Qinghe City, this is the city where the Eastern Continent and the Southern Continent meet.

A luxurious carriage arrived in Qinghe City today, and the carriage was driven by a heroic and beautiful beauty. There were five guards wearing tight armor around the carriage. Guarding the carriage

"Young Master, will you stay in Qinghe City today?"

"Qingniao, let’s live in Qinghe City today. We only need to get to Hangzhou City within a month."

"Yes, Master!"

The person in the carriage was Su Chen.

Su Chen also left after the Yunlan Sect's martial arts duel.

He didn't even interfere with what happened next.

The Yunlan Sect decided whether Xiao Huohuo would live or die.


Xiao Huohuo His luck was still there, and it was impossible for him to be killed.

Shi Feixuan would go to Qingyun Gate with Shui Yue in the future, and he was very relieved about Shi Feixuan.

As for Huan Huan,

Su Chen asked Queen Medusa to take Huan Huan with her. Hanwen went to the Snake Man Tribe, and Hanwen also wanted to travel to Master Nan. With Queen Medusa accompanying Hanwen, he was not afraid that something would happen to her.

Su Chen also left the shadow assassin team led by You Ru. Queen Medusa, although Queen Medusa is not his woman yet, after what happened with the Yunlan Sect, the warriors on the border of the southern continent all know that Queen Medusa is his woman.

Queen Medusa will not deny it even Some people will believe it.

Jiang Ni and Hong Yi were also left with Queen Medusa by Su Chen. Jiang Ni just started to practice. She had no time to practice with him, while Hong Yi stayed with Jiang Ni to practice together.

As for Xiao

Su Chen didn't inform Xun'er, Ya Fei, Yun Yun and those women at all.

The relationship between those women and him was just average, and Su Chen didn't need to tell them about his departure.

"Xiaoyue'er, we have arrived in the Eastern Continent, are you happy?"

In the carriage, after Su Chen felt the aura of the Eastern Continent, he looked at Su Yue who was looking around with big eyes and asked with a smile,


"You will laugh, are you still thinking about your Queen Medusa?"

Su Chen touched Su Yue's little nose and said with a smile.

When Su Chen took Su Yue away, not only did Su Yue cry and didn't want to leave Queen Medusa, but Queen Medusa didn't want to leave Su Yue either. If not for Su Chen's laborious explanation, Queen Medusa would probably have fled back to the Snake Tribe with Su Yue in her arms.

"mother.....Mother, me....I want a mother."Su Yue shook her little hands and shouted with red eyes.

Su Chen kissed Su Yue who was about to cry and smiled and said,

"We will see you later. You Ji Ruxi, your aunt, and your aunt Shuirou are waiting for us in Hangzhou City. We will see your aunt after a while."

"Master, the inn has arrived."

At this time, the blue bird outside the carriage reported to Su Chen,


Su Chen got out of the carriage with Su Yue in his arms.

He saw that the inn was not bad, so he waved to Qingniao and walked in.

"Guests please come in!"

"Waiter, let’s have some good food and wine."

"Okay, guest, please wait."

After Su Chen sat down at a window seat, he looked at the people who were resting and eating in the inn.

"Master, these are some masters!"After Qingniao arrived with the talisman in red armor, he whispered to Su Chen.

Su Chen shook his head and said,

"Ignore these people, you are much stronger than these people now. If you advance to the Golden Core Realm, you can suppress these people just by bursting out some aura."

Qingniao saluted Su Chen and thanked him,"Thanks also to the young master for the red fruit."

Su Chen felt very helpless when he saw Qingniao who was always saluting. He had corrected him many times, but Qingniao never changed and even kept a cold face.

"That's what you deserve, Qingniao, don't keep a tight face, you should smile more when you are so beautiful."

Qingniao was very speechless when she heard Su Chen's words. This is her character.

Su Chen has been holding on to this matter for the past ten days.

Why is she laughing when she has nothing to do?

After the food and wine were served,

Su Chen hugged Su Yue and After eating and drinking,

Qingniao was also asked by Su Chen to sit down and eat together.


When Su Chen saw Su Yue struggling to eat the food on the table, he comforted Su Yue and said,

"My dear daughter, you can’t eat these yet. I’ll let you eat them after your teeth grow."

"Master, the woman next to Xu Nian has also arrived."

At this time,

Qingniao saw Xuanyuan Qingfeng appearing in the inn and said to Su Chen.

Su Chen looked over and said doubtfully,

"Huh? Why is this woman here too? Xu Nian is not with her? Qingniao, do you know this woman?"

"do not know!"

At this moment,

Xuanyuan Qingfeng also discovered Su Chen.

She didn't expect to meet Su Chen here.

This made Xuanyuan Qingfeng feel very surprised and helpless. She really didn't want to meet this big devil.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng arranged After gathering her more than 20 guards, she walked towards Su Chen.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng came to Su Chen and said with a smile,"Master Su, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Who are you?"

"Xuanyuan family, Xuanyuan Qingfeng!"

"It turns out to be Miss Xuanyuan, please sit down!"

Su Chen didn't expect that this woman turned out to be Xuanyuan Qingfeng.

The Xuanyuan family in Huishan is very chaotic.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng's father is a super master, but he always hides his intention to kill the ancestor of the Xuanyuan family.

His mother is also a tragedy. Women, no, they should be stupid and ignorant women.

Xuanyuan Qingfeng's mother actually recommended herself to serve Patriarch Xuanyuan in order to take revenge on her father.

This is really despicable.

In the family, there is a struggle for power and profit, and brothers do not deal with each other. , and Patriarch Xuanyuan is even more of a sex demon, and will even take in the younger generation Xuanyuan Qingfeng in the future. These things all happened in the Xuanyuan family. This family is really tragic.

"Thank you! Su

Chen took a sip of wine and asked,"Is Miss Xuanyuan going back to the Xuanyuan family?" Xuanyuan

Qingfeng nodded and replied,"Yes, I have been traveling outside for a few years, and now I am going back to the family.""

She looked at the expressionless Qingniao next to her, and then at Fu Jiang Hongjia, who was guarding the surroundings.

Xu Nian had told her that

Qingniao used to be Xu Nian's guard maid, and Fu Jiang Hongjia was Xu Nian's guard. Su Chen took it from the hands of those assassins.

It's just that Qingniao's strength surprised her.

Wasn't Qingniao a grand master in the early stage of cultivation?

How could he be stronger than her now? He was even one step away from being promoted to the cultivation realm. Golden elixir realm

"In this way, we are destined to be together. I didn't expect that we would meet each other as soon as we arrived in the Eastern Continent."


Who is destined to be a big devil like you?

Xuanyuan Qingfeng doesn't want to meet Su Chen.

This Su Chen is a dandy who is not afraid of heaven or earth.

Xu Nian was greatly harmed by this big devil, and his guard died. , crippled, even three beautiful maids were snatched away.

The Qingyun Sect, the top sect in the Eastern Continent, dared to offend, and also destroyed the Yunlan Sect, and even dared to mess up the Yunlan Sect's duel.

This The big devil is a troublemaker.

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