While Qingniao was thinking, a woman's cold voice came over, and then a beautiful woman in a blue dress suddenly appeared on the carriage.

"Blue Bird, I’ve seen Madam!"

"See ma'am!"

When Qingniao saw Xiaoqing appearing, she hurriedly saluted, and the surrounding black-armored cavalry also dismounted and knelt down to salute.

Xiaoqing waved his hand and ordered to Qingniao,"No salutes, everyone. Qingniao immediately led the black-armored cavalry. When we go to Tianhe Town, I will kill that monk and Xu Xian must take him back."

"Yes, ma'am!"

After Qingniao saluted Xiaoqing, she immediately led the black-armored cavalry and chased towards Tianhe Town.

Since Xiaoqing said that Xu Xian was taken to Tianhe Town, it was definitely not wrong.

Qingniao just didn't expect that there would be a golden man. There are immortal cultivators in the elixir realm. No wonder Xu Xian was taken away silently.

Xiao Qing patted her head and said to herself in annoyance,"It's all my fault. If I had come here earlier, that monk in the elixir realm would have been taken away silently." It is impossible to escape with Xu Xian."

Xiao Qing just coaxed Su Yue for a while, sheIt was unexpected that such a change would occur.

If that bastard knew about this, that bastard would definitely make fun of her.

Xiaoqing looked around and disappeared instantly.

The old monk was still waiting for her to kill him. She would not let the old monk escape again this time.

Tianhe Town is close to the sea, and some adventurers often appear here for adventure and trials.

There are many rare treasures in the sea, and of course there are many sea monsters. Although there are no powerful sea monsters in the sea near the mainland, even ordinary sea monsters are not easy to deal with.

The strength of the Kraken beast increases dramatically in the sea.

A low-level Kraken beast is difficult for even a small group of warriors in the Heavenly Realm to deal with. If it is an intermediate Kraken beast, even the immortal cultivators at the Golden Core realm may not be able to survive if they encounter it.

In an inn in Tianhe Town, a chubby middle-aged man and a dignified, beautiful and charming woman were having dinner with several young men and women.

These are Tian Buyi and Suru, the first peak masters of Dazhu Peak of Qingyun Sect, and the five trial disciples they brought this time.

Tian Buyi looked at the five disciples and said majestically,

"Your strength has also improved in these days, but you are still not good at facing the sea monster. Tomorrow, I will take you to hunt a low-level sea monster. Zhang Fan, you don’t want to participate."

"Yes, master."

The other disciples all answered politely, but they looked at the submissive junior brother Zhang Fan next to them, and they all shook their heads speechlessly.

Zhang Fan has been a disciple for several years, but his cultivation level has never been improved. It is very embarrassing for Dazhufeng to be a master warrior now.

Zhang Fan also replied hastily and awkwardly,

"yes......It's the master!"

When a young beauty next to her heard Tian Buyi's words, she said unhappily,"Dad, why don't you let Xiaofan go? This is a very good training opportunity, maybe the junior brother will make a breakthrough. Tian

Buyi shouted after hearing what her daughter Tian Linger said,

"Shut up. When a master warrior faces a low-level sea monster, he is seeking death, not training."

"The lowest cultivation levels of the several of you are all at the Heavenly Realm, and the third and fourth sons are both immortal cultivators at the Golden Core Realm. You can kill low-level sea monsters, but Zhang Fan will be spared."

Suru grabbed her naughty daughter and scolded,

"Ling'er, don't be ridiculous. This trial of yours is very dangerous. None of you have ever dealt with the sea monster. Xiaofan's strength is too low. He really cannot participate this time."

"Got it, mother!"

After Tian Buyi saw that his daughter was honest, he said to his disciples again,

"You all give me some strength, look at those women in Xiaozhu Peak, Lu Xueqi is about to advance to the out-of-body realm, and I heard that Shui Yue has recently accepted a genius disciple who is almost at the golden elixir realm."

"If you don’t want to be bullied by those women from Xiaozhu Peak in the future, you’d better practice hard for me."

"Yes, master!"

Several of Tian Buyi's disciples replied feebly.

They were all suppressed by Lu Xueqi in the past, and now a genius disciple has appeared in Xiaozhu Peak. I am afraid that they will be suppressed by those women in Xiaozhu Peak for the rest of their lives. They bullied them.

Suru smiled and ignored these disciples. She was also very happy that her senior sister could accept a genius disciple again, but her senior sister had always looked down on Tian Buyi, so that Xiaozhufeng and Dazhufeng had not Deal with it. And Lu Xueqi of Xiaozhu Peak is very powerful. None of the disciples of Dazhu Peak are Lu Xueqi’s opponent. They, the elders, can’t bully the younger ones.


"A master has arrived."

Suru and Tian Buyi saw a direction at the same time.

They both sensed that a golden elixir-level immortal cultivator was quickly approaching Tianhe Town, but this golden elixir-level immortal cultivator flew in the air in front of everyone, as if he was running for his life. Like.


After a while, outside the inn, a monk appeared outside with a man and a woman. These three people were Monk Minghui and Xu Xian and Zi Ling.

Minghui also sensed that there were two powerful auras in the inn. , he guessed that these might be the people from the Qingyun Sect that Liu Yun mentioned.

Minghui appeared outside the inn, and he just hoped that the powerful people from the Qingyun Sect could help him destroy the demon that was chasing him.

But he sensed that the demon had been following him

"Who are you?"Tian Buyi saw that this monk seemed to be looking for them, which made him very strange.

"Amitabha, are you from the Qingyun Sect? Minghui looked at Tian Buyi and gave him a Buddhist name, saying with a compassionate look,


"Lao Na, Minghui of Lingyin Temple, I am being chased by a big demon, and your Qingyun Sect disciple Liu Yun may be killed. I hope you can help me get rid of the demon."

"Big demon?"

Tian Buyi was very surprised when he heard Minghui, big demon?

How could the big demon blatantly chase and kill a monk?

And there are disciples of Qingyun Sect who were killed by the big demon? It seems that this big demon that harms mankind will be destroyed.

Others were also very surprised when they heard Minghui's words.

The minimum strength of a big demon is the Nascent Soul Realm. If it is a thousand-year-old demon, it will be the strength of the Distraction Realm. This is already the same as the strength of their master and mistress. Same.

Da da da......

At this time, the sound of horse hooves suddenly came over, and there were even thousands of troops

"Surround the inn, no one can be let go"

"Yes, my lord!"

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