Yun Yun was very speechless when she heard Shui Yue's words.

Although her disciple Nalan Yuyan was good in strength, there was no comparison with Qingyun Sect, the top immortal cultivating sect.

A Dou Wang and a Nascent Soul Realm (Douzong), how can this be compared?

Even her master couldn't compare to Shui Yue's disciples, let alone her disciples.

Shui Yue smiled and said nothing more.

Her disciple Lu Xueqi was outstanding even in Qingyun Sect, and now she had an outstanding disciple named Shi Feixuan.

She believed that in a year or two, no disciples in the Qingyun Sect would be able to compete with her two outstanding disciples.

Shui Yue looked around but didn't find Su Chen, so she asked Concubine Feixuan beside her in confusion,"Feixuan, why hasn't your husband come over yet?"

"I don’t know about this either, my husband should be arriving soon."Shi Feixuan shook her head when she heard Shui Yue's words and replied.

Shi Feixuan also didn't notice the arrival of Su Chen and Huan Huan.

She guessed that those two bitches must have done something that no one could see last night. matter

"Well, it’s still a little early, let’s wait!"

Although Shui Yue has many things to ask Su Chen, but the bastard hasn't arrived yet, she can only wait until the bastard arrives before asking.

"Yes, master!"

Around the Yunlan Sect Square, more and more warriors arrived.

These warriors were very strange when they saw the concubine Xuan next to Master Shuiyue. Especially when they saw Lu Xueqi's appearance, they all guessed that

Su Was Chen Chen killed by Lu Xueqi? After all, Su Chen was not found around the square. At this time,

Xu Nian smiled when he saw Lu Xueqi's appearance and said,"Lu Xueqi appeared, Su Chen did not appear, haha, that The shameless bastard must have been killed by Lu Xueqi."

Xuanyuan Qingfeng looked at Master Shuiyue's Concubine Xuan and was very curious.

What if Su Chen was killed?

It's impossible for Concubine Xuan to sit with Master Shuiyue. Something must have happened that she didn't know about.

Xuanyuan After Qingfeng heard what Xu Nian said, she shook her head and said,"You are overthinking, didn't you see Master Shuiyue smiling and talking to Su Chen's wife?"

"This does not mean that Su Chen is not dead."

Xu Nian also guessed that Su Chen couldn't be killed, but that didn't mean he didn't curse that bastard.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng stretched her perfect figure and said with a smile,

"Do you believe these words yourself?"

Xu Nian looked at Xuanyuan Qingfeng but didn't answer.

He hoped that shameless Su Chen wouldn't show up.

Even if the bastard wasn't dead,

Xu Nian didn't want to see that bastard's face.

In the stands,

Mr. Ling came to Xiao Xun'er The one next to me saluted and said,

"Miss, I have already sent someone to notify the family. The family will receive Miss’s letter within ten days at the earliest."

Mr. Ling also didn't expect that after Xiao Xun'er met Su Chen yesterday, they would get the news about the ancient emperor's tomb.

This is an unexpected surprise.

If their ancient clan finds the ancient emperor's tomb, the ancient clan leader will be promoted to Dou Emperor. From now on, the Southern Continent will respect their ancient clan.

Xiao Xun'er nodded and said,"Well, this matter is very important. Mr. Ling, please don't make any mistakes this time.""

"Yes, miss!"

After Xiao Xun'er told Mr. Ling, she looked around.

Xiao Xun'er was very confused when she didn't notice Su Chen's presence.

The duel was about to begin.

Why hasn't that bastard arrived yet?

In the square,

Nalan Yuyan looked at the time and shouted loudly,"Xiao Huohuo, the appointed time has come, why don't you show up yet?"

Everyone in the stands looked around.

It was already time for a martial arts duel, but Xiao Huohuo hadn't arrived yet, which made them all suspect that Xiao Huohuo might not dare to show up.

"Xiao Huohuo, come to your appointment!"

At this time, at the entrance of Yunlan Sect Square, a man in black robe walked towards the square step by step with his head held high.

The old man in Xiao Huohuo's ring suddenly sent a message to Xiao Huohuo,"Something's wrong, Xiaohuo, something happened now. , Nalan Yuyan is a four-star fighting king, you cannot be her opponent."

Xiao Huohuo almost fell down in fright when he heard the old man's message.

He was anxious and asked hurriedly,"What? Four-star fighting king? How can this be? Master, wasn't Nalan Yuyan a fighting master three years ago? How could she advance to the King of Fighting?"

"I don't know, but Nalan Yuyan's aura is stable, and she doesn't seem to be in a state that has been enhanced by drugs."

Xiao Huohuo suddenly thought of the Zhu Guo auction a year ago, and he asked doubtfully,"Master, will Nalan Yuyan eat the fairy fruit from the Miter Auction?"

"Impossible, the Yunlan Sect didn't get the Immortal Fruit that was auctioned a year ago at all, and it's impossible for the powerful person who got the Immortal Fruit to give it to the Yunlan Sect. I'm afraid Nalan Yuyan himself practiced and advanced."

"Am I really inferior to Nalan Yuyan?"

"Xiao Huo, just give up and leave. With your strength, you are no match for that girl."

"I'm not willing to give in. Master, can you help me?"

Xiao Huohuo clenched his fist and said angrily.

For three years, he practiced day and night, and even struggled in the dangerous monster forest all the time, but in the end he was still not as good as Nalan Yuyan. This made him Very unwilling

"well! I will pass on my fighting energy to you in a moment, and you only have a quarter of an hour, otherwise you will not be able to withstand my power and explode to death."

Xiao Huohuo heard his master's words and hurriedly thanked him,"Thank you, master, fifteen minutes is enough for me to defeat Nalan Yuyan."

At this time,

Nalan Yuyan looked at Xiao Huohuo and said coldly and arrogantly,"Xiao Huohuo, the matter between us was canceled after the competition, and the engagement was terminated. Xiao

Huohuo looked at Nalan Yuyan and shouted angrily,"Nalan Yuyan, I will defeat you today, so be prepared to be my maid!""

"Hey, you're just a great fighter?"

Nalan Yuyan sneered disdainfully.

Nalan Yuyan saw that Xiao Huohuo was a great fighting master. A great fighting master was so arrogant. Did he think he was Su Chen?

"It’s not certain who will win or who will lose. Even if I am a great fighter, I will defeat you."

"Without further ado, our duel will officially begin in a quarter of an hour."

"I'm waiting for you!"

After Xiao Huohuo and Nalan Yuyan exchanged words, he prepared for the competition in a quarter of an hour.

However, he suddenly noticed Xiao Xun'er in the stands.

Xiao Huohuo hurriedly walked over and asked,"Xun'er, I didn't expect that. You have arrived too."

Xiao Xun'er frowned when she saw Xiao Huohuo's arrival and said,

"Xiao Huohuo, I said before, we are not familiar with each other, you should still call me by my full name from now on."

Xiao Huohuo was very depressed when he heard Xiao Xun'er's words.

He didn't expect that Xiao Xun'er, who used to call him brother, had changed so much in the past few years.

Could it be that Xiao Xun'er had someone he liked?


Xiao Xun'er He didn’t want to break off the relationship with him.

Xiao Huohuo saw the people around him looking at him and said awkwardly,"Uh! Xun'er, after all, we grew up together, and we are even members of the Xiao family. Are you being too foreign to say this?"

"You should prepare for a martial arts competition for a while."

"this.....All right!"

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