On Wujun City,

Sun Ce and a group of generals looked at the black-armored army outside the city.

They were very shocked.

The neat military formations, rigorous military appearance, and even the huge evil spirit. This was not a miscellaneous army like them. Comparable.

Sun Ce clenched his fists and said helplessly,

"There is no way we can win this time. Everyone, if you want to leave, just leave. I, Sun Ce, will not blame you. There is no way we can win this war. I don’t want to drag you down. Zhou

Yu smiled at the side and said,"Master, you and I are best friends. Am I, Zhou Yu, a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death?""

"Lord, I am your father's general, and it is impossible for me to leave at this time."

"And me, there are no people in Wu County who are greedy for life and afraid of death."

"Lord, if we die together, we will die together. We will not be lonely on the road."

"Haha, yes, I still want to drink and eat meat with everyone, and I can’t be left out this time."

"If we live together, we brothers will die together."

On the city wall, these generals shouted loudly one by one.

They all knew that they would be killed if they resisted this time, but they were all ministers of the Sun family. Although Sun Ce was not as smart as Sun Jian in dealing with people, Sun Ce never let them down.

The Xuantian Empire was too powerful, and Sun Ce had offended the eldest princess of the Xuantian Empire to death. This time the eldest princess came to kill Sun Ce. It was impossible for them, the ministers, to watch Sun Ce being killed.

Sun Ce looked at these The generals nodded solemnly and said,"Okay, brothers, let's go together. We have company on Huangquan Land.""

"Report to the lord, the second young master escaped with his guards."

At this time, a messenger hurried over to report.

When Sun Ce heard what the messenger said, he stared and asked hurriedly,"What! What did you say?"

"My Lord, the Second Young Master asked the south city gate to be opened and escaped with the guards."

"Sun Quan, I, Sun Ce, don’t have a younger brother like you, and my Sun family doesn’t have a bastard like you who is greedy for life and afraid of death."When Sun Ce heard this, he shouted with anger on his face.

Sun Ce did not expect that all the generals here would be willing to die for the Sun family, but his brother actually escaped.

This made him very angry.

City Wall The generals on board also had angry faces.

They did not expect that Sun Jian, a tiger from the east of the Yangtze River, would have such a son who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

This really embarrassed Sun Jian and Sun Ce.

"See the eldest princess, long blessings to the eldest princess!"

"See the eldest princess, long blessings to the eldest princess!"

"See the eldest princess, long blessings to the eldest princess!"

At this time, a loud shout came from outside the city wall, and everyone on the wall immediately looked over.

Zhou Yu looked at the black-armored army and said,"My lord, the eldest princess of the Xuantian Empire has arrived."

Sun Ce looked at Changle Princess Su Yan who was being supported, and he sighed and said,

"What is supposed to come will always come"

"Gong Jin, I didn’t expect that we would offend the princess of Xuantian Empire for Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao. This is really a trick of fate."

"When my father was alive, he had a very good relationship with Princess Changle, but he never thought that I would completely offend the princess for a woman."

Sun Ce is also very regretful now.

He didn't respond to a word of what his father said when he passed away. This is because his arrogance has harmed himself, his generals, and everyone in the Sun family..

Zhou Yu shook his head and replied,

"Maybe this is fate."

Outside Wu Jun City,

Su Yan looked at Wu Jun and waved.

She originally wanted to bring Sun Shangxiang over this time to humiliate Sun Ce, but she thought of Sun Ce's father being respectful when he was here, so Su Yan gave up this plan.

Anyway, Sun Ce is dead this time, and there is no need for her to humiliate a dying person.

Wow woo woo.....

Boom boom boom boom.....

After Su Yan ordered the attack, the attack horn sounded, and hundreds of catapults began to attack. Huge stones were thrown at the Wujun city wall.

For a time,

Wujun's city wall was riddled with holes.

The soldiers on the city wall were either smashed to death, or were shaken by the huge shock wave and fell off the city wall to their death.

After more than ten rounds of catapult attacks, the First and Second Legions began to dispatch.

Groups of black armored troops held giant shields and under the cover of archers, pushed huge ladders and battering rams and attacked.

Taishi Ci rode on his horse and called to Huang Zhong not far away,"Huang Zhong, let's compete to see who can attack the city wall first."

Huang Zhong nodded and agreed,"Okay, Taishi Ci, I'll do something to you." , my first legion must attack the city wall first"

"Haha, that’s not necessarily the case. If my second army attacks the city wall first this time, your first army will lose face."

"Then you must have that ability"

"Second Army, charge me. We are going to slap the First Army in the face."

"kill! kill! kill!"

"First Army, charge for me. Don't let the Second Army attack the city wall first."

"kill! kill! kill!"

Su Yan saw that the first and second legions were competing again, and she was too lazy to care.

In the past, Wei Yan and Huang Zhong were competing. After Wei Yan was sent out, she didn't expect Taishi Ci to compete with Huang Zhong again.

This is just like Dian Wei. Like those two reckless men Xu Zhu, they were fighting non-stop all day long.

A black-armored cavalry came quickly and saluted Su Yan and said,"Princess Qi, the seventh army captured Sun Quan who was about to escape. He is Sun Ce's younger brother."

"bring it here!"

"Yes, princess!"

On the battlefield, as the ladders and city-breaking hammers approached the city wall, the black-armored troops began to scramble to climb up the city wall from the ladders.

"Rolling wood, black oil, quickly stop the attack of the black armored army."

On the city wall,

Zhou Tai looked at the black-armored troops who were about to climb up the city wall and ordered hurriedly.

Huang Zhong saw the rolling logs on the city wall constantly smashing into the black-armored troops.

He hurriedly ordered,"Archers, crossbows, organize arrows. net to cover the army's siege."

Swish swish swish"......

Archers and Qi-poking crossbows continued to shoot at the soldiers on the city wall. Wu Jun was suppressed by the rain of arrows and could not even lift his head.


It took less than half an hour.

Soldiers from the first legion's black-armored army rushed to the city wall, and then more and more black-armored troops rushed to the city wall.


At the same time, the second legion also used a city-breaking hammer. After blasting open the city gate of Wujun, the black-armored troops rushed in with swords raised and rushed into the city of Wujun.

"Kill, anyone with weapons will be killed without mercy unless they surrender."

At this time,

Sun Ce saw that not only the city wall had been attacked, but the city gate had also been breached. He did not expect that the city would be breached in just a short time after the war started.

Sun Ce hurriedly ordered with a look of helplessness.

"retreat! Return them all to the Sheriff's Mansion!"

Su Yan shook his head when he saw the battle in Wu Juncheng and said,

"Sun Ce isn’t very strong either? I thought it would take several hours to fight, but it seems I overestimated this little overlord of Jiangdong."

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