After Xiao Xun'er said she wanted to exchange money for the Strange Fire, she was also very unconfident.

Su Chen, a bastard, would not be short of money, but the Strange Fire was also very important to her family. She could not look at the Strange Fire. He was indifferent in front of her

"Tsk, do you think I will be short of money? I have so much money that I can pile it up into a mountain"

"What do you want? As long as I have it, I will definitely exchange it with you"


"Of course it’s true, just mention it!"

Su Chen looked at this little beauty up and down after hearing Xiao Xun'er's words.

Su Chen didn't have anything to think about, and he didn't care about Yi Huo.

He just wanted to tease this lonely little beauty.

Xiao Xun'er looked at Su Chen Looking at her eyes, he cursed angrily,"You......You are shameless, I will not agree"

"I'll do it! Did I say something?"

Su Chen shook his head speechlessly.

Although he wanted to tease Xiao Xun'er, but before he could say anything, Xiao Xun'er looked ashamed and angry.

This made Su Chen confused.

"shameless bastard?"

"Damn it, there is no way for the strange fire."

Xiao Xun'er looked at Master Shuiyue in the square, and her eyes lit up.

How could she ask for the alien fire for a bastard like Su Chen? The alien fire would definitely be obtained by Master Shuiyue in a while. She felt that she was a bit stupid.

She Turning around, he angrily said to Su Chen,"I'll ask Master Shuiyue for it later. I believe Master Shuiyue is willing to exchange it with me.""

"what ever!"

Su Chen's eyes lit up when he looked at Xiao Huohuo.

He thought that if Xiao Xun'er got Xiao Huohuo's strange fire, would they turn against each other in the future?

At this moment,

Master Shuiyue didn't think about the secret in Xiao Huohuo's ring. The soul body has not come out at this time.

This made her very angry.


Shuiyue stretched out a hand and grabbed Xiao Huohuo.

The powerful aura made Xiao Huohuo kneel down. The people around him also stepped back a little.

"No! Master Shuiyue, let me go."A soul body was pulled out by Master Shuiyue and he shouted.

Shuiyue said with a serious face,

"If you die, you will die. Why live with the body of a remnant soul? Are you planning to seize Xiao Huohuo's body in the future?"

The soul body replied hurriedly,

"No, Xiao Huohuo is my disciple. How could I seize his body? Master Shuiyue, I don’t want to seize his body and be reborn. I just protect my disciple to grow up. Shuiyue looked at the soul body with disdain and laughed,

"Do you think I believe what you say?"

"I have seen too many body snatchers. Your disciple may not snatch his body today. That is because his strength is low. Do you want to snatch his body after he grows up?"

Xiao Huohuo was also very suspicious when he heard Master Shuiyue's words.

His master taught him the skills, alchemy, and even helped him collect strange fires.

Could it be that his master wanted to seize him after he grew up?


"escape? Did you escape?"

Master Shuiyue saw the soul body fleeing outside Yunlan Sect instantly.

She smiled mockingly, and

Shuiyue's body burst into white light and disappeared.

"Xiao Huohuo, do you have anything else to say now?"

Nalan Yuyan came to the square quickly.

She looked at Xiao Huohuo and said angrily.

Nalan Yuyan never thought that Xiao Huohuo would be so mean. He actually used the strength of a soul body to fight her. She At first, I really thought she was not as strong as this bastard



Su Chen suddenly appeared next to Xiao Huohuo.

When Xiao Huohuo didn't react, he put a hand on Xiao Huohuo's chest, and

Su Chen used his magic power to take out Xiao Huohuo's strange fire.


When Su Chen took out the strange fire from Xiao Huohuo's body,

Xiao Huohuo screamed in pain.

Nalan Yuyan was very speechless when she looked at Su Chen.

She was about to settle the score with Xiao Huohuo, but this bastard came to make trouble again.

Xiao Huohuo was in pain now, so there was no need for her to trouble Xiao Huohuo anymore. Anyway, after today, she has nothing to do with Xiao Huohuo.

Xiao Huohuo saw Su Chen take out his strange fire, which made him yell angrily,"Asshole, don't take away my strange fire.""

"Tsk, it’s not yours now."

Su Chen smiled after taking out the strange fire.

This will be the factor that will turn Xiao Huohuo and Xiao Xun'er into enemies in the future. If Xiao Huohuo and Xiao Xun'er turn against each other in the future, Xiao Huohuo's protagonist's luck will definitely be weakened by more than half.

"Xun'er, you want the strange fire."Su Chen appeared next to Xiao Xun'er and said with a wicked smile,

"you give me?"

Xiao Xun'er looked at Su Chen with a puzzled look and couldn't understand.

This bastard refused to give her the strange fire just now, so why did he change it now? This bastard didn't want to plot against her, right?


"What conspiracy do you have, you shameless bastard?"

Su Chen pointed it out directly with a smile,

"I want to see if you accept Xiao Huohuo's strange fire, will Xiao Huohuo seek revenge on you in the future?"

Xiao Xun'er looked at Xiao Huohuo disdainfully and mocked,"Am I afraid of Xiao Huohuo? I accepted the strange fire, you bastard, you have worked so hard."

As Xiao Xun'er said, she directly used her strange fire to take away the strange fire in Su Chen's hand.

She would not let it go if she got the strange fire for nothing.

As for Xiao Huohuo?

Xiao Xun'er never noticed it Here, she is not afraid of Xiao Huohuo's revenge at all. Now that Xiao Huohuo has lost the help of his soul body, it is still unknown whether Xiao Huohuo can survive in the future.

Su Chen saw Xiao Xun'er accept the strange fire and He smiled and asked,"You are really rude, aren't you afraid that I will make some excessive demands?"

"Haha, I have accepted the strange fire. Even if you make conditions, I cannot agree. Is this your compensation for me?"

"compensate? Did I bully you?"

"think it yourself!"

Su Chen looked at Xiao Xun'er and couldn't understand.

Su Chen only met Xiao Xun'er yesterday. Apart from teasing Xiao Xun'er, he had never met Xiao Xun'er before.

How could he offend Xiao Xun'er? ?


Yun Yun of the Yunlan Sect sent the people who came this time to leave.

The martial arts duel was over, and the Yunlan Sect had to be rebuilt. She had no time to care about the people who came this time.

Su Chen looked at Xiao Huo. Huo left with Queen Medusa.

As for what will happen to Xiao Huohuo by Yunlan Sect?

Su Chen doesn't care at all.

He now wants to explain to Huanwen, Queen Medusa, and Shi Fei Xuan, and he is ready to return Eastern Continent.

The city of Hangzhou in the Eastern Continent, and even Zhao Ling'er and Butterfly Demon who were captured in Shushan all needed to be solved by him.

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