The next day,

Su Chen set off with Qingniao and Ning Zhongze.

He didn't want to stay in Hangzhou City to meet Suru.

However, in less than two days, Suru figured out the women in the city lord's mansion.

Although Ru doesn't mind that Xiaobai and Xiaoqing are monsters.

But she would nag Su Chen whenever they met, talking about her family's past. Su Chen knew that Suru was asking him to recognize her as his sister, but Suru was really not his sister.

In the city lord's mansion, when Su Chen left for Shushan,

Suru wanted to go with Su Chen. Shushan was a top sect, but she was worried that Su Chen would be in danger when he went to Shushan.

But the war between Hangzhou City and Song Dynasty was about to begin, and she couldn't leave with Su Chen in order to protect Su Yue.

In a room,

Suru held Su Yue and asked Xiaobai doubtfully,

"Xiaobai, where did Su Chen's troops come from? More than 300,000 troops have appeared in the past two days, and they continue to appear from the back garden. Do you have an ancient teleportation array?"

Xiao Bai shook his head in embarrassment and said,"This......I'll tell you this when Su Chen comes back. I can't make the decision."

"Forget it, I'll wait until Su Chen comes back and ask him again, alas! Su Chen still doesn’t recognize me, Xiaobai, you have to help me make Su Chen recognize me as my sister."

"I.....I try my best, I try my best!"

Xiao Bai was also very speechless.

She also knew that Su Chen and Suru were not siblings at all, but these things could not be explained clearly. All the evidence showed that Su Chen and Suru were siblings.

Suru looked Xiang Xiaobai shook her head.

She didn't mind that Xiaobai was a snake demon now. She was very satisfied with

Xiaobai's gentleness and virtuousness and his obedience to Su Chen. She just looked at Su Yue's face, It was impossible to raise eyebrows at Xiaobai, and Xiaobai was stronger than her, so Suru didn't ask about Su Chen marrying a snake demon. Three days later, Su Chen took Qingniao and Ning Zhong Then he appeared in a small town, which was not far from Shushan. Su Chen originally wanted to teleport directly to Shushan, but after thinking about it, he decided not to go to Shushan rashly. He was probably no match for the strong men in Shushan, especially It was the immortal Sword Master. After Ning Zhongze inquired in the town, she came to Su Chen and said,"Master, this is less than three hundred miles away from Shushan. Shall we rest in the town today?" ?


"Well, just take a night's rest in the town."Su Chen looked around and nodded.

It's getting dark now.

Even if they hurry, they can't reach Shushan. Su Chen doesn't need to teleport with Qingniao and Ning Zhongze. It will take them another day or two. It took about 10 minutes to reach Shushan.

In the only inn in the town,

Su Chen, Qing Niao and Ning Zhong were sitting on the second floor eating.

Qing Niao looked at Su Chen and reminded,"Master, this is very close to Beiliang.."

Su Chen waved his hand while drinking and said,

"Don't worry, we're not going to Beiliang. Even if we go to Beiliang, that boy Xu Nian won't dare to take action against us."

Blue Bird nodded and said,

"Well, that's good. After all, Beiliang has hundreds of thousands of troops. It's better if we don't go to Beiliang."

Da da da......

At this time, the sound of horse hooves suddenly came from the small town.

Su Chen looked out the window.

On the street, thousands of troops wearing golden armor escorted a luxurious carriage and appeared on the street of the small town.

The people on the street hurriedly hid aside when they saw these troops. They did not dare to block the way of these troops.

"The troops in the Southern Continent are not from our Eastern Continent."Qingniao looked at these troops and said seriously.

Ning Zhongze also looked at these troops curiously. This was the first time she met cultivators from the Southern Continent, cultivators of different systems. Ning Zhongze was very fond of these people. Very curious

"The army of the Wuhun Empire. Su Chen looked at these troops and said to Qingniao and Ning Zhongze.

Qingniao said in confusion,"Martial Spirit Empire?" Why did the Wuhun Empire's army appear here? This place is thousands of miles away from the Southern Continent."

"Don't worry about these people, they have nothing to do with us."

Su Chen turned around and started eating food again. He didn't care about why the Wuhun Empire's army appeared in the Eastern Continent. It didn't look like these troops were coming to attack the Eastern Continent's empire. At this time, these troops stopped outside the inn. Coming down, two beautiful women got out of the luxury carriage, and in the inn, the army came directly and dispersed the guests in the inn.

"You three, this place has been taken over by us. Here are one hundred gold coins. Please leave immediately."

At this time, a group of soldiers went up to the second floor and said to Su Chen.

Su Chen saw other guests collecting gold coins and leaving one after another.

He shook his head and said,"Young Master, there are many gold coins. It's already dark. Come down, I’m going to rest in the inn today, you don’t have to be in the way here."

"Boy, don’t toast us and you’ll be punished with a drink. Get out now, otherwise don’t blame us for being rude."

"oh? Why are you so rude?"

When these soldiers heard Su Chen's words, they all drew their weapons.

Just when they were about to activate their soul rings,

Ning Zhong quickly appeared in front of these soldiers. Before these soldiers had time to react, she quickly killed these soldiers one by one. Kicked out from the second floor

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

Outside the inn, after this group of soldiers was kicked out by Ning Zhongze, thousands of troops outside shouted, and they all took their weapons and activated their soul rings to prepare for the attack.

"Stop it all"

"Yes, saint!"

At this time, a blond woman wearing a purple dress walked outside the inn. She waved her hand to stop the army's attack. The blond woman looked at the second floor of the inn, and then she walked directly into the inn.

The blond woman When she got to the second floor, she saw that Su Chen and the other three were the only ones left on the second floor.

She walked to Su Chen's side and asked coldly,"Did you beat our Spirit Empire soldiers?"


Su Chen didn't expect that a beautiful woman would arrive from the Wuhun Empire. Not only was this woman extremely beautiful, but she also had a perfect figure, but her cold face was a bit inhumane. The blond woman looked at the three of them and threatened,

"If you leave me now, pretend that nothing has happened. Otherwise, you don't have to leave."

She also saw that these three people are stronger than her, but so what, this time they have three Titled Douluo. No matter how powerful these three people are, they cannot be the opponents of the Titled Douluo.

"Everyone can talk nonsense, beauty, if you don’t want to be kicked down from the second floor by us, you’d better leave. A soul king (grandmaster) better not be arrogant."

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