Outside the inn,

Qingniao led the black-armored cavalry to surround the inn.

She did not rush in.

She felt several powerful beings in the inn, they were very powerful immortal cultivators. Qingniao was now a little worried that Xiaoqing could not be the one. The opponents of these immortal cultivators.

Qingniao waved his hand and hurriedly ordered,

"Come, please use the butterfly-winged bird to notify your Majesty and tell him that there are several powerful immortal cultivators in Tianhe Town."

"Yes, my lord!"


Xiao Qing also appeared here.

She looked at the inn with a serious face.

Xiao Qing had arrived early. After she discovered that the monk had brought Xu Xian into the inn,

Xiao Qing did not dare to act rashly. There were people in the inn. There are two powerful immortal cultivators in the distraction realm, and she is at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm. She is no match for the two immortal cultivators in the inn.

"Madam, there are powerful immortal cultivators in the inn!"Qingniao saluted Xiaoqing,

Xiaoqing nodded to Qingniao and said,"I know, you did a good job, now we can only hope that Su Chen will come soon."

Xiao Qing is very depressed now.

She was just careless for a moment, and it was really unfortunate that things happened like this.

In the inn,

Tian Buyi and Suru saw that they were surrounded by the army, which made them look at each other. Monk Minghui, they all felt something was wrong.

Although a big demon appeared in the army, the demon and the army hunted the monk together, which made Tian Buyi and Su Ru feel very strange.

"Minghui, what is going on? Why are the army and the big demon hunting you down? Minghui hurriedly replied,

"Donor, these troops are the troops of Hangzhou City. Hangzhou City is waging a war with the Song Dynasty. Aren’t you Qingyun Sect the guardians of the Song Dynasty? You should help the Song Dynasty destroy these armies."

Suru heard that Monk Minghui did not answer Tian Buyi, and even persuaded them to deal with these troops.

This made Suru shout with a serious face,

"Don't talk nonsense. Although our Qingyun Sect is the guardian of the Song Dynasty, if the Song Dynasty was at fault first, our Qingyun Sect would not be able to stand up for the Song Dynasty. Monk, what on earth did you do? Why are these armies and big monsters chasing you?"

Disciples such as Tian Linger and Zhang Fan also looked at the monk Minghui. They all felt that the matter was not that simple. The monk might have lied.

Minghui immediately thought about it and explained,

"Donor, the thing is like this. Lord Wu Xiang of Hangzhou City wanted to execute Xu Xian. Xu Xian was just an ordinary doctor, so I saved him on the way. But I didn’t expect that Hangzhou City would send out troops to hunt us down. Even Hangzhou City actually There are monsters"

"I don’t believe you, husband, let’s go out and ask"


Suru and Tian Buyi said, and they came out of the inn together.

Tian Linger and the others also followed them out. They were not worried about the army and the big demon outside. With their master and mistress here, the army and the big demon could not do anything. them

"Who are you?"

When Qingniao saw Tian Buyi and Suru coming out with some people, she asked expressionlessly.

Suru looked at Qingniao and replied,"We are monks from Qingyun Sect. Girl, why are you chasing monk Minghui? ?"

Qingniao looked at Suru and the others in surprise.

She didn't expect that these people were actually people from Qingyun Sect.

This was the second time Qingniao met people from Qingyun Sect. She had met Shuiyue from Xiaozhufeng in Yunlan Sect. Master and Lu Xueqi.

Are these people from Qingyun Sect?

Qingniao nodded to Suru and replied

"That monk broke into the Hangzhou City Prison and killed hundreds of policemen, and even kidnapped an important prisoner. We are hunting the monk and the prisoner. Since you are from the Qingyun Sect, please leave on your own."

"What? The monk killed hundreds of policemen?"

Tian Buyi was very surprised when he heard Qingniao's words.

He did not expect that a cultivator would attack ordinary people and even kill hundreds of policemen.

This made him very disgusted with the monk Minghui.

Suru and here The disciples were also very surprised.

How could a monk kill innocent people indiscriminately?

Even if he wanted to save people, how could a cultivator kill ordinary people?

Minghui looked livid in the inn.

He saw the people from Qingyun Sect looking over. With a disgusted expression, he was very angry. If he wasn't strong enough, he would have killed these people from the Qingyun Sect.

Tian Buyi looked at Xiao Qing and asked with a serious face,"Snake demon, who are you?""


When Qingniao heard Tian Buyi's words, he yelled angrily. The surrounding black-armored troops all held crossbows and pointed at Tian Buyi's people. As long as Qingniao gave the order, the black-armored troops would shoot these people without hesitation.

Tian Buyi He didn't expect that just by calling out Xiao Qing's identity, the black-armored army here would be ready to kill them. He guessed that this snake demon had a close relationship with the leader of this army.


Xiao Qing waved at the blue bird to stop him and said,


"Let the troops stand back!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

After Qingniao heard Xiaoqing's order, she waved her hand to the black armored cavalry and said,

"All retreated."

The black-armored cavalry put away their weapons and retreated around the inn.

After Xiaoqing gave the order to Qingniao, she walked out to look at the people in Qingyun Sect and said,"Everyone in Qingyun Sect, I have no intention of being an enemy of you. You can leave now."

At this time,

Zhang Fan came out holding a stick and said seriously,

"Snake demon, you actually dare to appear in the human world openly, and you also want to kill the master of Buddhism and those two innocent people. It is impossible for our Qingyun Sect to watch you kill human beings."

Zhang Fan had been saved by a monk before, and this snake demon was obviously more powerful than monk Minghui. He was also afraid that Master Tian Buyi would not save Minghui's people, so he hurriedly expressed his attitude first.

"Zhang Fan, shut up!"

Tian Buyi heard that Zhang Fan dared to talk nonsense without his consent, which made him very angry.

Suru also looked at Zhang Fan with a frown.

She did not expect that Zhang Fan, who had always been indifferent, would say this. This made him very angry. She was also very unhappy. She and Tian Buyi were here, so how could there be a disciple making decisions for the master?

"Junior brother, don’t talk nonsense"

"Junior brother, come back quickly, we have no place to talk here."

"Xiaofan, what are you doing?"

Tian Linger and several other senior brothers hurriedly tried to persuade Zhang Fan.

They did not expect that Zhang Fan would stand up and say these words. They were all worried that the master would punish Zhang Fan.

Xiaoqing looked at Zhang Fan with an angry look on his face. He said,"No one has dared to speak to me like this for a long time. It's Zhang Fan. You're dead this time.""

"You are not capable of killing my disciple yet. Tian

Buyi looked at Xiao Qing and said seriously, although Zhang Fan offended the snake demon,

Zhang Fan is his disciple after all. How could he watch the snake demon kill his disciple?

"Oh, is it so? Why don't I believe you can protect your disciples?"


"See you, Your Majesty!"

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