Su Yan didn't expect to have such a harvest on the way, which made her a little happy.

Sun Ce's sister Sun Shangxiang.

Su Yan thought that if she waited until she destroyed Wu Jun, Sun Ce saw her sister appear here, and she didn't know what Sun Ce would do. Won't be mad to death

"Come on, take all these female soldiers to Jiujiang County"

"Yes, princess!"

"Sun Shangxiang, come here with me."

Sun Shangxiang's eyes lit up when she heard Su Yan's words.

She was originally very desperate when Su Yan refused to let these female soldiers go, but now she sees an opportunity.

As long as she and Princess Changle get on the carriage, she can quickly seize this opportunity. Little princess, as long as she captures Princess Changle, even if there are thousands of troops here, they can't do anything to her.

In the carriage,

Huang Yueying poured some tea.

After Su Yan took Sun Shangxiang to the carriage,

Huang Yueying just Looking at Sun Shangxiang, she didn't care whether Sun Shangxiang had any bad ideas.

Although she and Su Yan were the only ones in the carriage, if Sun Shangxiang dared to make any move, I'm afraid Sun Shangxiang would be trained by Su Yan in the future.

"I advise you not to take action, otherwise you will regret it."Huang Yueying saw that Sun Shangxiang had been staring at Su Yan, so she kindly reminded her,

"Not always."

Sun Shangxiang said and quickly moved to catch Su Yan, but before her hand reached halfway, her body was pressed on the acupoints.

In the carriage, a masked woman in black appeared at some point, and this The masked woman didn't know when she appeared behind her, and Sun Shangxiang was controlled unknowingly.


Sun Shangxiang looked at the masked woman in black in confusion.

She couldn't understand.

There were only two women in the carriage, so how could there suddenly be an additional woman in black and masked?

Huang Yueying shook her head and said regretfully,"I said you would regret it if you took action. Alas, why didn't you listen to my advice."

Su Yan looked at Sun Shangxiang and smiled slyly and said,

"Ha ha..., Sun Shangxiang, you are so miserable. You dare to attack me. Yueying, we had some fun on the road."

"Youxue, here comes the rope, isn't Sun Shangxiang Ji Gongyao? Let's see how soft her waist is."

Su Yan deliberately exposed a flaw so that Sun Shangxiang would take action against her.

She was not worried at all about Sun Shangxiang taking action against her. Even if there was no Shadow Assassin, with her peak Grandmaster strength, would she be worried about a woman in the lower innate realm?

"Yes, princess!"

Huang Yueying looked at Su Yan and shook her head.

However, her eyes also lit up.

Bow-waist Ji Sun Shangxiang?

She also wanted to see how soft Sun Shangxiang's waist was.

"No, what are you going to do? Don't tie me up, ah! Are you going to break my waist?"

"Su Yan, we can't do this. Let's take it slow first. Let Sun Shangxiang lower half of his waist first."

"That's right. If she lowers her waist too hard, we will really break her waist."

"Princess Changle, you devil, I won’t even die......Ah, you bastards, my waist is going to break and I can't get down."

Two days later, after Su Yan arrived at the Jiujiang County

Sheriff's Mansion , all the officials and commanders of the various regiments here arrived to greet Su Yan. Su Chen sat on the main seat and waved his hands and said,

"Everyone sits down. Now I will arrange the tasks. In addition to the Shanyue tribe and Wei Yan's Sixth Army,"

"Other legions set out to attack Wujun within three days. The third and seventh cavalry regiments deployed around Wujun. No one in Wujun was allowed to escape, especially Sun Ce and the family members and tribesmen of those generals and officials."

"Yes, princess!"

Su Yan looked at Huang Zhong and others again and said,

"Huang Zhong's First Army, Taishi Ci's Second Army, you serve as the main attacking army, catapults, siege rams, ladders, all the logistics are assigned to your army, the fourth and fifth armies are reserve armies to deal with emergencies."

"Yes, princess!"

"Let's go back and prepare to march."

"Yes, princess!"

In a room in the Sheriff's Mansion,

Sun Shangxiang was lying on the bed and didn't want to move. She suspected that her waist would be broken now. Damn that little loli, she was tortured along the way.

"Miss Sun, get up and eat soon."

At this time,

Huang Yueying arrived and said to Sun Shangxiang.

Sun Shangxiang lay on the bed and waved his hands before replying,"I don't want to eat, Miss Huang, you weren't captured by Princess Changle too, were you?"

"Yes and no!"

"What's the meaning? Sun

Shangxiang asked suspiciously when he heard Huang Yueying's words.

Huang Yueying smiled and replied,"I used to be threatened by Su Yan before I came to her, but now I'm used to it, and I'm living a pretty good life now,"

Huang Yueying Thinking about it, things were really changeable.

When she was first threatened by Su Yan to stay in Xiangyang City, she tried to find a way to leave every day.

But after such a long time, she also discovered that Su Yan was just doing it for fun, or even to please. His father did not punish her.

She now has a very good relationship with Su Yan, and even Su Yan, the women in the Black Bird Palace, secretly told her a lot.

Huang Yueying also doubted that she would never marry anyone again in the future. , and no man dared to marry her, and even her parents would suspect that she was Su Yan's father's woman.

Sun Shangxiang curled her lips and closed her eyes to rest.

She wanted to think about how to escape from here, and even wanted to Her female soldiers were all rescued safely.

When Huang Yueying left, she turned back and suddenly warned,

"Sun Shangxiang, the war will begin in three days. Wu County is already over. You'd better be calm during this period, otherwise your Sun family will be exterminated by Su Yan.

Sun Shangxiang was surprised when he heard Huang Yueying's kindness and said,"Three days?" The war is going to start in three days? So soon? Aren’t you in the process of collecting the Shanyue people? Huang

Yueying shook her head and replied,

"For a small Shanyue tribe, one legion is enough. Sun Shangxiang, don't forget that Su Yan's Black Bird Legion has more than 300,000 soldiers and seven legions. This does not include the city guards in various places."

Sun Shangxiang is confused, three days?

Wu Jun will probably be defeated in three days.

What will happen to her brother?

What will happen to her family?

Three days later,

Wu Jun!

Outside Wu Jun City,

Er One hundred thousand black-armored troops were lined up neatly. Hundreds of meters away from Wujun City, catapults and huge siege ladders were all preparing to attack Wujun City.


The horn of the black-armored army sounded, and a group of black-armored troops arrived escorting a little girl riding a pony.

The red Black Bird Flag of the Black Bird Legion was swinging in the wind, and the black Black Bird Flag of the Xuantian Empire was held high at the front.

"See Princess Changle, long blessings to the eldest princess!"

"See Princess Changle, long blessings to the eldest princess!"

"See Princess Changle, long blessings to the eldest princess!"

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