In the mountain forest, after hundreds of female soldiers received the order to retreat, these female soldiers immediately gathered and prepared to retreat. Although they did not know why they canceled the order, it was an order from their ladies, and they, the female soldiers, would not what

"Come together, let's go back to Wu County."The girl in red riding on a horse hurriedly shouted to the female soldiers.

The female soldiers also hurriedly pulled out the hidden horses and prepared to retreat quickly.

Ta da da da da......

At this time, the sound of horse hooves came over, which panicked the female soldiers who were preparing to retreat. They speeded up and led the horses out one by one.

"No, we didn't find out, so we set up a defensive formation."The girl in red saw a dark shadow approaching quickly in the distance. She knew that she would not be able to escape now.

Ta da da da da......

Five thousand black-armored cavalry arrived quickly.

After the black-armored cavalry discovered that they were all female soldiers, these black-armored cavalry surrounded the female soldiers in groups.

"Throw away your weapons and surrender, or you will be killed without mercy!"A captain shouted as he looked at the defending female soldiers.

The girl in red refused after hearing the words of the black-armored captain.

"surrender? Impossible. If you have the guts, come and join the battle."

"Crossbows, archers ready!"The captain of the black-armored army waved his hand and ordered expressionlessly,

"Defend, shield and defend quickly!"

"I'll give you five breaths, and if you don't surrender, you'll all be executed!"

The girl in red was very helpless when she looked at the black-armored army that was waiting for them.

She miscalculated this time.

She didn't expect that the black-armored army would be so alert.

Princess Changle's carriage hadn't arrived yet, and they were discovered. I'm afraid the black army The scouts of Army A discovered them early, otherwise these black-armored troops would not have come straight to them.

"Miss, what should we do?"

"Wait and see first"

"Miss, let's cover your escape. We'll take care of these black-armored troops."

The girl in red shook her head and refused,

"There is no way to escape. These are elite black-armored troops, and the crossbows and archers are too deadly to us. We have no chance of escaping at all."

"Two breaths!"

"We surrender, we surrender!"When the girl in red heard the words of the black-armored commander, she hurriedly said, these female soldiers can't escape, and she doesn't want hundreds of female soldiers to die here. Surrendering may allow these female soldiers to survive.


The girl in red looked at the female soldiers around her and ordered with a look of helplessness,

"All throw away their weapons, we surrender"

"Yes, miss!"

Hundreds of female soldiers threw away their weapons after hearing the words of the girl in red.

When the commander of the black-armored army saw the surrender of these female soldiers, he directly ordered,"Kneel down on both sides of the road. Anyone who dares to move intentionally Kill without mercy."

After hearing this, the girl in red was unwilling, but the situation was pressing, so she could only lead five hundred female soldiers to kneel on both sides of the road.

After a while, a huge black-armored army appeared.

Although the black-armored army It hasn't arrived yet, but the huge evil energy has frightened all the female soldiers here. They all know that this black-armored army is an elite army that has survived countless battles on the battlefield.

Dong Dong Dong Dong......

Groups of black-armored troops walked past these female soldiers, and the sound of heavy footsteps made each of these female soldiers look very pale.

At this time, a luxurious carriage arrived, surrounded by hundreds of black-clad secret guards closely protecting the luxurious carriage.

When the black-armored captain saw the carriage stop, he stepped forward and saluted hurriedly,

"Report to the eldest princess and all the assassins surrender."

In the carriage,

Su Yan heard that the assassin surrendered without resisting, which made her feel very bored.

"Everyone surrendered? It seems that these assassins are not dead soldiers."

"Princess, these assassins are a little special"

"special? How special?"

"Princess, they are all female soldiers, and the leader is also a woman."

Hi, the carriage door was opened, and

Su Yan got out of the carriage.

She was interested in these assassins.

A group of hundreds of female soldiers?

This is very rare, except for the Jurchen tribe in the Xuantian Empire. In addition to the female soldier army, there is actually a female soldier army in the northern continent.

Su Yan was ready to see what these female soldiers were like.

Outside the carriage, after Su Yan got off the carriage, a thousand black-armored troops quickly guarded the surroundings. Each crossbow was pointed at the female soldiers kneeling on both sides of the road, and the secret guards were closely guarding Su Yan. The hundreds of female soldiers on both sides of the road were very shocked when they saw this formation.

These women had already They no longer have the ability to resist, but these black-armored troops and guards are still vigilant. Even if they want to resist now, they will probably be shot into a hornet's nest.

"Are you the leader?"Su Yan walked up to the girl in red and asked,


The girl in red was also very shocked when she saw Su Yan.

She didn't expect that Su Yan was really a little girl of about seven years old. It's just that this little girl is too evil.

Such a small girl? She actually controlled the entire big man. In the south of the empire, is the princess of Xuantian Empire so evil?

Princess Changle is so smart at such a young age. If Princess Changle inherits the throne of Xuantian Empire in the future, Princess Changle will probably become a powerful empress of the empire.

Su Yan sees Looking at this heroic girl in red, she nodded.

This young girl in red dared to do something bold, which made her feel that this girl in red was not an ordinary person.

"who are you? Why do you want to assassinate me? The girl in red looked at Su Yan and said coldly and proudly,"If you want to kill me, just kill me. I won't tell you.""

"Yeah? The crossbow is ready. I will count down to three times. If you don't answer, all the female soldiers here will be executed."Su Yan smiled and stretched out three fingers to threaten,



Sun Shangxiang said hurriedly when he heard Su Yan's rapid countdown,

"Wait, I said, I said, I am Sun Ce’s sister from Wu County, Sun Shangxiang."

Sun Shangxiang was also very helpless.

This little girl is so cruel. She just kills everyone if she can't ask the answer. This is not like a little girl at all.

Su Yan looked at Sun Shangxiang and said in surprise,

"Sun Shangxiang? Sun Ce's sister? You are Sun Shangxiang, the bow-waisted concubine. Yes, you are very beautiful. Sun

Shangxiang looked at Su Yan and asked hurriedly,

"Princess Changle, I have told you my identity, can you let these female soldiers go?"

Sun Shangxiang knew that she was doomed.

Her brother Sun Ce had been arranging Su Yan in the past and even threatened to kill Princess Su Yan of Changle. This time she fell into Su Yan's hands and died. Sun Shangxiang just hoped that Su Yan could Open the net and let the female soldiers here go.

"Did I say I would let them go?"

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