Suru nodded when she heard Su Chen's words.

She also wanted to confirm whether Su Chen was her brother.

As for the monster here?

Suru could only wait for a while and check. If these monsters really confused her brother, she would kill these monsters no matter what.

"Suchen! Who are these people?"

At this time,

Xiaobai arrived with Su Yue in her arms.

She also sensed the arrival of a powerful immortal cultivator. She was afraid that something would happen to Su Chen and Xiaoqing.

Then she hurried over.

"It's nothing serious, it's just that this woman got the wrong person."Su Chen smiled when he saw Xiaobai coming with Su Yue in his arms and replied,


Su Yue stretched out her little hands and shouted when she saw Su Chen.

Su Chen smiled when he heard Su Yue's cry and said,"Haha, good daughter, let your mother hold you first, and father will hold you after a while."

"Is this your daughter?"

Suru asked in shock when she looked at Su Yue.

When Su Yue called Su Chen daddy, she was very surprised.

Suru didn't expect that Su Chen had a child, and evenThe child she had with a snake demon made her happy and worried at the same time. Suru was worried that Su Yue was a half-human, half-demon child.

Su Chen nodded and replied,"Well, my youngest daughter Su Yue, and I also have a seven-year-old eldest daughter Su Yan." When

Tian Linger heard Su Chen's words, she exclaimed excitedly,"Wow! That's it! I have two sisters? Uncle, where is Su Yan? Get her over quickly, I want to meet your eldest daughter"

"I'm not your uncle."

Su Chen was also speechless towards Tian Linger.

He was probably about four years older than Tian Linger. Su Chen felt very uncomfortable when such an older woman called him uncle.

Besides, he was not Tian Linger at all. Uncle.

Xiaobai was very confused when he saw all this?


When did Su Chen have such an old niece?

Besides, does Su Chen have a sister?

Xiaoqing looked at the confused Xiaobai, and she smiled Quietly telling Xiaobai what happened before.

Su Chen took off his clothes and exposed his left shoulder, then turned around and said,"Suru, look, there is nothing behind my left shoulder. Tian

Linger saw the crescent mark on Su Chen's back shoulder and shouted,"Crescent mark, it's really a crescent mark. Uncle, you really have a crescent mark on your back shoulder. You are really my uncle." Suru smiled happily and said,"Su Chen, you are really my brother. You can't be wrong. This is really the crescent mark.""

Xiao Qing was very surprised when he saw Su Chen's crescent mark.

How could Su Chen have a crescent mark?

Besides, Su Chen is not from this world at all. He can't be Suru's younger brother at all.

But Su Chen is not only with Suru's younger brother has the same name and surname, and even has a crescent moon mark.

Why doesn't this make sense? Looking at all this, Xiaobai still doesn't understand.

She knows that there is a crescent moon mark on Su Chen's shoulder. After all, they were in the same bed last night. I thought, is Su Chen's crescent mark exactly the same as Suru's brother?

Su Chen was also confused.

He was very sure that there was no birthmark on his body at all.

Just looking at the expressions of these women, there must be no birthmarks on his back shoulders. There is a crescent moon mark, but how is this possible?

Su Chen hurriedly communicated with the system and asked,"System, what's going on with the crescent moon mark on my body?""

"Ding, host, the system doesn’t know this. Maybe it’s caused by the host getting the identity of the city lord of Hangzhou City."

"I'll do it! I can't be Suru's brother, but what should I do now?"

"Ding, this is the host’s business"

"Damn it, system, you didn’t say you would get a sister for free after getting an identity." Su Chen was very helpless when he saw that the system didn't answer. What should he do? He was telling Suru now that he was really not her brother, and Suru probably wouldn't believe it. Su saw Su Chen's depressed look. , she didn’t force him to recognize her now. She wanted to make sure these monsters had not confused her brother first. Anyway, she had confirmed Su Chen’s identity, and there would be a chance for Su Chen to recognize her as her sister in the future.

"Xiaoyue'er, come let your aunt hug you."Suru came to Xiaobai, looked at Su Yue and said with a smile.

Suru first wanted to confirm whether Su Yue was half human and half demon. She was worried that Su Yue's bloodline was demonic. When

Xiaobai saw Su Yue , she said Chen nodded, and handed Su Yue to Suru.

Suru checked Su Yue and felt relieved.

Su Yue was a complete human being, not a half-human, half-demon body, but she felt Su Yue's body was sealed.

This made her look at Su Chen and ask hurriedly,"Su Chen, what's going on with Yue'er? She was actually sealed? Su

Chen looked at Suru and explained,"Yue'er has activated the family's bloodline. If I don't seal Yue'er's cultivation, it will be detrimental to Yue'er, so I sealed Yue'er's cultivation.""

Su Chen also indirectly reminded Suru: Our family is all related by blood. If you don't have it, we have no relationship at all, and he can't be Suru's younger brother.

Suru was stunned when she heard Su Chen's words. Face shouted in surprise,"Xuanniao bloodline? Have you activated the Blackbird bloodline?"

Damn it!

How could Suru know the Xuannian bloodline?

This is so weird.

Su Chen looked at Suru dumbfounded. He really didn't expect that Suru also knew about the Xuannian bloodline.

Could this be the same identity? Caused by it?

Then Suru also has the blood of Black Bird?

Suru looked at Su Chen's surprised look and smiled and said,

"You don’t have to be so surprised. You are my younger brother. You have the Black Bird bloodline and so do I. It’s just that I didn’t activate the Black Bird bloodline."

"For thousands of years, no one in our family has ever activated the Black Bird bloodline. I never expected that you would activate the Black Bird bloodline, and even have your descendants automatically activate the Black Bird bloodline. Tian

Linger looked at Suru and asked hurriedly,"Mom, do I also have the blood of the Black Bird?""

Suru touched Tian Linger's hair and replied.

"Of course you do, but my Black Bird bloodline is very thin. It is impossible to activate the Black Bird bloodline, and your Black Bird bloodline is even thinner."

Su Chen didn't want to say anything anymore.

This matter is too weird.

It's just an identity.

How could it cause so many things?


It's his fault.

What should we do?

It's all because the system didn't explain it clearly at the beginning, otherwise , it was impossible for him to use the identity card.

Suru had no intention of leaving.

She hugged Su Yue and started talking to Xiaobai. Suru even regarded this place as her home. Now Suru is like a parent He was still asking everything about Xiaobai.

Su Chen winked at Xiaoqing and left the study.

He needed to be quiet now.

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