Suru saw Su Chen disappear suddenly with the snake demon, which made her a little at a loss.

Before she could check Su Chen's shoulder, Su Chen ran away, which made her even more suspicious that Su Chen was her brother.

But why didn't Su Chen recognize her?

How did Su Chen come here alone all these years? Why did he become the lord of Hangzhou City? And became a king of a top noble? Suru wanted to know all this.

Tian Linger came to Suru and asked doubtfully,"Mom, is Su Chen my uncle?"

"Nine times out of ten it is."Suru touched Tian Linger's hair and smiled and said, this time she has to thank this little girl, otherwise, she would not be able to find her brother.

Although she has not yet determined it accurately, she feels that Su Chen is Her younger brother.

Tian Linger frowned when she heard Suru's words. Since Su Chen is her mother's younger brother, why don't they recognize each other?

Does Su Chen really not know that he has a sister?

But this is impossible,

Her little uncle was almost three years old when he disappeared. Su Chen should remember what happened when he was young.

"But why doesn’t my uncle recognize us?"

Su Chen shook his head with a wry smile and said,

"I don't know, Hangzhou City? Su Chen is the city lord of Hangzhou City. We go to Hangzhou City to find him. I must find out whether Su Chen is my brother?"

Tian Buyi hurriedly said after hearing Suru's words,

"Madam, we still need to take the disciples to practice. How about we go back to Hangzhou City?"

Tian Buyi doesn't have a good impression of Su Chen.

That bastard just called him a fat man and even said that he was not worthy of Suru.

And his disciple was bullied by that bastard and took away Zhang Fan's Weapons, even if Su Chen is really Suru's younger brother, he has no good impression of Su Chen.

Suru shook her head and refused,"No, I don't want to delay for a moment. You take the disciples here to practice, I I need to find out this matter when I go to Hangzhou."

"Mom, I'll go too, I can help."Tian Linger hurriedly shouted after hearing Suru's words,

"Okay, Linger and I will go."

Suru looked at Tian Linger, smiled and agreed.

With Linger here, she would have a better chance to figure out Su Chen's identity.

Suru pulled Tian Linger and nodded to Tian Buyi. She took Tian Linger with her He disappeared quickly

"damn it!"

Tian Buyi saw Suru and Tian Linger leaving, which made him very angry.

Tian Buyi's disciples pretended not to see it. These things are not something they can participate in.

They all pretended to check on the unconscious Zhang Fan.

In Hangzhou City, in the city lord's mansion, after Su Chen and Xiao Qing came back,

Su Chen sat on the chair depressedly. He guessed that Suru would not give up, but he was really not Suru's brother. How could Suru do this? A younger brother appeared?

Xiaoqing poured a cup of tea for Su Chen and said with a smile,"Su Chen, that Suru will definitely come to Hangzhou to look for you. Then you can just let her look at your shoulders. That's okay." Let Suru give up"

"Alas, I don’t have anything, but Suru is a woman after all, so it’s a bit bad to look at a man’s back shoulders like this."

"Haha, what's the point? You won't lose a piece of meat. You just let Suru look at it. It doesn't matter."

"It can only be the!"

Su Chen nodded and agreed.


At this time, a beautiful woman came into the study and saluted.

Su Chen was very surprised when he saw Ning Zhongze.

Ning Zhongze was not among the people who came to Shenyu Continent this time. Why did Ning Zhongze appear in the city lord's mansion?

"Ning Zhongze, why are you here?"

Ning Zhong replied respectfully to Su Chen,

"Master, I have just arrived. The queen asked me to come over and inform the master that the Northern Combat Corps is ready and will arrive within a few days."

Su Chen heard that Mu Guiying's army was coming, which made him relieved.

The Song Dynasty might attack Hangzhou City in the next ten days. This time, with Mu Guiying's northern combat army here, he also felt relieved. You can rest assured to go to Shushan to rescue Zhao Ling'er and the others.

Su Chen touched his chin and thought for a while before saying to Xiaoqing,"Xiaoqing, Hangzhou City has been under martial law these past few nights, and the black-armored troops outside the city have been notified to prepare for the Northern Combat Legion. s arrival"

"Yes, I know!"

Xiao Qing nodded and replied that

Su Chen had a space channel. Ji Ruxihe also told them.

In fact, it was Ji Ruxihe who didn't tell her and Xiaobai. She and Xiaobai also guessed that there was a space array in the city lord's mansion.

Many strange and beautiful women randomly appeared in the city lord's mansion, and even the backyard was very tightly protected by Su Chen's guards, which made them aware.

When Ji Ruxihe told them all this, she and Xiaobai both They were very shocked. They did not expect that Su Chen actually had a world passage leading to his original world.

She and Xiaobai also knew that this passage must be kept strictly confidential.

If the world passage were known to those powerful immortal cultivating sects, Su Chen's The world may be in trouble

"Ning Zhongze, please continue to follow me in the future. I didn’t expect that your strength would reach the realm of heaven and human beings after you have been in seclusion for so long."

Su Chen looked at the beautiful Ning Zhongze and nodded.

Ning Zhongze has been in seclusion for more than half a year. He has broken through from a great master to the realm of heaven and humanity. Ning Zhongze seems to have not slackened in his cultivation, but he doesn't know about Black Widow. How's it going? Black Widow was also the first maid to follow him.

"Yes, master!"

Ning Zhongze hurriedly saluted after hearing Su Chen's words.

She was very happy to be able to stay with Su Chen, especially since this is still a world of cultivating immortals.

"I would like to report to your Majesty that a woman who is said to be your elder sister is looking for you outside your residence."

At this time, a black-armored soldier reported outside the study.

Su Chen shook his head when he heard the black-armored soldier's report. He did not expect that Suru would catch up so quickly.

"Let her in!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Xiao Qing stood up and smiled at Su Chen and said,"It seems that Suru is very sure that you are her brother. If she didn't see the crescent mark on your shoulder, Suru would be very disappointed."

"This was just something out of nowhere. I told her. Suru couldn’t blame me if she was disappointed."

After a while,

Suru brought Tian Linger into the study, but Suru kept frowning.

She didn't find anything when she arrived in Hangzhou City. But after she entered the city lord's mansion, she found that there were still people in the city lord's mansion. There were two demons, a powerful snake demon, and a weak sparrow demon. The snake demon she sensed was more powerful than the snake demon in front of her, and she could not even be the opponent of that snake demon.

Suru was very worried that Su Chen would be confused by these monsters.

"Suru, I'm really not your brother, and I know you don't believe it. I'm going to let you see if I have the crescent mark."

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