Chen when she heard Su Chen's words.

What nonsense did this bastard say just now? , she hasn’t settled the score with this bastard yet, saying that she is this bastard’s wife?

She even said it so openly. If Queen Medusa hadn’t seen that there were so many people here, she wouldn’t have been able to refute this bastard in front of so many people. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have refuted this bastard in front of so many people.!

She had already kicked this bastard away.

Lu Xueqi was curious and walked towards Queen Medusa to see Su Yue, and even wanted to hug this magical little girl with her own hands.

Su Chen was very speechless when he looked at the three girls next to him.

"Yafei, Yun Yun, and Nalan Yuyan, don’t drink tea all the time and practice. You should practice in a relaxed and moderate manner, otherwise it will cause inner demons in your future practice."

Ya Fei and the others were practicing while drinking spiritual tea.

Su Chen discovered it early in the morning.

He didn't care about these women at first.

After all, he had a lot of spiritual tea.

It was impossible for Ya Fei and the others to drink it all at once. , but he has finished his work here.

The three girls still did not stop practicing.

Su Chen was ready to chase people away.

Ya Fei stopped practicing after hearing Su Chen's words, but she is in a very good mood now, that's all Knowing Kung Fu, her strength increased by two stars.

This made Yafei very happy

"Haha, Mr. Su, are you going to auction these fairy teas? I can help you auction at no charge approx."

Su Chen shook his head and refused,"No, these are just the tea we usually drink. I have never thought about auctioning them."

Yun Yun and Nalan Yuyan also stopped practicing.

Although they did not improve as much as Ya Fei, they both made good gains. After all, they drank the spiritual tea a little late and their strength improvement was not obvious.

Yun Yun Blushing and embarrassed, she asked Su Chen,"Su Chen, what kind of tea are these? Why can fighting spirit also improve strength?"

Su Chen looked at Yun Yun's blushing and embarrassed look and said with a smile,

"Spirit tea, you have never seen these before. I will give you some in a while. However, you should not drink spiritual tea every day to practice. Drinking it a few times a month will have the best effect."

"Haha, thank you very much"

"Thank you Mr. Su."

When Yun Yun and Ya Fei heard this, they smiled and thanked them hurriedly,

"Do I have one too?"

Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but ask when she heard the conversation between Su Chen and Yafei and the girls.

She guessed that the tea must be a treasure, otherwise these girls wouldn't be able to practice while drinking tea.

Su Chen heard Xiao Xun'er asked deliberately,

"what do you have?"

Xiao Xun'er glared at Su Chen and cursed angrily,"Shameless bastard, they have spiritual tea, why don't I?"

Xiao Xun'er felt that this bastard was pretending to be confused for such an obvious thing.

Su Chen was deliberately trying to make her angry, or even teasing herself.

"They are my friends, are you my friend?"


Xiao Xun'er didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"Sister, don’t listen to Su Chen’s nonsense. Everyone who came today are all friends, so I will naturally give some spirit tea to my sister."

At this time,

Huanwen came over and took Xiao Xun’er’s hand and said with a smile,

"this......Thank you Mrs. Su."Xiao Xun'er was embarrassed and thanked Huan Huan,

"You are welcome!"

Hanhan waved her hands and said indifferently.

Hanhan also felt that this little beauty was very individual, even as cool as Shi Feixuan.

So she planned to help this little beauty.


Su Chen entertained these people in the room The women had a good meal, delicious food!

Spiritual tea!

Spiritual wine!

These women took away a lot of things to eat and take away.

After Su Chen and the girls left, he took out three jade boxes and three After accepting the ring, he handed it to the blue bird and said,

"Bluebird, there are three red fruits here"

"After a while, each of you will eat one. However, Jiang Ni has never practiced, so you should save hers first."

"You teach Jiang Ni to practice first, and after she develops her inner strength, let her eat the red fruit and accept the ring. You can use it after you shed your blood and recognize the master."

"Thank you, Master!"

Qingniao has heard about the efficacy of Zhu Guo nearby.

Ya Fei just asked for one specifically for her friend.

One Zhu Guo can increase Ya Fei's strength to Dou Wang. If the three girls eat it, With Zhu Guo, I am afraid that my strength can be raised to the heavenly realm.

Su Chen thought about it and took out two secret books and said to Qingniao,"These are the king-level skills, the Mingyu Skill, the king-level martial arts secrets, and the Holy Spirit Sword Technique. You should practice these first."

"Yes, Master!"

When Qingniao heard Su Chen's words, he hurriedly thanked her gratefully.

Qingniao did not expect that Su Chen not only gave them spiritual fruits, but also gave them cultivation secrets.

This made Qingniao very grateful to Su Chen.

Su Chen was among everyone. After leaving, he hugged the little witch and said with a smile,"Huanhan, you can't run away this time!"

Wanwan leaned in Su Chen's arms, touched his face, and said with a smile,

"Husband, I still can't do it. After you upgraded the Heavenly Demon Dafa to the king level, I haven't broken through to the twelfth level yet, so I can't have sex with my husband yet.

Su Chen asked Hanhan in confusion,"No breakthrough yet?" It’s okay not to practice Heavenly Demon Dafa. Didn’t you start practicing Su Nu’s Heart Sutra?"

Wanwan shook her head and explained,

"Husband, this is not possible. Although the Heavenly Demon Dafa is not as powerful as the Su Nu Heart Sutra, I can’t stop since I have practiced it. Don’t worry, I will be able to break through to the twelfth level in a month or two."

"Forget it, let's take a rest and we'll talk about the rest later."

"Husband, you'd better be honest, otherwise I won't rest with you"

"Ha ha......"

One night passed, and the next day,

Yunlan Sect had cleaned up the central square. Today was the day for the duel between Nalan Yuyan and Xiao Huohuo of the Xiao family.

Early in the morning, many warriors appeared around the square.

Nalan Yuyan also appeared in the square in a smart outfit. She is now a four-star Dou Wang. Nalan Yuyan can be confident about today's competition. In the stands, Shui Yue looked at Nalan Yuyan with a happy expression and praised,"Sect Master Yun, your disciples are good, the young ones are in the Dou King Realm (Foundation Establishment Realm)." Shui Yue is in the same mood now. It was very good. Last night, she not only accepted an outstanding disciple, but also obtained two lost sword techniques. She was so happy that she didn't even have a good rest all night.

"Master, my disciple is not as good as yours. My disciple is the Dou King Realm. Your disciple is the Nascent Soul Realm (Dou Zong Realm) super strong, even stronger than me, the leader of the Yunlan Sect."

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